Examples of the the word, keywords , in a Sentence Context

The word ( keywords ), is the 5375 most frequently used in English word vocabulary

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  1. And reasoning. Cyclopedia is being developed; it superimposes CBC, keywords ,on pages taken from Wikipedia pages. Cleveland Clinic Foundation The Cleveland
  2. The loss of ubiquitous BASIC in a 2006 Salon article. Syntax Typical BASIC, keywords ,; Data manipulation: * LET: assigns a value (which may be the result of an
  3. Commands are indicated by BEGIN/END keywords , rather than braces. In Mesa, all, keywords , are written in uppercase. Cedar's main additions were garbage collection
  4. That involve those external functions. Some compilers, such as GCC, add extra, keywords ,for a programmer to explicitly mark external functions as pure, to enable such
  5. This way it superficially resembles Lisp. The basic tokens of EDIT 2.0.0 were, keywords ,(like library, cell,instance, etc.),strings (delimited with double quotes
  6. Structures are special operators, equivalent to other languages' syntactic, keywords , Expressions using these operators have the same surface appearance as function
  7. Names can use any of the characters A-Za-z0-9_,except language, keywords , The operators + - * / represent addition, subtraction,multiplication, and
  8. Developed for them by Acorn Computers Ltd, incorporating many extra structuring, keywords , Most of the home computers of the 1980s had a ROM-resident BASIC interpreter
  9. General idea is to affect Google's relevance algorithm by incorporating the, keywords ,being targeted in various places" on page ", in particular the title element
  10. Topics, computer accessible versions allow searching through article text for, keywords ,or phrases. Characteristics The modern encyclopaedia was developed from the
  11. Contain declarations and statements. Declarations either define new types using, keywords ,such as struct, union,and ENIM, or assign types to and perhaps reserve storage
  12. Yield, freshness,geography, language and other intrinsic characteristics. The, keywords ,attribute The keywords attribute was popularized by search engines such as
  13. With Java's syntax and standard library in mind. In particular, all Java, keywords ,were reserved in original JavaScript,JavaScript's standard library follows
  14. Wait until? map; $_=PDQ; sleep rand (2)if/\S/; print Using only Perl, keywords ,(no literals or punctuation): not exp logs rand xor sqq
  15. May be quite visible—for instance, Common Lisp and Scheme use different, keywords ,to define functions. Within a dialect that is standardized, however,conforming
  16. The IMAP4 protocol supports both pre-defined system flags and client defined, keywords , System flags indicate state information such as whether a message has been
  17. So exponentiation was an over strike of" |" and" * ". (The underlining of, keywords ,mentioned above could also be done using over striking. ) The language is
  18. Collection is implemented.: Legibility:: - The syntax favors simple English, keywords ,over the use of punctuation to delineate constructs.: Rapid Development:: -
  19. Since the 1978 standard: * Free-form source input, also with lowercase FORTRAN, keywords ,* Ability to operate on arrays (or array sections) as a whole, thus greatly
  20. Code called a" library ". For example, there is a library for highlighting, keywords ,in program source code, and a library for playing the game of Tetris. Each
  21. Let arrives in a display of superhuman strength, Ghanima in hand. He says the, keywords ,to awaken Ghanima's secret memories. She asks him if the plan worked, and he
  22. Named constants for reconnected units, the FLUSH statement, regularization of, keywords , and access to error messages. * Support for IEEE floating-point arithmetic and
  23. Pascal than to C. For instance, compound commands are indicated by BEGIN/END, keywords , rather than braces. In Mesa, all keywords are written in uppercase. Cedar's
  24. Are different. Meta elements can be used to specify page description, keywords ,and any other metadata not provided through the other head elements and
  25. Table (QRT),a table of 64 Pilots and up to 2 Mi-slots consisting of hashed, keywords , A leaf node sends its QRT to each of the ultrapeers it is connected to, and
  26. A compressed text file on one of its websites containing twenty million search, keywords ,for over 650,000 users over a 3-month period between March 1,2006, and May 31
  27. Fact, CL has many namespaces, such as those for go tags, block names, and loop, keywords ,). There is a long-standing controversy between CL and Scheme advocates over
  28. Aspects of the HTML page. For example: name ", keywords ," content" Wikipedia, encyclopedia " > In this example, the meta element
  29. Etc.),subject area (Math, Reading,etc.),descriptive text, descriptive, keywords , * Instructional Content, including: text, web pages, images,sound, video *
  30. Of Eiffel includes guidelines for displaying software texts in typeset formats:, keywords ,in bold, user-defined identifiers and constants are shown in italics, comments
  31. Characters. EDIT 3.0.0 and 4.0.0 dropped the symbolic constants entirely, using, keywords , instead. So, the syntax of EDIT has a fairly simple foundation. A typical EDIT
  32. Identifies the tokens of the programming language grammar,e.g. identifiers or, keywords , which are themselves expressed in a simpler formal language, usually by means
  33. All-caps (FORTRAN 77 was the version in which the use of lowercase letters in, keywords ,was strictly nonstandard). The capitalization has been dropped in referring to
  34. Original Atlas version),for the sake of easy typing it was possible to strop, keywords ,by placing a" %" sign in front of them, for example the keyword
  35. Valid XML document contains only elements that are defined in the DTD. Various, keywords ,and characters specify an element’s content; they can be either: * EMPTY for
  36. In search engines * Subject indexing, describing the content of a document by, keywords ,* Web server directory index, a default or index web page in a directory on a
  37. It minimizes choices of ways to perform basic operations, and prefers English, keywords ,(e.g. " Or else" ) to symbols (e.g. " | |" ). Ada uses the basic
  38. Some of the following: # Line reconstruction. Languages which strop their, keywords ,or allow arbitrary spaces within identifiers require a phase before parsing
  39. Stand-alone. The effect resembles that of nesting namespaces and can overload, keywords ,depending on the context. A defined word generally consists of head and body
  40. Programme or %endofprogramme There were no reserved words in the language as, keywords ,were identified by underlining, not by recognizing reserved character sequences
  41. Providers realized that information stored in meta elements, especially the, keywords ,attribute, was often unreliable and misleading, and at worst, used to draw
  42. Of programs and to speed their interpretation. As code was entered, BASIC, keywords , would be converted to single-byte tokens; the process was reversed when the
  43. Statements, C provides several control-flow statements identified by reserved, keywords , Structured programming is supported by if (-else) conditional execution and
  44. Variables and control structures for condition-testing and iteration. The, keywords , syntax and other basic features of the language were all copied from sh. Other
  45. C99 adds five more keywords : The current draft of C1X adds seven more, keywords ,: Operators C supports a rich set of operators, which are symbols used within an
  46. Impose extra compiler, performance,and security costs. Keywords C89 has 32, keywords , ( reserved words with special meaning): C99 adds five more keywords : The
  47. C89 has 32 keywords (reserved words with special meaning): C99 adds five more, keywords ,: The current draft of C1X adds seven more keywords : Operators C supports a rich
  48. Language and other intrinsic characteristics. The keywords attribute The, keywords ,attribute was popularized by search engines such as Info seek and AltaVista in
  49. Of the COBOL standard. COBOL has many reserved words (over 400),called, keywords , Self-modifying code The original COBOL specification supported self-modifying
  50. Reducing and monitoring deforestation is a new chapter of this dense, keywords ,lifetime. There are multiple methods that are appropriate and reliable for

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