Examples of the the word, worsen , in a Sentence Context
The word ( worsen ), is the 7730 most frequently used in English word vocabulary
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- Of several days to weeks when the symptoms of hyperthyroidism may actually, worsen ,following radioactive iodine therapy. In general, this happens as a result of
- An individual's self-identity, and some psychotherapists find that this can, worsen ,symptoms and inhibit the healing process. Some in the
- More common in males than females, although in females pregnancy may start or, worsen ,symptoms due the increase in blood flow and volume it usually brings. Research
- A progressive course: if a person continues to drink, their condition will, worsen , This will lead to harmful consequences in their life, physically,mentally
- And violence. Disintegration of Yugoslavia Inter-ethnic tensions continued to, worsen ,in Kosovo throughout the 1980s. The 1986 Memorandum of the Serbian Academy
- Are anxiety and depression disorders. Psychiatric symptoms usually initially, worsen ,during alcohol withdrawal, but typically improve or disappear with continued
- That the pill causes depression. Progestin-only contraceptives are known to, worsen ,the condition of women who are already depressed. However, current medical
- Including speech impairment and memory loss; *heat sensitivity (symptoms, worsen , reappear upon exposure to heat such as a hot shower); *difficulty
- Phenothiazines are particularly risky, as they may lower the seizure threshold, worsen ,hyperthermia, and boost the anticholinergic effects of PCP. Forced acid
- Yield. It has also been speculated that this yield reduction will only, worsen ,with the dramatic climate changes expected in the future. Because abiotic
- Prolonging the sleep time, and,in general, reducing wakefulness. However, they, worsen , sleep quality by increasing light sleep and decreasing deep sleep. Other
- The Beaching report During the late 1950s,railway finances continued to, worsen , and in 1959 the government stepped in, limiting the amount the BTC could spend
- British American Land Company to provide for his family. His luck continued to, worsen ,and he was forced to move in with this daughter and son-in-law in 1845. He
- Agronomic practices such as crop rotation. Agriculture can both mitigate or, worsen ,global warming. Some increase in CO2 in the atmosphere comes from the
- Have raised concerns from marine biologists, fearing that such an act will only, worsen ,the invasion of Red Sea species into the Mediterranean, facilitating the
- End passes into the knot and the knot unravels and fails. This behavior can, worsen ,when the knot is repeatedly strained and let slack, dragged over rough terrain
- Effects of benzodiazepines that occur frequently in the elderly can also, worsen ,dementia. Pharmacology Benzodiazepines share a similar chemical structure, and
- And biological factors. Certain types of long-term drug use can both cause and, worsen ,depressive symptoms. Psychological treatments are based on theories of
- Downside of the hypnotic properties of benzodiazepines is that they actually, worsen ,the sleep architecture and thus the quality of sleep. They are also associated
- Splints do prevent loss of tooth enamel from grinding, use of a splint can, worsen ,TMJ disorder symptoms for some people. Nighttime biofeedback Nighttime EMG
- Led growth (as in the United States and Australia) the trade balance will, worsen ,at the same stage in the business cycle. Since the mid 1980s,the United States
- The effects of long-term use or misuse include the tendency to cause or, worsen ,cognitive deficits, depression and anxiety. However, there is disagreement
- Modify your home and work environment so that you do reduce movements that may, worsen ,your arthritis. There are also assist devices available that can help you drive
- Can lead to a misdiagnosis such as schizophrenia. Panic disorder can develop or, worsen ,as a direct result of long-term alcohol misuse. The co-occurrence of major
- Contraceptives are unlikely to increase the risk of depression, and unlikely to, worsen ,the condition in women that are currently depressed. Contraceptive Technology
- The latter part of the night. Alcohol also disturbs sleep patterns, and so can, worsen ,sleep disorders. " HMS Dun raven was a Q-Ship of the Royal Navy during World War
- Antipsychotics are sometimes employed but require caution as they can, worsen ,symptoms and have serious adverse effects. It has also been recognized as
- Of sinusitis. This pain is typically localized to the involved sinus and may, worsen ,when the affected person bends over or when lying down. Pain often starts on
- Help fight the epidemic. Part three In mid-August, the situation continues to, worsen , People try to escape the town, but some are shot by armed sentries. Violence
- From exacerbated myasthenia in a third of cases, and in those for whom it does, worsen , it usually occurs in the first trimester of pregnancy. Signs and symptoms in
- Periods) and Bodybuilding efforts to increase fibrillar hypertrophy can, worsen ,the disease. There is no specific treatment for any of the forms of muscular
- In the main stadium. The large spectators flocking to the main stadium usually, worsen ,the traffic congestion in Jakarta. Another premiere division team is Persian
- A dilemma for economic policy since actions designed to lower inflation may, worsen ,economic growth and vice versa. The portmanteau stagflation is generally
- Salts, some antidepressants or other factors. It is typical for the tremor to, worsen ,in" performance" situations, such as when writing a check for payment at a
- Intravenous administration is not contraindicated unless the reactions recur or, worsen , " Due to growing prevalence of antibiotic resistance to the fluoroquinolones
- Types of drought As a drought persists, the conditions surrounding it gradually, worsen ,and its impact on the local population gradually increases. People tend to
- Furthermore, urinary acidification is dangerous, as it may induce acidosis and, worsen ,rhabdomyolysis (muscle breakdown),which is not an unusual manifestation of
- And third in the respective championships. From there, results continued to, worsen , Lotus and Mario Andretti took the titles with their 78 and 79 ground effect
- Return to normal after 10 mins; in addition, alcohol is a drying agent and may, worsen ,chronic bad breath. Furthermore, it is possible for alcoholics to abuse
- That can induce psychotic symptoms include amphetamine, caffeine (which can, worsen ,psychotic symptoms in schizophrenia and produce olfactory hallucinations at
- For VF (ventricular fibrillation) in emergency setting, amiodarone,can, worsen ,the dysrhythmia caused by digitalis, therefore,the second-choice drug
- Serotonin and norepinephrine. Chronic use of benzodiazepines also can cause or, worsen ,depression, or depression may be part of a protracted withdrawal syndrome.
- Of PPI's and that one should expect symptoms of hyperacidity to, worsen ,for a week or two after stopping these drugs. The FDA is revising both the
- Here, symptoms usually begin between the ages of 25 and 40 and may, worsen ,with straining or any activity that causes cerebrospinal fluid pressure to
- Before hunting him through the building. The symptoms of Roy's limited life, worsen ,and his right hand begins failing; he jabs a nail through it to regain control.
- Regardless of the open-loop stability. A poor choice of controller can even, worsen ,the stability of the open-loop system, which must normally be avoided.
- Impression that the tremor is of psychosomatic origin. Tremor intensity can, worsen ,in response to fatigue, strong emotions, low blood sugar, cold,caffeine
- And London, including Burwell Castle. For a period, the situation continued to, worsen , Raoul of Chester revolted once again in the summer of 1144,splitting up
- Forcefully for an attack, insisting that to retreat at this point would only, worsen ,the poor morale. Dabormida exclaiming," Italy would prefer the loss of two or
- Illness. He could not bring himself to attend her funeral, afraid that it would, worsen ,his depression. Due to the good notices he received for Launcher, the publisher
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