Examples of the the word, bounce , in a Sentence Context

The word ( bounce ), is the 5384 most frequently used in English word vocabulary

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  1. Battle of the Ridge" because of a protrusion on the pitch that caused erratic, bounce , Australia mounted a comeback on the final day of the Fourth Test at Old
  2. Is similar in size to that used in football (soccer),but with more grip and, bounce , At the beginning of the match one team chooses one half of the court. That
  3. Were indulging in their new pastime of hurling objects at Bald, which would, bounce ,off without harming him. Loki gave the spear to Baldr's brother, the blind god
  4. And leaves the defense little time to react. Another type of pass is the, bounce ,pass. Here, the passer bounce s the ball crisply about two-thirds of the way
  5. Bye just from the home bye; batter out if a hit ball was caught after the first, bounce , The once widely accepted story that Abner Doubleday invented baseball in
  6. In the 19th century, because in baseball's early days a ball caught after one, bounce ,was still an out. The emphasis was on place-hitting and what is now called "
  7. Face) to produce such spin; but, since the shuttlecock is not allowed to, bounce , this does not apply to badminton. Slicing the shuttlecock so that it spins
  8. Debt to the APU trilogy ". Strata Mitra's cinematographic technique of, bounce ,lighting also originates from The APU Trilogy. Other famous Indian filmmakers
  9. The ball to clear the fence on the fly, and balls that reached the seats on a, bounce ,became ground rule doubles in most parks. A carryover of the old rule is that
  10. Kicking the ball deliberately is a violation). Thus, players often use the, bounce ,pass in crowded moments, or to pass around a defender. The overhead pass is
  11. Team. It may fly through" on the full" ( without touching the ground) or, bounce ,through, but must not have been touched, on the way, by any player from either
  12. Called a" spring" floor. This provides a firm surface that provides extra, bounce ,or spring when compressed, allowing gymnasts to achieve extra height and a
  13. Justify their decisions in the decades to come, while Hurst never saw the ball, bounce ,down because his momentum on shooting had taken him backwards on to the Wembley
  14. Each mail server must either deliver it onward or return a failure notice (, bounce ,message),but both software bugs and system failures can cause messages to be
  15. Final since 1967. The grand final proved to be an epic battle. At the opening, bounce , Mark Yates, retaliating to an incident caused by Dermot Braxton in Round 6
  16. Ice pellets are usually (but not always) smaller than hailstones. They often, bounce ,when they hit the ground, and generally do not freeze into a solid mass unless
  17. Not a great distance, and so usually strikes the ball after it has started to, bounce ,off the ground, so the contact is made close to the bottom of the ball. Rugby
  18. Frequency (HF, or shortwave) radio waves, the ionosphere can be utilized to ", bounce ," a transmitted signal down to ground. Transcontinental HF-connections rely on
  19. Density is larger than can be held by the quantized spacetime, it is thought to, bounce ,back. Criticisms Since its introduction by Alan Ruth in 1980,the inflationary
  20. Receiver. The ball strikes the court and bounce s up toward the receiver. The, bounce ,pass takes longer to complete than the chest pass, but it is also harder for
  21. Now in common use. Dribbling was not part of the original game except for the ", bounce ,pass" to teammates. Passing the ball was the primary means of ball movement.
  22. To Nowhere" is in play. * A ball going through the scoreboard, either on the, bounce ,or fly, is a ground rule double. * A fly ball striking left-center field wall
  23. Tons in 2000. Coffee production also dropped sharply during this period to, bounce ,back to 100,000 metric tons in 2000. Timber is the main source of foreign
  24. Its intent, but made the drop-kick obsolete, as the more pointed ball did not, bounce ,up from the ground reliably. The drop-kick was supplanted by the place kick
  25. The following is a list of contentious comparisons: * In tennis, the ball may, bounce ,once before the player hits it; in badminton, the rally ends once the
  26. That it bounce s along the ground. This is known as a" grubber ". Grubbers can, bounce ,in a straight line, or curve to the left or right. Apart from free kicks or
  27. S shock absorber sports bras, and appeared in the" only the ball should, bounce ," billboard campaign. Photographs of her scantily-clad form have appeared in
  28. Game close to the modern one, though a ball caught on the first, bounce ,was, again,an out and only underhand pitching was allowed. While there are
  29. The dealers will insist that the shooter roll with one hand and that the dice, bounce ,off the far wall surrounding the table. These requirements are meant to keep
  30. Can be handled: for example, players running with the ball must intermittently, bounce ,or touch it on the ground. Throwing the ball is not allowed and players must
  31. But the club's board kept faith in Curricula, confident that they could, bounce ,back. And Curricula rewarded the chairman's loyalty with the Division One
  32. Of Kevlar are added to custom ply blades, or paddles, in order to increase, bounce ,and reduce weight. It is used for motorcycle safety clothing, especially in the
  33. Players from each team are allowed within the center square () at every center, bounce , which occurs at the commencement of each quarter, and to restart the game
  34. At speed, she had never achieved before, and the front of the boat started to, bounce ,out of the water on the starboard side. 150 yards from the end of the measured
  35. 3) the batter reaches first base safely on a fair ball that takes an unnatural, bounce ,so that a fielder cannot handle it with ordinary effort, or that touches the
  36. Its rules following the input of several other clubs. The requirement to, bounce ,the ball while running was introduced in a significant redraft of the Melbourne
  37. The longer oleo strut was fitted, which finally eliminated the tendency to, bounce , The first Corsair unit to be based effectively on a carrier was the pioneer
  38. The shuttlecock may even fall vertically. Spin Balls may be spun to alter their, bounce ,(for example, topspin and backspin in tennis),and players may slice the ball
  39. Competently with both hands. Good dribblers (or" ball handlers" ) tend to, bounce ,the ball low to the ground, reducing the distance of travel of the ball from
  40. Flight). On the carousel, instead of tossing the ball straight at a rail to, bounce ,back, the tosser must throw the ball toward the right of the target and the
  41. The Morse code for the letter S. To reach Newfoundland the signal would have to, bounce ,off the ionosphere twice. Dr. Jack Melrose has recently contested this, however
  42. Struts had bad rebound characteristics on landing, allowing the aircraft to, bounce ,out of control down the carrier deck. Meant that the location of the wing fuel
  43. Is solely responsible for deciding to try to catch it or play it on the, bounce ,and for succeeding or failing. The statistical precision of baseball is both
  44. The organization disallowed putouts made by catching a fair ball on the first, bounce , Four years later, it barred participation by African Americans. The game's
  45. Would almost certainly be regarded as dangerous. It is not against the rules to, bounce ,the ball on the stick and even to run with it while doing so, as long as that
  46. MTA to deliver it, and when a message cannot be delivered, that MTA must send a, bounce ,message back to the sender, indicating the problem. Filename extensions Upon
  47. In 2008-09 the economy had contracted 6.4 %. However, output is expected to, bounce ,back in the second half of 2011,as supply constraints ease and reconstruction
  48. During the present war. Their own anti-Semitism has caused this vast crime to, bounce ,off their consciousness. " In Nineteen Eighty-Four, written shortly after the
  49. Rabo," tail" and Ojibwa: waggish, from was, which refers to the up and down ", bounce ," or flickering of an animal or its tail. Male foxes are known as dogs or
  50. Active. Since the Boeing Ball used almost no CPU time (only to calculate the, bounce ,angles - animation was handled by playfield vertical and horizontal scrolling

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