Examples of the the word, writers , in a Sentence Context

The word ( writers ), is the 7655 most frequently used in English word vocabulary

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  1. Arrived in Paris in March 1928. Paris at this time hosted many expatriate, writers ,: Ezra Pound, William Butler Yeats, Ernest Hemingway; and artist Pablo Picasso.
  2. Euphemism for" Jew" ) in which numerous Yiddish-writing poets, writers , painters and sculptors were killed or arrested. This culminated in the
  3. Grants, and teaching positions. Ghost writers , technical writers , and textbooks, writers ,are typically paid differently: usually a set fee or a per word rate
  4. That" Garner is, quite simply, one of the greatest and most influential, writers ,this country has ever produced. " Awards He was appointed OBE for services to
  5. A synonym for Abdul Shared. However, due to political correctness later, writers ,sometimes preface Shared with words such as" monk" ( such as in the Chick
  6. Author regarded by some as one of the most popular and complex science fiction, writers ,of the mid-twentieth century: the" Golden Age" of the genre. Early life and
  7. McCarthyism and the Cold War. Also in the late 1940s and the 1950s,however, writers ,such as H. Beam Piper, Sam Merlin, Jr. and Andre Norton wrote thrillers set in
  8. Rhymes, we only know through fragments of text. After 400 CE, Greek alchemical, writers ,occupied themselves solely in commenting on the works of these predecessors. By
  9. Genealogy than the British and American traditions, in part because many French, writers ,influential in anthropology have been trained or held faculty positions in
  10. Scientific name for the mescaline-bearing cactus peyote and initiated the, writers ,Katherine Mansfield and Theodore Dreiser in its use. In October 1930,Crowley
  11. he's written ", whilst David Almond called him one of Britain's" greatest, writers ," whose works" really matter ". Philip Pullman, the author of the Dark
  12. 1961. At the time of his interview with Charles Platt, which science fiction, writers ,had influenced his work the most, he replied: Dick also defended van Vogt
  13. The para time travel machines that would later become popular with U. S. pulp, writers , but since his hero experiences only a single alternate world this story is not
  14. The 38th issue, while Lee remained as writer until issue 100. Since then, many, writers , and artists have taken over the monthly comic through the years, chronicling
  15. His lifelong companion, as his spouse in his Who's Who entry. Subsequent gay, writers ,saw his frank talk about homosexuality as an opening to speak more openly and
  16. Everett III in 1957) to account for the differing worlds. Some science fiction, writers ,interpret the splitting of worlds to depend on human decision-making and free
  17. From the negative censure of which alchemy was being subjected, academic, writers , during the scientific Enlightenment attempted, for the sake of survival, too
  18. To 2004,becoming the first Asian to head an 'Oxbridge' College. Other Asian, writers ,who won Nobel Prizes include Tsunami Kawabata (Japan,1966),Kenzaburō OE (
  19. Abbreviated 'POD' by fans of the genre). Prior to Everett, science-fiction, writers , drew on higher dimensions and the speculations of P. D. Suspense to explain
  20. Many of his works into English. In the 1920s,Gide became an inspiration for, writers ,such as Albert Camus and Jean-Paul Sartre. In 1923,he published a book on
  21. Respective categories (i.e. only directors vote for directors, writers for, writers , actors for actors, etc.); there are some exceptions though in the case of
  22. Complex and required a team of hardware and software engineers, designers,and, writers , ARIF is an ancestor of the PDA systems used in museums today, and it boasted
  23. Class; there is little or no evidence for such a claim though. Alchemical, writers ,used Classical figures from Greek, Roman,and Egyptian mythology to illuminate
  24. Jews and their religion can be found in the works of many pagan Greek and Roman, writers , Edward Flannery writes that it was the Jews' refusal to accept Greek
  25. Universe described in the series of stories shared by Lovecraft and other, writers ,in his circle. Derleth's own writing emphasized the struggle between good and
  26. S unique genres as well Ashok poetry were taken up by prominent poets and, writers ,such as Quasi of Tabriz, Shah Abbas San, Agha Mesh Servant, Nishat, Molla
  27. Of professionals in the film industry, including directors, actors,and, writers , The formal ceremony at which the awards are presented is one of the most
  28. London in his recorded magical working, The High bury Working. Other comic book, writers ,have also made use of him, with Pat Mills and Olivier Detroit portraying him as
  29. Novelists, such as Ira Kevin, Kay Note Smith and L. Neil Smith, and later, writers ,such as Erika Holder and Terry Good kind have been influenced by her. Other
  30. As argued by Gel) or an incomplete or deficient alphabet (as most other, writers ,have said); rather, it is a different type. History Origins The earliest
  31. Tries to relate Attila to Charlemagne. Later folklore and iconography Later, writers ,developed the meeting of Leo I and Attila into a pious" fable which has been
  32. Studio during these years, and gathered around himself a wide range of artists, writers , musicians, and underground celebrities. He began producing prints using the
  33. To a unified state actually happened more gradually than ancient Egyptian, writers ,would have us believe, and there is no contemporary record of Menes. Some
  34. We can find something out. " History Since Huxley first used the term, several, writers , have defended agnosticism as a philosophical viewpoint. A number of earlier
  35. The income used to run the Fund's Fellowship Scheme, placing professional, writers ,in U. K. universities. Religious views Milne did not speak out much on the
  36. CNRS) rather than academic departments in universities. Other influential, writers ,in the 1970s include Pierre Classes, who explains in his books on the Guarani
  37. And" Alexios" ( αλέξω-κακό: defend, throw away the evil) In later, writers , the word, usually spelled" Paean ", becomes a mere epithet of Apollo in his
  38. Explanatory hypotheses considerably distinguish him from previous cosmology, writers ,such as Hesiod. It confirms that pre-Socratic philosophers were making an early
  39. World. Its monumental ruins have inspired the imaginations of travelers and, writers ,for centuries. A new-found respect for antiquities and excavations in the early
  40. Briton of all time. References to him can be found in the works of numerous, writers , musicians and filmmakers, and he has also been cited as a key influence on
  41. Visits, residencies,grants, and teaching positions. Ghost writers , technical, writers , and textbooks writers are typically paid differently: usually a set fee
  42. Pons, of Preyed Street in London. The series was greatly admired by such notable, writers ,and critics of mystery and detective fiction as Every Queen (Frederic Danny
  43. Fellow undergraduate Lucien Carr, who introduced him to a number of future Beat, writers , including Jack Kerouac, William S. Burroughs, and John Cello Holmes. They
  44. Often in collusion with the state. According to Rothbard," what Marx and later, writers ,have done is to lump together two extremely different and even contradictory
  45. Achilles' death therefore came in retribution for this sacrilege. Ancient, writers ,treated Troilus as the epitome of a dead child mourned by his parents. Had
  46. Autobiographical work about his childhood in Algeria. Summary of absurdism Many, writers ,have addressed the Absurd, each with his or her own interpretation of what the
  47. Only in their respective categories (i.e. only directors vote for directors, writers ,for writers , actors for actors, etc.); there are some exceptions though in the
  48. Nietzsche. Able to read French, German and Russian, Rand also discovered the, writers ,Fyodor Dostoevsky, Victor Hugo, Edmond Rostand, and Friedrich Schiller, who
  49. His later stories, and claiming that Milne" was probably jealous of all other, writers ,.... But I loved his stuff. " He married Dorothy" Daphne" de Agincourt in
  50. Divergence at some specific point in history; either way, science fiction, writers ,usually have all changes flow from a particular historical point of divergence

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