Examples of the the word, villa , in a Sentence Context

The word ( villa ), is the 9206 most frequently used in English word vocabulary

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  1. To report that they had seen him. He was caught December 7,43 BC leaving his, villa ,in Format in a litter going to the seaside where he hoped to embark on a ship
  2. Who died at the villa in 1464. Like most villa s of Florentine families,the, villa ,remained a working farm that helped render the family self-sufficient. Costco
  3. Bronze Age field system at the Bats Come quarry site. The remains of a Roman, villa ,have been excavated in the grounds of the current vicarage. The ruins of the
  4. In 1898,Chekhov bought a plot of land on the outskirts of Yalta and built a, villa ,there, into which he moved with his mother and sister the following year.
  5. From as much of his sin as possible. Constantine died soon after at a suburban, villa ,called Chyron, on the last day of the fifty-day festival of Pentecost directly
  6. In April 2007,the family purchased their current main residence, an Italian, villa ,in Beverly Hills, to coincide with Beckham's transfer to the Galaxy that July.
  7. And 325 BCE. The life size so-called" Adonis" found in 1780 on the site of a, villa ,suburban near the Via Fabiana in the Roman suburb of Centocelle is identified
  8. House for his mother's cousin Te rho Manner in Toys in 1923,a summer, villa ,for the Jyväskylä chief constable in 1923 and the Palatal farmhouse in Larval
  9. Garden at Villa Tennyson. After a long decline in his health, Lear died at his, villa ,in 1888,of the heart disease from which he had suffered since at least 1870.
  10. Settled in Supremo, on his beloved Mediterranean coast, in the 1870s,at a, villa ,he named" Villa Tennyson. " The closest he came to marriage was two proposals
  11. Lease (1811) of the neighboring house of Ascertain. He first built a small, villa ,and named it Abbotsford, creating the name from a ford nearby where previously
  12. Of his father's remains to a specially created chapel inside the Puccini, villa ,at Torre del Ago. Random, his final opera, was left unfinished, and the last
  13. By the upper-storey loggias, with which Michelob cautiously opened up the, villa ,'s structure. Michelozzo's Villa Medici in Fie sole has a more outward-looking
  14. The West End of Berlin, Karl Hank, who hired Speer—without fee—to redecorate a, villa ,he had just rented. Hank was enthusiastic about the resulting work. In 1931
  15. Anne's style, known for its restored period gardens. Geneva on the Lake is a, villa ,(1910–14) that recalls those on Italian lakes. Now an inn, it has exceptional
  16. Who made a living from the fort, ex-soldiers and their families. A Roman, villa ,has been discovered at Fly. Contemporary with the Saxon Shore Forts of the 3rd
  17. The Channel 4 archaeological program Time Team, as the team excavated a Roman, villa ,site in Turk dean, Gloucestershire. He was the compère of a daytime BBC game show
  18. Dissidents assassinated Trujillo in a car chase on the way to his country, villa ,near San Cristóbal on May 30, 1961. The sanctions remained in force after
  19. Antiquity a sort of feudal system in Spain, based in the south on the Roman, villa ,system and in the north drawing on their vassals to supply troops in exchange
  20. In one of his poems Catullus describes his happy return to the family, villa ,at Sergio on Lake Garda near Verona. The poet also owned a villa near the
  21. And Carolingian families originated. He went to live in his father's, villa ,in Lucille when he was around seven, which caused Lucille to be listed as a
  22. That in 765–6 Pippin the Younger spent both Christmas and Easter at Aquas, villa ,("" ), which must have been sufficiently equipped to support the royal
  23. Photograph),the gymnasium and a set of well-preserved frescoes from a wealthy, villa ,are the only artifacts from this period that remain visible. Though little is
  24. For Goya after Bayeu's death. She stayed with him in his Quinta del Sold, villa ,until 1824 with her daughter Rosario. Arcadia was probably similar in features
  25. Fastnesses of the hills, till we reached a little hamlet and an isolated white, villa ,high on the hillside. " Christie strongly implies that this" quiet retreat in
  26. PARC et champagne de la Grange and Library (neolithic shore settlement/roman, villa ,), Bronze Age shore settlement of London, Temple de la Madeleine archeological
  27. To a building built for pleasure, usually on the grounds of a larger Italian, villa ,or palazzo. Such buildings were used to host civic town functions – including
  28. Commissioned by the Medici, in Renaissance style. *Villa Palmier, Fiesole. The, villa ,'s gardens on slopes below the piazza S. Domenico are credited with being the
  29. The foundations of which can even yet be traced, was the bridge from the, villa ,to the baths, under which the waters of the middle lake poured in a wide fall
  30. To the family villa at Sergio on Lake Garda near Verona. The poet also owned a, villa ,near the fashionable resort of Tiber (modern Tripoli); It was probably in Rome
  31. Age, Viollet-le-Duc relocated to Lausanne, Switzerland,where he constructed a, villa ,(since destroyed). He died there in 1879. Notes Endocarditis is an
  32. Hunting, but regularly visited Lucca. By 1900,he had acquired land and built a, villa ,on the lake, now known as the" Villa Muse Puccini. " He lived there until
  33. S architect there, as elsewhere, was Michelob, who remodeled the fortified, villa ,which had something of the character of a castle. Its garden is walled in the
  34. Architectural abilities. Although he was in charge of the project for the papal, villa , the Villa Camphill, now Villa Doris Camphill, outside the Port San Pancreatic
  35. The root word being" Casey" ( house) and originally meant a small country, villa , summerhouse or pavilion. The word changed to refer to a building built for
  36. The site of the Platonic academy founded by Costco de' Medici, who died at the, villa ,in 1464. Like most villa s of Florentine families, the villa remained a working
  37. Western Catalan Estela, Eastern Estrella – also ester – (cf. Spanish, villa , Estrella; Portuguese Vila, estrela; Occitan Vila, estela). Common with
  38. His career as an opera composer as a sideline: his first opera, Ottone in, villa ,(RV 729) was performed not in Venice, but at the Galleries Theater in Vicenza
  39. Rises along the left face off the ravine and soon reaches the site of Nero's, villa ,and of the huge mole which formed the lower end of the middle lake; across the
  40. Been a summer resort. In the 19th century, the remains of at least one Roman, villa ,or large house were still standing not far from where the Canada Presidential
  41. Hotel, for a while of two years. Nowadays, Algerian artists are back in the, villa ,'s studios. Monuments * Notre Dame d'Antique, accessible by one cable car, is
  42. To convert the heathen Goths. Eugenics baptized Constantine the Great in his, villa ,in Comedian, on May 22,337 just before the death of the Emperor. Death and
  43. Of Thelma in Cefalù (Palermo) on 14 April 1920,the day the lease for the, villa ,Santa Barbara was signed by Sir Alas tor de Kerval (Crowley) and Contest Lea
  44. In 369 for the Emperor Valets, which has Constantine dying in a nameless state, villa ,in Comedian. From these and other accounts, some have concluded that Eugenics
  45. And Tangier to avoid Spanish Morocco and arrived at Marrakech. They rented a, villa ,on the road to Casablanca and during that time Orwell wrote Coming Up for Air.
  46. Ancient and contemporary, on which Asgard was well able to advise. In the, villa ,grounds, Algardi and his studio executed sculpture-encrusted fountains and
  47. Moral do in the City, with an all-night“ orgy” at a seaside, villa , Pearling Patron’s photos of Anita Berg wading fully dressed in the Tree
  48. Geometric layout that was common. He redesigned the house in the style of a, villa ,and had the gardens laid out in the latest Dutch fashion creating what was
  49. Major estate, Drainville, became subject to a mortgagee sale and subdivided for, villa ,homes, and small agriculture. At the end of the decade a Tweed Mill was
  50. 1927 Villa Stein in Arches exemplified the Modular system's application. The, villa ,'s rectangular ground plan, elevation,and inner structure closely approximate

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