Examples of the the word, residual , in a Sentence Context

The word ( residual ), is the 7656 most frequently used in English word vocabulary

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  1. Would be far more surprising, if true. Other possibilities are (i) that, residual ,instrumental errors in MAP cause the effect (ii) that unexpected microwave
  2. And one study had concluded that" DDT is still a viable insecticide in indoor, residual ,spraying owing to its effectivity in well supervised spray operation and high
  3. Be much smaller than various other influences on drain direction, such as any, residual ,rotation of the water and the geometry of the container. Despite this, the idea
  4. Such an application. Like nit riding, carburization also leaves some compressive, residual ,stresses in the surface. Counterweights Some expensive, high performance
  5. In Crookes tubes was unreliable, because it depended on the pressure of the, residual ,air in the tube. Over time, the air was absorbed by the walls of the tube, and
  6. And cognitive-behavioural therapy appear the most effective in regard to, residual ,depressive symptoms. Most studies have been based only on bipolar I, however
  7. At temperatures as high as 1,000 °C (1,832 °F) so that the fixed carbon and, residual ,ash are fused together. Metallurgical coke is used as a fuel and as a reducing
  8. The withdrawal of the View Mind troops from its territory and to withstand any, residual ,impingement upon its sovereignty by external powers. Neutrality was the central
  9. In producing the hydrogen is to use catalytic methylation to remove any small, residual ,amounts of carbon monoxide or carbon dioxide from the hydrogen:: CO + 3 H₂ →
  10. Removed their helmets on orbit. Avoiding the" bends" was considered worth the, residual ,risk of an oxygen-accelerated fire within a suit. * Nylon used in the Block I
  11. Ammunition during the 1920s in the Indian Army. The problem was caused by high, residual ,stresses from cold forming of the cases during manufacture, together with
  12. And phenylketonuria Upon ingestion, aspartame breaks down into natural, residual ,components, including aspartic acid, phenylalanine,methanol, and further
  13. It produces a very hard surface and the process will leave some compressive, residual ,stress in the surface which is good for the fatigue properties of the
  14. Bombs, in 1968 in Greenland. In other regions, the average radioactivity due to, residual ,americium is only about 0.01 picocuries. Atmospheric americium compounds are
  15. Limestone and dolomite),where they were formed by lateritic weathering and, residual ,accumulation of intercalated clays or by clay dissolution residues of the
  16. To the German cause, the Western Allies had ambivalent feelings, torn between, residual ,goodwill for Finland and the need to accommodate their vital ally, the Soviet
  17. A high electrical potential between the anode and the cathode to ionize the, residual ,gas in the tube; the ions were accelerated by the electric field and released
  18. A variety of small groups, the Rambo, the Herero, the Finding and scattered, residual ,groups of Khoisan. In addition, mixed race (European and African) people
  19. Chemical shifts (in particular of the \math rm, \math rm and \math rm atoms) and, residual ,bipolar couplings are often characteristic of helices. The far-UV (170-250 nm
  20. This trend continued with later groups such as The Cult Heroes, although the, residual ,influences of the 1960s trendsetters are still evident in the city today. A
  21. Aggregate particles in place. During curing, more of the cement reacts with the, residual ,water (hydration). This curing process develops physical and chemical
  22. CDPD networks were shut down. Equipment for this service now has little to no, residual ,value. CDPD Network Primary elements of a CDPD network are: 1. End systems:
  23. Of Luxembourg, or Prince in the case of Monaco and Liechtenstein) retains only, residual ,(but not always minor) powers. The powers of the monarch differ between
  24. Is zero. This prediction means that the total ordinary matter, dark matter, and, residual , vacuum energy in the universe have to add up to the critical density, a
  25. Uses *BS 3621 for thief resistant lock assembly. Key egress. *BS 4293 for, residual ,current-operated circuit-breakers *BS 4573 a specification for 2-pin reversible
  26. On the subject in sub-Saharan Africa, covering insecticide-treated nets, residual ,spraying, chemoprophylaxis for children, chemoprophylaxis or intermittent
  27. Become very rare in artillery use, the main users being tanks, ships,and a few, residual ,anti-aircraft and coastal guns. The term" cannon" is a United States generic
  28. Barrel of a carbine has significant disadvantages in velocity, and the high, residual ,pressure when the bullet exits the barrel results in substantially greater s
  29. A mixed Proto-Germanic group. If so, they may have originally comprised, residual ,Celtic elements in central Eastern Europe such as the Coming, who formed a
  30. Teachings such as the Sabbath, and conversely they accuse their opponents of, residual ,Marconi. As late as the 4th century Church Father John Chrysostom complained
  31. Research data shows a significantly strong negative relationship between DDT, residual ,house spraying and malaria rates. In research from 1993 to 1995,Ecuador
  32. They are bottled with a viable yeast population in suspension. If there is no, residual ,fermentable sugar left, sugar may be added. The resulting fermentation
  33. One of the world's the largest copper deposits (and its matrix-associated, residual ,gold) have been found at Reno Did in the Chagrin District of Balochistan. Reno
  34. In the treatment of the acute episode, followed by psychotherapy in its, residual ,phase, has been suggested by some studies. Medication failure Approximately 30
  35. Since the radius in most cases are rolled, this also leaves some compressive, residual ,stress in the surface which prevents cracks from forming. Hardening Most
  36. Is leaving $500,000 to his son Sam then the money would be a general devise. A, residual ,devise is one left to a devised after all specific and general devices have
  37. Bubbles. The pits also increase the components' surface area and leave behind, residual ,stresses. This makes the surface more prone to stress corrosion. Hydrodynamic
  38. Consistent with the Big Bang's predictions regarding the CMB. COME found a, residual ,temperature of 2.726 K and in 1992 detected for the first time the fluctuations
  39. All of its assets, and then distributes the proceeds to its creditors. Any, residual ,amount is returned to the owners of the company. In Chapter 11,in most
  40. Residue and remainder of my estate to my daughter Lilly. " Lilly would be the, residual ,devised. Affection or fondness is a" disposition or rare state of mind or body
  41. Is seen in 50 to 75 % of cases, while up to 70 to 90 % recover with some minor, residual ,disability. The average time to recover is one to six months. ADAM produces
  42. A qualifying period of two years before savers could participate in a, residual ,claim. But, before the 1989 Abbey National Building Society mutualization
  43. Surface. On the other hills of the city, sands (Goldshöfer Sand),gravel and, residual ,rubble prevail. The historic center of Allen and the other areas in the Kosher
  44. A five-year to a 10-year pact at the same salary. Seeking to capitalize on the, residual ,rivalry between the AFC and the NFL, Bell displayed" exquisite dramatic" and
  45. Insuring his control over the Mental by secretly administering to him a, residual ,poison invented by De Vries; to avoid death, the antidote for this poison must
  46. Inevitably remains. The goal of computational chemistry is to minimize this, residual ,error while keeping the calculations tractable. In some cases, the details of
  47. In practice, however,it is impossible to eliminate all approximations, and, residual , error inevitably remains. The goal of computational chemistry is to minimize
  48. 1972. On Monday, May 8,1972,ground service equipment being used to empty the, residual ,toxic RCS fuels in the command module tanks, exploded in a Naval Air Station
  49. Three colors an achromatic of a higher order is derived; there is yet a, residual ,tertiary spectrum, but it can always be neglected. The Gaussian theory is only
  50. Large print and/or clear simple graphics can be of benefit to users with some, residual ,vision. Other aids and techniques Blind people may use talking equipment such

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