Examples of the the word, pistol , in a Sentence Context

The word ( pistol ), is the 7657 most frequently used in English word vocabulary

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  1. To the President. Weapons An FBI Special Agent is issued a Glock Model 22, pistol , in .40 S&W caliber. If they fail their first qualification, they will be issued
  2. Affect gameplay heavily, such as Gun Game, where players start with a basic, pistol ,and must score kills to receive better weapons, and Zombie Mod, where one team
  3. Is held, a coin flip gives Bullingdon the privilege of shooting first, but his, pistol ,misfires. Barry magnanimously fires into the ground, but Bullingdon refuses to
  4. N't work. Jim is given the task of exploding the bombs, which he does by firing, pistol ,shots into them. After the bombs explode, throwing villains high into the air
  5. Generally separate components used in a muzzle-loading firearm such as a rifle, pistol , or cannon. Sometimes for convenience a suitable amount of powder and a bullet
  6. Testimony from" Soldier F" that he had fired at a man holding and firing a, pistol , Widely acknowledged that the photographs showed Doherty was unarmed, and that
  7. By increasingly erratic behavior. In 1875,he threatened several men with a, pistol ,at a soldier's reunion in Caldwell, Ohio. In 1878,he moved to Concordia
  8. Also advised. Solid shotgun slugs, or three buckshot rounds, or a semiautomatic, pistol ,of .45 caliber or more is suggested if a heavy hunting rifle is not available.
  9. Seek his approval. When Speer entered, the new Chancellor was busy cleaning a, pistol , which he briefly laid aside to cast a short, interested glance at the plans
  10. Wave. Inertial cavitation occurs in nature in the strikes of mantis shrimps and, pistol ,shrimps, as well as in the vascular tissues of plants. In man-made objects, it
  11. USA),offer a summer variant which combines cross-country running with service, pistol ,shooting. Bubble and squeak is a traditional English dish made with the
  12. The International during August for the documentary in his right boot and a .45, pistol , in his waistband, but the concerts went off without incident. The album That's
  13. Kept Rogers' trademark shield, but donned a new costume and began carrying a, pistol ,and a knife. Captain America: Reborn #1 revealed that Rogers did not die;
  14. Recent change is that women must now register as well. Equipment * The standard, pistol ,is the FAMAS, a version of the Beretta 92 produced under license. * Dexter
  15. Examples are the Related SUB-2000 series which accepts Glock, Beretta and S&W, pistol ,magazines chambered in either 9 mm Luger or .40S&W. The recent introduction of
  16. And the Heckler & Koch VP70. Since these stock additions retain the short, pistol ,barrel (as short as 100 mm (4 inches) ) they are highly restricted under the
  17. Fencing, and partially replaced in épée fencing, by ergonomic designs, called, pistol , grips or orthopedic grips. Among the many designs, the most popular are the
  18. Energy from the relatively short draw length. The smallest crossbows are, pistol ,crossbows. Others are simple long stocks with the crossbow mounted on them.
  19. Px4 Storm pistol . The Hi-Point 995 carbines is a cheaper alternative to other, pistol ,caliber carbines in the United States and shares magazines with the Hi-Point
  20. Weapon, or PDW, which uses rounds that have better ballistics than simple, pistol ,rounds but less power and range than full rifle rounds. Examples include the FN
  21. Length barrel, bolt (usually blow back operated),and stock that attach to a, pistol ,frame. Attaching the pistol frame provides the feed mechanism (through the
  22. Blowback operated),and stock that attach to a pistol frame. Attaching the, pistol ,frame provides the feed mechanism (through the pistol 's magazine) and
  23. Jesse James" because the outlaw Jesse James was killed by a 45 (4-5) caliber, pistol , Other names for the nine include" Nina from Pasadena,"" Nina at the Marina
  24. This may make such carbines successful in military use. However, firing a, pistol ,effectively at any significant range requires good training, since the absence
  25. Apartment. After his death, Pablo Picasso, fascinated with Carry, acquired his, pistol ,and wore it on his nocturnal expeditions in Paris, and later bought many of his
  26. Mounted infantry – like the original dragoons – each soldier being armed with a, pistol ,to fire when on horseback and with an automatic rifle, to use when dismounted.
  27. Animals have found ways to use it to their advantage when hunting prey. The, pistol ,shrimp snaps a specialized claw to create cavitation, which can kill small fish
  28. Is a growing demand for these companion carbines. The primary advantages of a, pistol ,caliber carbine are increased accuracy due to the butt stock and longer barrel (
  29. For first-person shooters. The player character starts armed only with a, pistol , and brass-knuckled fists in case the ammunition runs out, but larger weapons
  30. Place, but guests had to bend or crouch. Carry also took to carrying a loaded, pistol , In response to a neighbor's complaint that his target shooting endangered her
  31. Beretta pistol s, and is designed to be complementary to the Beretta Px4 Storm, pistol , The Hi-Point 995 carbines is a cheaper alternative to other pistol caliber
  32. Is composed of a blade, a point, a bell guard, and a handle or grip (French or, pistol ,grip). The 'electric' épée, used in modern competitive fencing, terminates in
  33. Current from Como to Milan (~50 km or ~30 miles),which in turn, set off the, pistol , The current was sent along a wire that was insulated from the ground by wooden
  34. Carbines in the United States and shares magazines with the Hi-Point C-9, pistol , ( although many owners report that early Hi-Point C-9 magazines are too short
  35. Mags is the Director of Unification for the railroad business. He carries a, pistol ,and a lucky rabbit's foot, and he dresses in a military uniform, and has been
  36. Bennet. An additional invention pioneered by Volta, was the remotely operated, pistol , He made use of a Laden jar to send an electric current from Como to Milan (
  37. Ukulele, later moving on to the fiddle, but traded his brother Lowell an old, pistol ,and some chores for a guitar when he was nine. He stated in his 1974
  38. Brazil,2003) * Attempting to play Russian roulette with a semi-automatic, pistol ,that automatically loads the next round into the chamber * Attempting Russian
  39. Or markets Combat * ASP (handgun),the name for a custom-designed 9 mm, pistol ,based on the S&W Model 39 * Advanced Sound-ranging Program, a portable
  40. Spanish trio and later formations relegated cavalry to a supporting role. The, pistol ,was specifically developed to try and bring cavalry back into the conflict
  41. Special forces of the world which need to perform fast, decisive operations. A, pistol , though light and quick to operate, is viewed as not having enough power.
  42. And equipment Weapons include the" Mighty Foot" ( a basic kick attack),a, pistol , a shotgun, a chain gun (similar in design to the Nordenfelt gun),a
  43. To insure order. Those who have murdered, robbed while armed with automatic, pistol ,or machine gun, kidnapped children, despoiled the poor of their savings, misled
  44. Frame. Attaching the pistol frame provides the feed mechanism (through the, pistol ,'s magazine) and trigger mechanism, and produces a completed carbine. Kits of
  45. A rack-and-pinion 'crane quin ', so it can be used while riding. File: Crossbow, pistol ,IMG 3841. JPG|Pistol crossbow for home recreational shooting. Made by Frédéric
  46. Captain Groan (Godfrey Google),informs him that he did not kill Quin. His, pistol ,was loaded with tow. The duel was stage-managed to get rid of Barry so Quin
  47. Convoy took a wrong turn into a street where Gavrilo PRINCIP was. He took out a, pistol ,from his pocket and shot Franz and his wife. The reaction among the Austrian
  48. Investigate, where the player character is left to guard the hangar with only a, pistol ,while the rest of the group proceeds inside. Over the course of the next few
  49. Usage Pistol-caliber carbines One of the more unusual classes of carbine is the, pistol ,caliber carbine. These first appeared soon after metallic cartridges became
  50. Was not particularly successful, however,and the charge (whether with sword, pistol , or lance) remained as the primary mode of employment for many types of

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