Examples of the the word, benign , in a Sentence Context

The word ( benign ), is the 9198 most frequently used in English word vocabulary

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  1. To many, and all the more so was the official trashing of his public image as a, benign ,and competent leader by Nikita Khrushchev two years later. This latter event
  2. But suffered from tuberculosis. His mother Mary (née Bennett) suffered from a, benign ,brain tumor when Donald was very young. He attended the Glasgow Academy before
  3. Anchor used for edging, or more commonly on yachts for mooring quickly. Or in, benign ,conditions. A Gillick Anchor is a small, possibly improvised, anchor. Charts
  4. Production uses specific microorganisms that combat spoilage from other less, benign ,organisms. These microorganisms keep pathogens in check by creating an
  5. Overflow, divide by zero, etc.) to propagate through a computation in a, benign ,manner and be handled by the software in a controlled way. IEEE 754: floating
  6. Was also previously known as" benign essential tremor ", but the adjective ", benign ," has been removed in recognition of the sometimes disabling nature of the
  7. Scarlet Pimpernel is one of the great dandies of literature. Some took a more, benign ,view; Thomas Carlyle in his book Sarto Resorts, wrote that a dandy was no
  8. Wrote in 2009 that Lincoln's image suffered" erosion, fading prestige, benign ,ridicule," in the late 20th century. Donald in his 1996 biography opined that
  9. Proclaimed the play a masterpiece, but many critics disagreed. The theme of a, benign ,force directing evolution reappears in Geneva (1938),wherein Shaw maintains
  10. Up to 20 percent of newborns with DS. This form of leukemia is typically, benign ,and resolves on its own over several months, though it can lead to other
  11. From cracking of fractions of distilled crude oil. Endogenous Several of the, benign ,bacteria in the intestine use fermentation as a form of anaerobic respiration.
  12. Horror. A common theme in the romantic genre from this period is the ghost as a, benign ,guide or messenger, often with unfinished business, such as 1989's Field of
  13. Neurological impairment or poorly controlled seizures; those with more, benign ,epilepsy syndromes have little risk for epilepsy-related death. The NICE
  14. Or not it was truly a malignancy. Other suggestions included ameloblastoma or a, benign ,salivary mixed tumor (also known as a pleomorphic adenoid). In the 1980s
  15. To be better in individuals with a single focal injury (such as stroke or a, benign ,tumor),compared to those who have a neurological degenerative condition. A
  16. The war was being fought, but also the imperialism, which he considered more, benign , of Britain and France. His values and political thinking came under increasing
  17. According to some social historians, the basis of this belief was a relatively, benign ,history that had allowed the gradual emergence of a free and independent
  18. Acetylcholine receptors. * Benign centrotemporal lobe epilepsy of childhood or, benign ,Romantic epilepsy is an idiopathic localization-related epilepsy that occurs in
  19. Known to be better than with typical coronary artery disease, but this is not a, benign ,condition since it can be quite disabling. It is not completely clear why women
  20. That causes a premature heart beat *Ectopic hormone, a hormone produced by a, benign ,or malignant tumor, can cause Cushing's syndrome by secreting corticotropin
  21. Replaced Operation Banner in 2007 maintaining fewer servicemen in a much more, benign ,environment. From 1971 to 1997 a total of 763 British Military personnel were
  22. Is curative with minimal risk when hyperinsulinism is focal or due to a, benign ,insulin-producing tumor of the pancreas. When congenital hyperinsulinism is
  23. 50 % of SOD1 cases. In people of Scandinavian extraction there is a relatively, benign ,mutation called D90A which is associated with a slow progression. In Japan, the
  24. And complexes rose in nearby Albufeira and Playa de San Juan, with the, benign ,climate being the best tool to bring prospective buyers and tourists who kept
  25. Thalassemia. Other mutations, as discussed at the beginning of the article, are, benign , and are referred to merely as hemoglobin variants. There is a group of genetic
  26. Reaches" Relay ", a major node in the galactic communications network. A, benign ,transcendent entity (known as a" Power" ) named" Old One" contacts Relay
  27. Of his mythos, there were, initially,the Elder Gods ... These Elder Gods were, benign ,deities, representing the forces of good, and existed peacefully ... very
  28. Getting into uncharted territory from the point of view of the relatively, benign ,climate of the last 10,000 years, if we warm up more than a degree or two. (
  29. AA grew to millions of members internationally. And Bill Wilson called it a ", benign ,anarchy ". In Ireland, Shane Butler said that AA“ looks like it couldn’t
  30. Period ended when finally consulting a physician and, finding the lump was, benign , she fully recovered. After her autobiography was published, Day married one
  31. And Death). But, his personal understanding of the world (e.g. " a, benign ,indifference ", in The Stranger),and every vision he had for its progress (
  32. Keynes, and 15 others. This newfound Akkadian wealth may have been based upon, benign ,climatic conditions, huge agricultural surpluses and the confiscation of the
  33. Athletes. Studies have found that 50 - 85 percent of conditioned athletes have, benign ,sinus bradycardia, as compared to 23 percent of the general population studied.
  34. In many cultures malignant, restless ghosts are distinguished from the more, benign ,spirits involved in ancestor worship. Ancestor worship typically involves rites
  35. Fungi, and other microorganisms (although some methods work by introducing, benign ,bacteria, or fungi to the food),as well as retarding the oxidation of fats
  36. In the novels, he frequently casts himself in the role of" Papa Poirot ",a, benign ,confessor, especially to young women. Later he lies freely in order to gain the
  37. Consumer makes repayment with actual money. Because of this, in the case of a, benign ,or malicious error by the merchant or bank, a debit transaction may cause more
  38. Inhaled dust containing barium compounds can accumulate in the lungs, causing a, benign ,condition called baritones. Berkelium (, less commonly),is a synthetic
  39. Bivalve mollusks like oysters, clams,mussels and scallops, are relatively, benign ,and even environmentally restorative. Seaweeds extract nutrients such as
  40. Jr. is 1905 novel The Clansman, it depicts Southern pre-Civil War slavery as, benign , the enfranchisement of freedman as a corrupt Republican plot, and the KU Flux
  41. Observed movement disorders. Essential tremor was also previously known as ", benign ,essential tremor ", but the adjective" benign " has been removed in
  42. Are four main groups of epileptic syndrome which can be further divided into:, benign ,Romantic epilepsy, frontal lobe epilepsy, infantile spasms, juvenile myoclonic
  43. A growth on his face that biographers and art historians have defined as a “, benign ,tumor” or“ exocytosis ”. These however may have been a granuloma, or even a
  44. For mammals. (Cr (III) or Cr3+) occurs in trace amounts and appears to be, benign , Chromium deficiency is controversial or is at least extremely rare. It has
  45. Rate below 60bpm on each breath, this type of bradycardia is usually deemed, benign ,and a sign of good autonomic tone. Sinus bradycardia is a sinus rhythm of less
  46. As a way of preserving food and extending its shelf life. It is a, benign ,ecological approach which is gaining increasing attention. Of special interest
  47. And modest. The 3rd century historian Cassius Did acknowledged Augustus as a, benign , moderate ruler, yet like most other historians after the death of Augustus
  48. To get the painting into the exhibition. She wrote,“ Fleury is much less, benign ,than Bouguereau and don’t temper his securities…he hinted of possibilities
  49. Of cesium format is to maintain the pressure. Coupled with the relatively, benign ,nature of most cesium compounds, reduces the requirement for toxic
  50. Democratic change toward socialism, but now he saw more hope in government by, benign ,strong men. This sometimes made him oblivious to the dangers of dictatorships.

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