Examples of the the word, generalization , in a Sentence Context

The word ( generalization ), is the 7658 most frequently used in English word vocabulary

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  1. Point of view (pairs of varieties related by a morphism),allowing a broad, generalization ,of many classical theorems. The first major application was the relative
  2. Flight as well. See the FAA pilot's manual. Nonuniform circular motion As a, generalization ,of the uniform circular motion case, suppose the angular rate of rotation is
  3. Element; this holds trivially. The axiom of choice can be seen as asserting the, generalization ,of this property, already evident for finite collections, to arbitrary
  4. Formula holds as before. This case and the previous one admit a simultaneous, generalization ,to Banach manifolds. In abstract algebra, the derivative is interpreted as a
  5. Of both set operations and logic operations. A Boolean algebra can be seen as a, generalization ,of a power set algebra or a field of sets. It is also a special case of DE
  6. Part of a complex number by −1 * Conjugate element (field theory),a, generalization ,of complex conjugation * The conjugate transpose of a matrix with complex
  7. K \franc \franc \quad\box k\in\N \box \alpha. With this definition one has a, generalization ,of the binomial formula (with one of the variables set to 1),which justifies
  8. Literature written by visually able authors It is impossible to make a blanket, generalization ,about how the blind were treated in literature beyond that point - they were
  9. Color is evaluated by the eye as a measure of intensity or concentration. Map, generalization ,A good map has to compromise between portraying the items of interest (or
  10. Of the characteristics that will be mapped. This is also the concern of, generalization , *Orchestrate the elements of the map to best convey its message to its
  11. Generalization to q-series The binomial coefficient has a q-analog, generalization ,known as the Gaussian binomial coefficient. Generalization to infinite
  12. A circle touching three given circles—which he discovered in 1805,his, generalization ,of Euler's formula on polyhedra in 1811,and in several other elegant problems
  13. Access, insertions,and deletions in logarithmic time. The B-tree is a, generalization ,of a binary search tree in that a node can have more than two children. Unlike
  14. Become the universally accepted language for all further technical work. His, generalization ,of the classical Riemann-Roch theorem launched the study of algebraic and
  15. Object that are not relevant to the map's purpose. This is the concern of, generalization , *Reduce the complexity of the characteristics that will be mapped. This is
  16. The same, though the meaning of that formula may be vastly different. One, generalization ,is to manifolds. In this situation, the chain rule represents the fact that the
  17. Analogue of Arakelov's geometry were realized in this setup. Another formal, generalization ,is possible to Universal algebraic geometry in which every variety of algebra
  18. Spaces for a discussion of these theorems. There is also finite-dimensional, generalization ,to a larger class of spaces: If X is a product of finitely many chainable
  19. Coprime and a divides the product bc, then a divides c. This can be viewed as a, generalization ,of Euclid's lemma. The two integers a and b are cop rime if and only if the
  20. Then the image f (X) is (path-)connected. This result can be considered a, generalization ,of the intermediate value theorem. *If \_ is a family of connected subsets of a
  21. 1 + Rx\! For r ≤ 0 or r ≥ 1,and: (1 + x)or \LEQ 1 + Rx\! For 0 ≤ r ≤ 1. This, generalization ,can be proved by comparing derivatives. Again, the strict versions of these
  22. The progressive electrification of the instruments, their amplification and the, generalization ,of the blues beat, the blues shuffle, that became ubiquitous in R&B. This
  23. Opposed to a class) diagram of objects in \mathcal C. A continuity space is a, generalization ,of metric spaces and posts, which uses the concept of quantiles, and that can
  24. Theory, a family of prior probability distributions * Convex conjugate, generalization ,of the Legendre transformation, also known as Legendre-Fenchel transformation
  25. In 1930,Brouwer's fixed point theorem was generalized to Banach spaces. This, generalization ,is known as Schauder's fixed point theorem, a result generalized further by S.
  26. Divide b. Then for any non-negative integer k:: \franc\ \equiv \ \franc \mod. A, generalization ,of these congruence goes by the name of panic continuity. P-adic continuity
  27. Is in turn equivalent to the equality :2^ = \clef_1. \, There is also a, generalization ,of the continuum hypothesis called the generalized continuum hypothesis (GCH)
  28. Of the limit directly. The chain rule in higher dimensions The simplest, generalization ,of the chain rule to higher dimensions uses the total derivative. The total
  29. Condition: \clef_\alpha \Beth_\alpha for every ordinal \alpha. \, This is a, generalization ,of the continuum hypothesis since the continuum has the same cardinality as the
  30. Can be written without parenthesis unambiguously in an alternative algebra. A, generalization ,of Artin's theorem states that whenever three elements x, y,z in an
  31. r. t. the set of literal assigned to true) model of the set of Horn clauses. A, generalization ,of the class of Horn formulae is that of renamable-Horn formulae, which is the
  32. Large configuration will contain some sort of order. It is an advanced, generalization ,of the pigeonhole principle. Probabilistic combinatorics In probabilistic
  33. Similar to the second proof given above. The higher-dimensional chain rule is a, generalization ,of the one-dimensional chain rule. If k, m,and n are 1,so that and, then the
  34. Numbers must be prime; this severely restricts the possible values of n. A, generalization ,of this is Euler's rule, which states that if: p = (2 (n - m)+1) × 2 m − 1,
  35. The culmination of their investigations, the Area–ASCII theorem, was a, generalization ,of the Bolzano–Weierstrass theorem to families of continuous functions, the
  36. Concept is inner types (a. k. a. inner data type, nested type),which is a, generalization ,of the concept of inner classes. C++ is an example of a language that supports
  37. In NP can be solved just as easily. The maximum falsifiability problem, an FNP, generalization ,of SAT, asks for the maximum number of clauses which can be satisfied by any
  38. J_\alpha (x) = \sum_^\nifty \franc ^ where Γ (z) is the gamma function,a, generalization ,of the factorial function to non-integer values. The graphs of Bessel functions
  39. Be portable to all places a certified professional might work. Of course, this, generalization , increases the cost of such a program; the process to establish a legally
  40. B_n) in Euclidean n-space is defined as:: \sort. This can be seen to be a, generalization ,of | a − b |, since if a and b are real, then by equation (1),: | a - b | =
  41. A measured quantity of explosive material * Signed measure, in mathematics,a, generalization ,of the concept of a measure that is allowed to have negative values Finance *
  42. Of the ‘ Vestiges’ than you appear to have. I do not consider it a hasty, generalization , but rather as an ingenious hypothesis strongly supported by some striking
  43. Infinite sets. In mathematics, cardinal numbers, or cardinals for short, are a, generalization ,of the natural numbers used to measure the cardinality (size) of sets. The
  44. Point of a number of more general fixed point theorems. The straightforward, generalization ,to infinite dimensions,i.e. using the unit ball of an arbitrary Hilbert space
  45. Water (58 %) than women (49 %). This fact alone strongly contributes to the, generalization ,that men require more alcohol than women to achieve the same blood alcohol
  46. K-theory, this vector is the positive cone of the K0 group of A. An immediate, generalization ,of finite dimensional C*-algebras are the approximately finite dimensional C
  47. For example, Nikolai Duroc has introduced commutative algebraic monads as a, generalization ,of local objects in a generalized algebraic geometry. Versions of a tropical
  48. B are cop rime if and only if the numbers 2a − 1 and 2b − 1 are cop rime. As a, generalization ,of this, following easily from Euclidean algorithm in base n > 1:: \CD (n^a-1
  49. Things like people, animals,and robots, though there are exceptions to this, generalization ,.: Japanese people, when learning English, usually drop the auxiliary verbs" be
  50. Quantum field theory. ) Complex numbers are essential to spinors, which are a, generalization ,of the tensors used in relativity. Dynamic equations In differential equations

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