Examples of the the word, reckon , in a Sentence Context

The word ( reckon ), is the 9204 most frequently used in English word vocabulary

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  1. Would display on screen, such as his distinctive lingo with words like ", reckon ,"," host" ( instead of" horse" ) and" ye" ( instead of" you" ) and
  2. The Western Mail in 1914 that the official enemy death toll was too low:" We, reckon ,we had accounted for 875,but the books will tell you 400 or 500 ". Lieutenant
  3. States and nomadic tactics, the Cavalry of Zhao became a significant force to, reckon ,with in the warring states. Zhao demonstrated its enhanced military prowess by
  4. Egocentrid kindred group is also typical of bilateral societies. Some societies, reckon ,descent patrilineally for some purposes, and matrilineally for others. This
  5. The week, lunar date, and the applicable zodiac animal name. Thai traditionally, reckon ,age by the 12-year animal-cycle names, with the twelfth and sixtieth
  6. Hair. The last panel features another police officer telling Sid" your mates, reckon ,they're going to kill you ", so " for his own safety" he is placed in a cell
  7. That they are still in the majority and that they remain a demographic force to, reckon ,with. The Censuses show that 50 % of the non-tribal immigrants to Hazaribagh
  8. Report;" while it is difficult to know the motivation of the adapter, we can, reckon ,that from his point of view an early staging of The Shrew might have revealed
  9. Midnight. In older astronomical usage, it was usual, until 1 January 1925,to, reckon ,by a noon epoch,12 hours after the start of the civil day of the same
  10. Form of computer (to calculate),which in turn derived from put are (to, reckon ,). While the word itself does not appear in English until its use in 13th
  11. System. Individuals are regarded as one-year-old when they are born, as Koreans, reckon ,the pregnancy period as one year of life for infants, and age increments
  12. Are based on Mortise Kern's' Interwoven products. Independent specialists, reckon ,it was over 80 % open systems-compliant—more than most Unix systems. DCE2
  13. Convention, just as it is a matter of convention in mathematical diagram to, reckon ,positive distances towards the right hand. No force, either of attraction or of
  14. Problem if the recommendations of the 1923 synod to use an astronomical rule to, reckon ,the date of Easter, as outlined above, had not been rejected. ) This disruption
  15. Frisco" ) located in Gamma Uppsala, Sweden. Adam details that" Thor, they, reckon , rules the sky; he governs thunder and lightning, winds and storms, fine
  16. Marxist-Leninist's state in Europe and that" an attack on Albania will have to, reckon ,with great People's China. If the U. S. imperialists, the modern Soviet
  17. Interpretations; but we ought to have a deeper reverence for Scripture than to, reckon ,ourselves at liberty to disguise its natural meaning. And, indeed,anyone may
  18. And to have had knowledge of a woman before the twentieth year they, reckon ,among the most disgraceful acts; of which matter there is no concealment
  19. Fewer than 10,000,000,or nearly 5 % of its entire population. Historians, reckon ,the total cost in human lives due to these plagues throughout Spain, throughout
  20. In them. They remained that night in the town. It was not easy to enumerate or, reckon ,the quantities of copper, iron,clothes, and habiliments, which they carried
  21. Out by the expansion New York Americans franchise. However, the NHL does not, reckon ,the Americans as a continuation of the Bulldogs/Tigers franchise. The Americans
  22. Defends itself like this against aggressors, what ought men to do, do you, reckon , " Certainly when somebody asked what gain the laws of Lycurgus had brought
  23. Linking networks in the east and servers in the west of the country. Engineers, reckon ,the break is between the cities of Migrate and Al Chums, and may be a physical
  24. Took advantage of the waning Khmer Empire and emerged independent. The Lao, reckon ,the beginnings of their national history to this time, as many important
  25. Showed greater flexibility, and diplomatic finesse. At the outset, he had to, reckon ,with the presence of the powerful antipope Clement III (1080,1084–1100) in
  26. The Sahara vault. Japanese men gymnasts have re-emerged as a team to, reckon ,with since winning a team gold at the 2004 Olympics. The women have been less
  27. That, as we have already seen, the Gothic historian of the sixth century could, reckon ,the heroes and sages of ancient Dacia among the ancestral glories of his own
  28. To my 'at? " The man replied," Be there now a chap under'n? "" Yes, I, reckon ," was the reply," and a host under me likewise. " Climate Along with the rest
  29. Of Shakespeare's sonnets:" I am that I am, and they that level At my abuses, reckon ,up their own. As far as the quality of Edward de Vere's known verse is
  30. Is also a constellation, one whose rising and setting with the sun is used to, reckon ,the year. The legend of Orion was first told in
  31. Been called Scotch-Irish and pure Anglo-Saxon, and that is complimentary, I, reckon , But we want the world to know that we are Americans. The spiritual environment
  32. Shameful character of which the lover who spent them with him knew well. Why, reckon ,him among the gods, who is honored on account of uncleanness? And why do you
  33. Neolithic times. The concentration of the observance is not on the day as we, reckon ,it, commencing at midnight or at dawn, as it is customary for cultures
  34. Confederates captured them. ” Newt concluded that“ we’ll all die guerrillas, I, reckon , Never could break through the rebels to join the Union Army. ” After the War
  35. Without playing (that is, according to the various terms of the game),could, reckon ,up 30 in hand, when his antagonist reckon ed nothing, scored 90 for them; this
  36. Jazz might have evaporated as we watched it. Mr. Scheider's is a presence to, reckon ,with. " Variety described it as" a self-important, egomaniacal,wonderfully
  37. In his 2010 memoir Hitch-22,Kitchens wrote:" There was a time when I could, reckon ,to outperform all but the most hardened imbibers, but I now drink relatively
  38. The Catholic priests and monks in Geneva remained a significant social force to, reckon ,with, and used their influence in order to bring about the expulsion of the
  39. Was to be accepted beyond that. This of itself shows that it is a mistake to, reckon ,Marion among the Gnostic's. A dualism he certainly was, but he was not a
  40. Non-motorised forces appeared impossible ... In these circumstances we had to, reckon , at the least, with the gradual destruction of the army. " At 13.30 on 3
  41. Written on 17 April 1797,to Admiral Sir John Jarvis, Nelson wrote" I do not, reckon ,myself equal to Blake ", before going on to outline the plans for his own
  42. Mormon explains that: the names are given by the Defines, for they did not, reckon ,after the manner of the Jews who were at Jerusalem; neither did they measure
  43. Suggests this was the cause of the high levels. " It was so common that I'd, reckon ,90 per cent of the horses had arsenic in their system. " In December 2007 Par
  44. Number is a hexagonal number. Knowing the triangular numbers, one can, reckon ,any centered polygonal number: the nth centered goal number is obtained by
  45. Not applying the principle is granted in the cure, for instance when you must, reckon ,with another principle, that of reality. Developing skills of empathy is often
  46. Epilogue details that" there was a belief in the pagan religion, which we now, reckon ,is an old wife' tale, that people could be reincarnated" and that" Helga
  47. About the time of the Battle of Marathon it became customary in Argos to, reckon ,according to Needs. The Hellenistic Station (with a vaulted entrance tunnel
  48. Some of his success to his snowmobiling days:" Every winter, you would, reckon ,on three or four big spills — and I'm talking about being thrown on to the ice
  49. Minister, for the shortest term ever (two days),though most modern sources, reckon ,that he cannot be considered to have held the office. Background and early
  50. Since of Pancho's Place Yeager said," if all the hours were ever totaled, I, reckon , I spent more time at her place than in a cockpit over those years. " His own

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