Examples of the the word, brook , in a Sentence Context

The word ( brook ), is the 9207 most frequently used in English word vocabulary

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  1. Been traditionally considered as the source of the Argonne. From this point a, brook ,(called the Beret-Garona) runs for 2.5 km until the bed of the main upper
  2. Muskellunge, and northern pike, and streams in the southeast are populated by, brook , brown, and rainbow trout. Climate Minnesota endures temperature extremes
  3. Populations of native pure fish (Galaxies maculate),whereas the exotic, brook ,trout (Javelins fontinas) and rainbow trout (Oncorhynchus my kiss) had
  4. Brook, which carries it for approximately a mile west to the point where the, brook ,joins the River Sherpa in the village of Conley. Along with the rest of South
  5. In 1859 Stephen Ainsworth of West Bloomfield, New York, began experiments with, brook ,trout. By 1864 Seth Green had established a commercial fish hatching operation
  6. Lake trout have been known, very rarely, to hybridize in nature with the, brook ,trout, but such hybrids, known as" spake ", are almost invariably
  7. One species, Salvelinus fontinas. Lake trout (Javelins Damascus),like, brook ,trout, belong to the char genus. Lake trout inhabit many of the larger lakes in
  8. How the matter stands, is threatened with violence by the modest, but will not, brook ,it. Her father hears how she is bested; and, her innocence being established
  9. The brook Cherish, east of the Jordan, where he will be fed by ravens. When the, brook ,dries up, God sends him to a widow living in the town of Warpath in
  10. Lisbon, comprising mostly farms and palaces. In the 16th century, there was a, brook ,there which the nobles used to promenade in their boats. Through the late 19th
  11. The word" Chin ". As a word of Turk origin, aksai literally means" white, brook ," but whether the word Chin refers to Chinese or pass is disputed. The area is
  12. A subspecies of E. Americans. E. americanus is sometimes called the, brook ,pickerel. There is no widely-accepted English common collective name for the
  13. Language of" I come from haunts of coot and her" lilts and ripples like the, brook ,in the poem and the last two lines of" Come down O maid from yonder mountain
  14. The White Queen advance into the chessboard's fifth rank by crossing over a, brook ,together, but at the very moment of the crossing, the Queen transforms into a
  15. Countries. It is formed from the conjoining of the common words, brook ,and field. Australia New Zealand Canada United Kingdom *Brookfield
  16. This area has lost all of its charm and old buildings, as well as its, brook ,(where the women of the village would do their laundry). In the early 1990s
  17. Flank of the Yorkist line is likely to be in the valley of the Monkey Mead, brook , The letter also mentions St Albany road, which has remained largely the same
  18. Armor, which David declines, taking only his sling and five stones chosen in a, brook , David and Goliath confront each other, Goliath with his armor and shield
  19. Come generally to see the necessity of such a measure. But Chatham could not, brook ,the thought of a step which implied submission to the" natural enemy" whom it
  20. Was reintroduced into Shenandoah National Park in the mid-1990s. Walleye, brook ,trout, Roanoke bass, and blue catfish are among the 210 known species of
  21. Or allowed to silt up, raising water temperatures and killing off the native, brook ,trout. Small mouth bass were often introduced to northern rivers now too warm
  22. In a perfectly logical and meaningful way!) After crossing yet another, brook ,into the sixth rank, Alice immediately encounters Humpty Dumpty, who,besides
  23. World is divided into sections by brook s or streams, with the crossing of each, brook ,usually signifying a notable change in the scene and action of the story: the
  24. Ruda-Garona river, running for 16 km until the confluence with the Beret-Garona, brook , and another 38 km until the French border at Point del REI (54 km in total).
  25. Flows south-west to the Severn. In 1830, it was boasted that" not a single, brook , however insignificant, flows into it from any other district ". The highest
  26. Have been found in Lake Superior. Species native to the lake include: bloater, brook ,trout, burbot, cisco, lake sturgeon, lake trout, lake whitefish, longnose
  27. Elijah. Controversies Miracle of the ravens That ravens fed Elijah by the, brook ,Cherish has been questioned. The Hebrew text at uses the word ` orbit, which
  28. The name was chosen because of the closeness to the Linear Bach, a former, brook ,in Linter that has now run dry and that emptied into the Lawn at the Donelson
  29. As images of the faithful aspiring to Christ: ‘ like a hart desires the water, brook , so my souls longs for thee, O God. ’ Water-birds and fish and other
  30. With Ahab, God tells him to flee out of Israel, to a hiding place by the, brook ,Cherish, east of the Jordan, where he will be fed by ravens. When the brook
  31. Warning," We will not deviate from them. There are no alternatives. We shall, brook ,no delay. " For Japan, the terms of the declaration specified: * the
  32. In real life. Bidding farewell to the White Knight, Alice steps across the last, brook ,and is automatically crowned a queen (the crown materializing abruptly on her
  33. A commune in the department of Lot in France *Bach, a German term for stream or, brook , as in Sweetener Bach In organizations: * Vincent Bach Corporation, a brass
  34. And Taiwan belong to one China. China's sovereignty and territorial integrity, brook ,no division. Safeguarding China's sovereignty and territorial integrity is the
  35. Of Gruyeres, the municipality comprises most of the catchment area of the, brook ,Albee, which originates on the flanks of mount Moles. The top of mount
  36. Was a success, it did increase the amounts of aluminum ions in the area of the, brook ,that was not treated with the limestone. This shows that CaCO3 can be added to
  37. Of beautiful trees, palm branches and boughs of leafy trees and willows of the, brook , and you shall rejoice before the LORD your God for seven days. " (Leviticus
  38. And Unicorn to their fight, Alice reaches the seventh rank by crossing another, brook ,into the forested territory of the Red Knight, who is intent on capturing the "
  39. She will marry none but the favored Robert. " Many of the nobility would not, brook ,Dudley's new prominence, as they could not" put up with his being King. " The
  40. Which the hill of Gruyeres rises to 828 m above sea level. From the west,the, brook ,Theme meets the Shane. East of the Shane, the municipality area ends in a small
  41. Acid rain has eliminated insect life and some fish species, including the, brook ,trout in some lakes, streams,and creeks in geographically sensitive areas
  42. He had a stroke, he was involved in controversy over Calico man, and he had to, brook ,Mary's opposition. One good thing that happened is that he found increasing
  43. Nook, :: Where the children do PLA in the cool, : To the Stephen stones over the, brook , -:: Aye, the gray blocks o' rock at the pool. "::: :-:" Then you don't seem
  44. Took some of his wives. The powerful caïque of the Magaña, Caonabo, could, brook , no further affronts and attacked the Europeans, destroying La Naiad.
  45. Did stride, :: WI' his wide arches' cool headed bow, : Up above the clear, brook ,that did slide:: By the poppies,befoam'd white as snow;: As the hiccups did
  46. In heart's close bleeding book. (c) And happy rhymes! Bathed in the sacred, brook ,(c) Of Helicon, whence she derived is, ( d) When ye behold that angel's
  47. The role of abbot, Alberic moved the site of the fledgling community near a, brook ,a short distance away from the original site. Alberio discontinued the use of
  48. Hadar trees, branches of palm trees, boughs of leafy trees, and willows of the, brook ,” (LEV. 23:40),and“ You shall live in booths seven days; all citizens in
  49. Island, two pairs of beaver that were released in 1920 by George B. Door at the, brook ,between Bubble Pond and Eagle Lake have repopulated it. The large fire in 1947
  50. The trout found in the eastern United States are a good example of this. The, brook ,trout, the aurora trout, and the (extinct) silver trout all have physical

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