Examples of the the word, dive , in a Sentence Context

The word ( dive ), is the 5381 most frequently used in English word vocabulary

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  1. Their alarm signal: when startled or frightened, a swimming beaver will rapidly, dive ,while forcefully slapping the water with its broad tail, audible over great
  2. U-66 got within of the battleships preparing to fire, but was forced to, dive ,by an approaching destroyer and missed the opportunity. At 06:35,she reported
  3. The animal can stay underwater. * Increased body size also increases maximum, dive ,duration. Greater body size implies increased muscle mass and increased oxygen
  4. Ibadan kidnapping On May 3,2000,Abu SAAF guerrillas occupied the Malaysian, dive ,resort island Ibadan and took 21 hostages, including 10 tourists and 11 resort
  5. When feeding, though dive s of up to 20 minutes are common. The longest recorded, dive ,is 36 minutes. The whale feeds by lunging forward at groups of krill, taking
  6. The P-40B's strengths were that it was sturdy, well armed, faster in a, dive ,and possessed an excellent rate of roll. While the P-40s could not match the
  7. This configuration (dubbed a bathyscaphe by the Pic cards) allowed for a free, dive , rather than the previous bathysphere designs in which a sphere was lowered to
  8. To depend on its access to sunlight. However, in 1977,during an exploratory, dive ,to the Galápagos Rift in the deep-sea exploration submersible Alvin, scientists
  9. And forward travel. Scoring the dive There are rules governing the scoring of a, dive , Usually a score considers three elements of the dive : the approach, the flight
  10. By various aircraft classes, as different as light bombers, medium bombers, dive ,bombers, fighter-bombers,ground-attack aircraft, multirole combat aircraft
  11. Verbs as colloquialisms, insisting on the regular forms for the past tense of, dive , plead and sneak. Dove and snuck are usually considered nonstandard in Britain
  12. Diving at Basses The India requires a permit from the French Government. If you, dive ,without this permit your boat will be asked to leave or may even be confiscated
  13. Of time and quality of the hold * the height of the dive r at the apex of the, dive , with extra height resulting in a higher score * the distance of the dive r from
  14. Such examples include species of water beetle who use air bubbles in order to, dive ,under the water, and can remain submerged thanks to passive diffusion allowing
  15. Such as not proven). * AME further allows other irregular verbs, such as, dive ,(dove) or sneak (snuck),and often mixes the preterit and past participle
  16. My mind wanders. When you sleep, you don't control your dream. I like to, dive ,into a dream world that I've made or discovered; a world I choose … You can't
  17. Beavers in the area. Once a beaver has sounded the alarm, nearby beavers will, dive ,and may not reemerge for some time. Beavers are slow on land, but are good
  18. The most infamous incident was when USS Pansy and HMS Bee in 1937,were, dive ,bombed by Japanese airplanes during the Banking Massacre. The Europeans were
  19. Use salvaged high-tech items in technical projects. Still others may dumpster, dive ,just to indulge in their curiosity for unusual items. Dumpster diving, used in
  20. Thailand with the assistance of Southeast Asia Linerboards (SEAL),a UK owned, dive ,charter company. With a crew of international professional surfers, they
  21. 2nd Battle Squadron, coming from the Moray Firth. At 05:00,she had to crash, dive ,when the cruiser appeared from the mist heading toward her. This was followed
  22. And air firepower. Sea U. S. Navy Most of the air-to-air fighters and the small, dive ,bombers and strike aircraft were U. S. Navy carrier-based airplanes. The
  23. By undersea explorer E. Lee Spence and 5 years after being filmed by a, dive ,team funded by novelist Clive Custer. *2007 – An EF2 tornado touches down in
  24. The P-40 usually had an edge over Bf 109 in horizontal maneuverability, dive ,speed and structural strength, was roughly equal in firepower, but was slightly
  25. The forelimbs and hind limbs are transformed into paddles. This enables them to, dive ,at extreme depths (600 meters for the Weddell seal). They can remain
  26. The scoring of a dive . Usually a score considers three elements of the, dive ,: the approach, the flight, and the entry. The primary factors affecting the
  27. On September 16, 2000,rescuing all remaining hostages, except Filipino, dive ,instructor Roland Ullah. He was eventually freed in 2003. Many commentators
  28. Yachts on passage. The pier at Santa Maria on Sal used by both fishing and, dive ,boats has been rehabilitated. Merchant marine: total: 10 ships by type:
  29. Neornithic birds survived the K–T boundary as a result of their abilities to, dive , swim, or seek shelter in water and marshlands. Many species of birds can build
  30. While whirligig beetles simply carry an air bubble down with them whenever they, dive , The extra allow beetles and weevils to both fly and move through confined
  31. At 6 % interest. The announcement of the sale was also poorly handled, and a, dive ,in business confidence ensued. The Hang Seng Index fell 80 points, and the HK
  32. Professional golfer Nancy Lopez, were friends of Schott's. The team took a, dive ,under Knight, and he was unable to complete two full seasons as manager, subject
  33. To retrieve many items from the outside of dumpsters without having to ", dive ," into them. The practice of dumpster diving is also known variously as
  34. Point will quickly lose all lift and descend accelerating very fast like a, dive ,boomer so that its landing will be vertical and with great force and probably
  35. Is no evidence that late Maastrichtian nonavian dinosaurs could burrow, swim or, dive , they were unable to shelter themselves from the worst parts of any
  36. Score * the distance of the dive r from the diving apparatus throughout the, dive ,(a dive r must not be dangerously close, should not be too far away, but should
  37. Of diving beetles (Dytiscidae) carry a bubble of air with them whenever they, dive ,beneath the water surface. Bombardier beetles have well-developed, like other
  38. Japanese fighters, mostly Zeroes. Other victories included Rich D3A" Val ", dive ,bombers. The only confirmed twin engine claim, a Ki-21" Sally" (
  39. Tests in the Pacific Ocean during the next few years, culminating in the, dive ,to the bottom of the Challenger Deep in the Mariana Trench, the deepest part of
  40. Divers are judged on whether and how well they completed all aspects of the, dive , the conformance of their body to the requirements of the dive , and the amount
  41. Aspects of the dive , the conformance of their body to the requirements of the, dive , and the amount of splash created by their entry to the water. A possible score
  42. Zeus replied that if he gave Cygnus the body of a swan, he would be able to, dive ,deeply enough to retrieve his friend’s body. However, if Cygnus did take on the
  43. Push the Marines back, but was soon engaged by tanks, howitzers,naval guns and, dive ,bombers. Nakagawa's tanks and escorting infantrymen were quickly destroyed. At
  44. Develops engine problems during takeoff in Barrow, Alaska. *1939 – 13 Stakes, dive ,into the ground during a disastrous air-practice at Hammer. There are no
  45. It was one of the few unmanned deep-sea probes in operation that could, dive ,deeper than. Its recorded depth of for the Challenger Deep is believed to be
  46. In timing of take-off and entry, height and forward travel. Scoring the, dive ,There are rules governing the scoring of a dive . Usually a score considers
  47. A few verbs (for example, AmE/BRE: learned/learned, burned/burnt, and in sneak, dive , get); different prepositions and adverbs in certain contexts (for example
  48. Is used to pry the abalone from the rock before it can fully clamp down. Divers, dive ,out of boats, kayaks,tube floats or directly off the shore. There has been a
  49. The Marvelous Misadventures of Flapjack the main characters regularly dumpster, dive ,in search of candy. * Author John Hoffman wrote two books based on his own
  50. Training cadre for Nationalists. The Luftwaffe deployed squadrons of fighters, dive ,bombers, and transport aircraft as the Condor Legion. Sumerian said that the

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