Examples of the the word, ancestor , in a Sentence Context

The word ( ancestor ), is the 5371 most frequently used in English word vocabulary

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  1. Therefore also claim this descent, and in many ways strove to be like his great, ancestor , He is said to have visited the tomb of Achilles at McMillan while passing
  2. That identified kinship groups, with each line being derived from an eponymous, ancestor , Each of the Greek ethane were said to be named in honor of their respective
  3. Aurelius Alexander. His full nomenclature shows that his grandfather or other, ancestor ,was probably given Roman citizenship by the emperor Antoninus Pius, while
  4. A clade (which means that it is thought that they evolved from a common, ancestor ,apart from other extinct groups),although it has also been suggested that
  5. Years ago. The specific name comes from the Afar word for" basal family, ancestor ,". Lifestyle The toe and pelvic structure of A. radius suggests that the
  6. All Souls' Day in European folklore and folk belief are related to customs of, ancestor ,veneration practiced worldwide, such as the Chinese Ghost Festival or the
  7. Record at this time. Paleontologists believe Orator resembles the common, ancestor ,of all dinosaurs; if this is true, its traits suggest that the first dinosaurs
  8. Deinonychosaurs are very small. This evidence raises the possibility that the, ancestor ,of all caravans may have been arboreal, may have been able to glide, or both.
  9. To emphasize the international links which were forged by her 16th-century, ancestor , Ieyasu Tokugawa. In the years before the Tokugawa shogunate, that innovative
  10. With about 10,000 students. Both universities originate from a single, ancestor ,university founded in 1834,namely the Free University of Brussels, which was
  11. Relatives of the dinoflagellates. They are probably similar to the common, ancestor ,of the two groups. Another similarity is that many apicomplexan cells contain a
  12. Archosaurs All dinosaurs are believed to be descended from a fully bipedal, ancestor , perhaps similar to Orator. Bipedal movement also re-evolved in a number of
  13. Hominids. In particular, it has been used to suggest that the last common, ancestor ,of hominids and African apes was characterized by relatively little aggression
  14. No specific African musical form can be identified as the single direct, ancestor ,of the blues. However, many blues elements, such as the call-and-response format
  15. Tar and Moroccan sinter) have been played in many countries. Another likely, ancestor ,of the banjo is the adopting, a spike folk lute played by the Lola tribe of
  16. A team of hardware and software engineers, designers,and writers. ARIF is an, ancestor ,of the PDA systems used in museums today, and it boasted features that have not
  17. Rates, certain J2 haplotypes found on FT DNA database projects share a common, ancestor ,who lived 3100+/-200 years BP, as Kopecks revealed to the public. Descendants
  18. Ancestor of modern birds, though it is possibly closely related to the real, ancestor , Alternative theories and controversies There have been many controversies in
  19. Ghubar (" sand-table" or" dust-table" ) numerals, which are the direct, ancestor ,of the modern Western Arabic numerals used throughout the world. The first
  20. Eighth of the twenty-four courses into which David divided the priests, and an, ancestor ,of Zechariah the priest, who was the father of John the Baptist. (, ) Ark is a
  21. Incest, and treachery, consequences of the heinous crime perpetrated by their, ancestor , Tantalus, and then of a curse placed upon Plops, son of Tantalus, by Myrtles
  22. At first, maybe,as an act of friendship or filial piety, later as an act of, ancestor ,worship. The simple offering of food or shedding of blood at the grave develops
  23. Commonly defined phylogenetically as all descendants of the most recent common, ancestor ,of modern birds and Archaeopteryx lithographic. However, an alternate
  24. Blood at the grave develops into an elaborate system of sacrifice. Even where, ancestor ,worship is not found, the desire to provide the dead with comforts in the
  25. London to Geneva and read it before the family:" Ever since the time of my, ancestor ,Ali, the first Imam, that is to say over a period of thirteen hundred years, it
  26. Et de l'Universe" to attract the tourists. *Ministry of Bubble blowing: possible, ancestor ,of Monty Python's Ministry of Silly Walks. *Missile Slop corner: his on-off
  27. Non-Bantu languages, Greenberg argued that Proto-Bantu, the hypothetical, ancestor ,of the Bantu languages, had strong ancestral affinities with a group of
  28. As they are thought to have lost plastids after the diverging last common, ancestor ,of apicomplexans. Argentine cuisine may be referred to as a cultural blending
  29. Is whether a person is" Polish ", meaning that an emphasis on ancestry and, ancestor ,worship is a part of their belief system. Discrimination charges Inmates of the
  30. Feathers identical to those of modern birds. It is not considered a direct, ancestor ,of modern birds, though it is possibly closely related to the real ancestor .
  31. Include the great hero Heracles. According to this mythology, Perseus is the, ancestor ,of the Persians. After her death, Andromeda was placed by Athena amongst the
  32. Of the king in the nation's formation. Ancestors These are the known, ancestor ,of Alfonso Henriques, going back five generations. Descendants Alfonso married in
  33. Influential was the cultural revival and rediscovery of Calico Florentino,an, ancestor ,of modern football that was played by members of the Medici family. And
  34. In Mesoamerica wild teosinte was transformed through human selection into the, ancestor ,of modern maize, more than 6000 years ago. It gradually spread across North
  35. Also been suggested that salamanders arose separately from a temnospondyl-like, ancestor , and even that caecilians are the sister group of the advanced reptiliomorph
  36. 8th century BC, written not in the modern Arabic alphabet, nor in its Bataan, ancestor , but in variants of the epigraphic South Arabian mustard. These are followed by
  37. Script, believed to be an ahead, which through its successor Phoenician is the, ancestor ,of modern alphabets, including Arabic, Greek,Latin (via the Old Italic
  38. Language (ILL) was extremely influential and generally considered the, ancestor ,of most of the modern programming languages (the so-called Algol-like
  39. Diversity within a rapidly multiplying lineage. Starting with a recent single, ancestor , this process results in the speciation and phenotypic adaptation of an array
  40. Wretch and" horrible welfare worker ". *Roland Milk: insipid poet (possible, ancestor ,of Private Eye's" E. J. Tribe" ). *Prod nose: humorless, reasonable oaf who
  41. BC, and named after the Greek demigod Heracles, whom Philip considered his, ancestor , With its strategic location, it became a prosperous city. The Romans conquered
  42. Years before Lucy (Australopithecus aphaeresis),the iconic early human, ancestor ,candidate who lived 3.2 million years ago, and was discovered in 1974 just 74
  43. But not Mongolic. They reasoned that if all three families had a common, ancestor , we should expect losses to happen at random, not only at the geographical
  44. Ibrahim). In Islamic tradition, Abraham is considered a prophet of Islam,the, ancestor ,of Muhammad, through his firstborn son, Ishmael whose mother’s name is nowhere
  45. The examination of the basal families in the order suggests that the common, ancestor ,of the order was an adolescent plant. Fossil evidence of the Aster ales is rare
  46. Belief system that embraces not only theology, philosophy,and mythology, but, ancestor , worship,animism and magic. It pervades nearly every aspect of traditional life
  47. Modern western alphabets, such as Latin and Cyrillic, while Aramaic became the, ancestor ,of many modern beads and Aquinas of Asia. Aramaic spread across Asia
  48. Expense of another race. The aurochs (or; also URLs, Bos primigenius),the, ancestor ,of domestic cattle, was a type of large wild cattle which inhabited Europe
  49. A character in Hawaiian mythology * AI or Rig, the husband of Edda and putative, ancestor ,of the thralls or serfs in the Norse Eddie poem Rígsþula Other uses * Ai, a
  50. As a ghost (e.g., the Navajo religion). Funeral, mourning rituals, and, ancestor , worship performed by those surviving the deceased are often considered

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