Examples of the the word, workers , in a Sentence Context

The word ( workers ), is the 5364 most frequently used in English word vocabulary

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  1. Is now considered lost. He next turned to the subject of wartime female factory, workers ,in The Most Beautiful, a propaganda film which he shot in a semidocumentary
  2. Civil War did serious damage to anarchist movements internationally. Many, workers ,and activists saw Bolshevik success as setting an example; Communist parties
  3. Socially inferior (Weber's father was a successful craftsman who employed 50, workers , ). Despite this opposition, the two married in Berlin on August 28, 1928; seven
  4. Phobia. While the term" test anxiety" refers specifically to students, many, workers , share the same experience with regard to their career or profession. The fear
  5. Due to the availability of a large pool of highly skilled, English-speaking, workers , The increased use of outsourcing has assisted the rise of India and the China
  6. On its distribution, allowing it to be shown only in third class cinemas and, workers ,' clubs. Few prints were made, and the filmmakers received no returns. Third
  7. Of the nation ", and there was a general faith in an economy that paid its, workers ,low wages because high wages meant workers would work less. Furthermore," in
  8. Acts of violence, or " propaganda by the deed ", which would inspire the, workers ,as a whole to revolt and forcibly collectivize the means of production.
  9. Egyptian society enjoyed hunting and boating as well. The excavation of the, workers ,village of Dare el-Madinah has resulted in one of the most thoroughly
  10. Trade unions founded in 1922,with delegates representing two million, workers ,from 15 countries in Europe and Latin America. In Latin America in particular "
  11. Arrived in the 1970s. As of 2008 there were an estimated 400,000 DRC migrant, workers , at least 30,000 Portuguese, and more than 20,000 Chinese living in Angola.
  12. That assembles the iPod (among other items),for instance, had over 200,000, workers , that lived and worked in the factory, with employees regularly working more
  13. Had no complaints, but the low rates angered Northern industrialists and factory, workers , especially in Pennsylvania, who demanded protection for their growing iron
  14. In planning and executing the program to dragoon prisoners of war and foreign, workers ,into German war industries, which waxed in output while the workers waned in
  15. Enough shape to perform the labor, Speer ordered improved conditions for the, workers ,and the construction of the above-ground Dora camp. In spite of these changes
  16. Supreme Soviet of the USSR in February 1942,the commitment of more than 500, workers , and employees of the oil industry of Azerbaijan was awarded orders and medals.
  17. Midwestern United States, married,spending the next five years as blue-collar, workers ,on assembly lines while studying industrial mass production in their daily work
  18. Leadership of General Franco. In 1953, he criticized Soviet methods to crush a, workers ,' strike in East Berlin. In 1956, he protested against similar methods in Poland
  19. Advocated importing labor from the occupied nations – and did so, obtaining, workers , for (among other things) Speer's armament factories, using the most brutal
  20. The anarchists quickly became active in organizing craft and industrial, workers ,throughout South and Central America, and until the early 1920s most of the
  21. Capitalism and the state with a new society, democratically self-managed by the, workers , It is often combined with other branches of anarchism, and
  22. Of the above-ground Dora camp. In spite of these changes, half of the, workers ,at Mittelwerk eventually died. Speer later commented," the conditions for
  23. Camps in the Algerian part of the Sahara desert.,35,000 Chinese migrant, workers ,lived in Algeria. Ethnic groups Almost all Algerians are Berber in origin (not
  24. Trade unionists, socialists and social democrats. Due to its links to active, workers ,' movements, the International became a significant organization. Karl Marx
  25. Most of the material resources (see ersatz) and becomes the main material for, workers ,(Unitarians instead of proletarians),who are loosely affiliated. Mass
  26. There (5.7 percent of the work force died that month),and to ensure the, workers ,were in good enough shape to perform the labor, Speer ordered improved
  27. His career. During production, the actress playing the leader of the factory, workers , Yoko Yamaguchi, was chosen by her colleagues to present their demands to the
  28. Faith in an economy that paid its workers low wages because high wages meant, workers ,would work less. Furthermore," in the mercantilist view no child was too young
  29. Government employees, particularly United States Postal Service (USPS), workers , and active-duty military members, receive a Cost of Living Allowance usually
  30. Of this social stratification were the Portuguese,2,500 of whom migrated as, workers ,from Madeira (a Portuguese archipelago in the North Atlantic, to the southwest
  31. Germany. He again allied with the anarchists in 1956,first in support of the, workers ,’ uprising in Poznań, Poland,and then later in the year with the Hungarian
  32. Hour day was made. The event also had the secondary purpose of memorializing, workers ,killed as a result of the Haymarket affair. Although it had initially been
  33. Of the Dutch East Indies in the 1940s and 1950s. In the 1960s guest, workers ,from Turkey, Morocco,Italy and Spain emigrated to Amsterdam. After the
  34. Special units for this purpose. The Angolan army has around 29,000" ghost, workers ," who remain enrolled in the ranks of the FAA and therefore receive a salary.
  35. Parents with carriages and strollers, shoppers with carts, and travelers and, workers ,with pull-type bags. People with learning disabilities like dyslexia or
  36. Response to the army rebellion, an anarchist-inspired movement of peasants and, workers , supported by armed militias, took control of Barcelona and of large areas of
  37. And foreign workers into German war industries, which waxed in output while the, workers ,waned in starvation. " Speer's attorney, Dr. Hans Flasher, presented Speer
  38. Has Canada's third-largest Chinese community. The Chinese presence began with, workers ,employed in the building of the Canadian Pacific Railway in the 1880s.
  39. Trade is some ornamental products. In 2007,one third of the world's, workers ,were employed in agriculture. The services sector has overtaken agriculture as
  40. Many carpet dealers around the country to expand their business by hiring more, workers , Afghanistan is a member of SPARC, ECO and OIC. It is aiming to develop closer
  41. Was developed in central Egypt during the 15th century BCE for or by Semitic, workers , but only one of these early writings has been deciphered and their exact
  42. Fire on the crowd and each other. Seven police officers and at least four, workers ,were killed. Eight anarchists directly and indirectly related to the organizers
  43. As the Hall of Mirrors in the Palace of Versailles. Speer employed thousands of, workers ,in two shifts. Hitler, who had remained away from the project, was overwhelmed
  44. Therapists, occupational therapists, dieticians,respiratory therapists, social, workers , palliative care specialists, specialist nurses and psychologists. Prognosis
  45. Perfect and that the failure of their father's company was entirely due to the, workers , *Andrew Stockton runs the Stockton Foundry in Stockton, Colorado. When he
  46. When Hitler remonstrated, and said it was not for Speer to decide how his, workers ,should be used, Speer simply ignored him. Among Speer's innovations were
  47. Not comply. Yearly progress reports have been published since 2008. In 2010, workers , in China planned to sue iPhone contractors over poisoning by a cleaner used to
  48. And food from the company, which generally amounted to a little over half of, workers ,' earnings. Immediately after the allegations, Apple launched an investigation
  49. A spate of suicides in a Foxconn facility in China making iPads and iPhones, workers ,were forced to sign a legally binding document guaranteeing that they would not
  50. Regularly working more than 60 hours per week. The article also reported that, workers ,made around $100 per month and were required to live on the premises and pay

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