Examples of the the word, dispose , in a Sentence Context

The word ( dispose ), is the 5369 most frequently used in English word vocabulary

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  1. Stages and the fish are able to gulp air to fill the gas bladder, or they can, dispose ,excess gas to the gut. The fish in this family are native to North America
  2. More to follow the suit for, whether it was hers or mine, she was resolved to, dispose ,thereof at her pleasure. On 25 September 1594,King Henri IV of France wrote to
  3. Users will bypass this danger by using cold water extraction to extract and, dispose ,of a portion of the paracetamol, taking advantage of the water-soluble element
  4. To another part of the realm. The wealthy sometimes bought such letters to, dispose ,of unwanted individuals. In this respect, the letters de cachet were a
  5. In New Jersey, safe from the New York tax assessors, until he was ready to, dispose ,of them ..." 1880–1900: Scholar and activist Carnegie continued his business
  6. Do 228 light twin turboprops were acquired between 1986 and 1989 in part to, dispose ,of the older Dorkier products. In 1990 two Douglas C-47's and PT6A turboprops
  7. Organized in 1916 under the laws of the state of Utah to acquire, hold,and, dispose ,of real property. In 1923,the church incorporated the Corporation of the
  8. In" Towers of Silence ", where vultures and other carrion eating birds then, dispose ,of the corpses. In the present-day structures, the bones are collected in a
  9. And funded by central government (a quango),with wide powers to acquire and, dispose ,of land in the Docklands. It also served as the development planning authority
  10. Campaign to halt the trade. The government was offered a contract to, dispose ,of 15 million tons of toxic wastes over a 15-year period. The income from it
  11. On the Indian Zoroastrian Paris community, who traditionally use vultures to, dispose ,of human corpses in a Tower of Silence, but are now compelled to seek alternate
  12. Of the basic track, including Allen's starkest advice about how to tag and, dispose ,of family members should they die in the fallout shelter (taken from the
  13. S Task Force Report on the Political Status of Puerto Rico the US may, dispose ,of Puerto Rico by transferring it to another sovereign country as a mere
  14. Currencies. The recipient of the local currency may be allowed to freely, dispose ,of the funds, required to hold the funds with the central bank for some period
  15. Of a microprocessor doubles every 18 months, and it becomes easier to simply, dispose ,of the PC than to upgrade or repair it. The slot specifications are still used
  16. Of the ball and in the process makes it impossible for their opponent to, dispose ,of the ball. For example if a tackler pins an opponent's arm, then the
  17. Is a state function, the required dumping of heat into the environment to, dispose ,of excess entropy leads to a reduction in efficiency. So Equation (1) gives
  18. Spends his life living in the sewers of Gotham City. His real intentions are to, dispose ,of every firstborn aristocratic son in Gotham City out of vengeance against
  19. The real numbers. The question naturally arises of whether it is possible to, dispose ,of the full set of reals and use computable numbers for all mathematics.
  20. When a player lays a tackle on an opponent that has had prior opportunity to, dispose ,of the ball and in the process makes it impossible for their opponent to
  21. Under any circumstances. Once a player takes possession of the ball he must, dispose ,of it by either kicking or hand balling it. Any other method of disposal is
  22. Lethe River. In 138 BC, the Roman general Decides Julius Brutus sought to, dispose ,of the myth, as it impeded his military campaigns in the area. He was said to
  23. From North Africa.: Finally, under the Treaty, should the British crown wish to, dispose ,of Gibraltar, that of Spain should be offered the territory first. Until the
  24. Tackling in Australian Rules is unique in that if tackled player does not, dispose ,of the ball having had opportunity to do so (called the holding the ball rule
  25. Heat output also means air conditioning (cooling) systems have less heat to, dispose ,of, reducing carbon dioxide emissions. LEDs are small, durable and need little
  26. Create and operate it. As legal entity the corporation can acquire, own,and, dispose ,of property in its own name like buildings, land and equipment. It can also
  27. Emerges from within him. A fight ensues in which the" evil" Superman tries to, dispose ,of the" good" Kent, but the latter fights back," kills" the evil side to
  28. On Lavrushinski Street. According to Olga Ivinskaya, he repeatedly helps to, dispose ,of German bombs which fell on it. In 1943,Pasternak was finally granted
  29. It would not be sufficient to stop it. Sometimes the hero is required to, dispose ,of the body in unconventional ways. The preferred method is to cut off the
  30. Alphonse's wife Joan (who died five days after Alphonse) had attempted to, dispose ,of some of her inherited lands in her will. Joan was the only surviving child
  31. Michigan, one recycler has estimated that as many as one household in four will, dispose ,of or recycle a TV set in the next year. The digital television transition
  32. Abdullah in Muhammad al-Omari succeeded him. Umami showed no reluctance to, dispose ,of those he viewed as a threat. Umawi's government was marked by continuous
  33. To him and suggested Cortés free Cuitláhuac so that he could convince them to, dispose ,of their arms and not fight anymore. Cortés then freed Cuitláhuac and once
  34. A Bushman of the Kalahari who decides to travel to" the edge of the world" to, dispose ,of a Coca-Cola bottle that he thinks has evil powers. Fantasy fiction is
  35. Which each worker feels himself to be a soldier of labor who cannot freely, dispose ,of himself; if he is ordered transferred, he must execute that order; if he
  36. The lay abbot took his recognized rank in the feudal hierarchy, and was free to, dispose ,of his fief as in the case of any other. The enfeoffment of abbeys differed in
  37. 4 Summary. Lay persons, no matter how pious they may be, have no authority to, dispose ,of anything that belongs to the Church. Text. In accordance with the decision
  38. To the British Crown, states that, if the British Crown should ever wish to, dispose ,of Gibraltar, it must first be offered to Spain. However, the Government of
  39. Evidence of Beria's sexual indiscretions, he appeared to be preparing to, dispose ,of him, as he had done with Beria's predecessors, Nikolai Method, and Enrich
  40. Glass formation the molecules of the super cooled liquid are not forced to, dispose ,in rigid crystal geometries and can follow surface tension, which imposes a
  41. Does not mention Arthur. Historian David Danville has written:" I think we can, dispose ,of him Arthur quite briefly. He owes his place in our history books to a 'no
  42. Composting standard and associated logo that enables consumers to identify and, dispose ,of packaging in their compost heap. The United Kingdom
  43. That lay persons, no matter how devout they may be, have no authority to, dispose ,of anything belonging to the Church, but according to the Apostolic canon the
  44. Resting on Aisha's lap he murmured his final words soon after asking her to, dispose ,of his last worldly goods, which were seven coins: He is buried where he died
  45. Every thing is really worth to the man who has acquired it, and who wants to, dispose ,of it or exchange it for something else, is the toil and trouble which it can
  46. These included the use of torture, the use of predetermined" show trials" to, dispose ,of political prisoners, and widespread arbitrary arrest and detention. Secret
  47. Generated in the area around the Chernobyl disaster. It is not feasible to, dispose ,of 137Cs through neutron capture (due to the low capture rate) and as a
  48. Internment camp that his parents had sent him to. Magneto sends Apocalypse to, dispose ,of his rival Black Panther; when Apocalypse is attacked en route by Black
  49. Bump or tackle the player to obtain the ball and, when tackled, the player must, dispose ,of the ball cleanly or risk being penalized for holding the ball. The ball
  50. Constant. Thus, processes that use carbon must obtain it somewhere and, dispose ,of it somewhere else. The paths that carbon follows in the environment make up

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