Examples of the the word, frankly , in a Sentence Context

The word ( frankly ), is the 5370 most frequently used in English word vocabulary

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  1. For the nomination in 1844; his famous letter of April 27, 1844,in which he, frankly ,opposed the immediate annexation of Texas, though doubtlessly contributing
  2. In 2009,Griffin stated:" I have brought the British National party from the, frankly ,an anti-Semitic and racist organization, into the only party which in the
  3. But you certainly survived that and have done extremely well since ... I am, frankly , very proud to call you a friend. " Mission insignia The insignia for the
  4. Describe the importance of Berlin's compositions: I want to say at once that I, frankly ,believe that Irving Berlin is the greatest songwriter that has ever lived ....
  5. Give him some money. If this request to drop the torture case is true, it is, frankly ,monstrous. It would at the very least be a criminal misuse of the powers and
  6. He shows how Lamar and Lemuel, though they rebel many times, repent and are, frankly ,forgiven by the Lord. He shows how the Lord is willing to answer prayers
  7. The Establishment could be overcome once Edward was king, and she confessed, frankly ,to Aunt Bessie about her" insatiable ambitions" ... Trapped by his flight
  8. Of French painters in the later part of the century whose works were often, frankly ,salacious, frequently featuring scenes in harems, public baths and slave
  9. Understand. I thoroughly disagreed with him in numerous issues and his actions, frankly ,appeared to me confused and complicated. To this extent I feel that I would
  10. I don't think this kind of thing has an impact on the unconverted, frankly , It's not even preaching to the converted; it's titillating the converted ...
  11. These were called" smashes" or" spoons ", and they were written about quite, frankly ,in stories for girls aspiring to attend college in publications such as Ladies
  12. In Egypt, and in 1900 Abbas paid a second visit to Britain, during which he, frankly ,acknowledged the great good the British had done in Egypt, and declared himself
  13. The LA Basin town of Wilmington, California:" Although Monday night dancing is, frankly ,an experiment it was the only night of the week on which this outstanding band
  14. Modern English lesbian subculture" by professor Laura Down. Newspaper stories, frankly ,divulged that the book's content includes" sexual relations between Lesbian
  15. Opera composers of the time. Few of his operas are without such admixtures, frankly ,introduced in the form of arias or overtures. For example, in IL Barbiere there
  16. Lincoln Park, Douglass was the keynote speaker. In his speech, Douglass spoke, frankly ,about Lincoln, noting what he perceived as both the positive and negative
  17. Interviewer, often appeared uncomfortable with the questions, but answered them, frankly ,and honestly. Hancock had always been highly self-critical, and it is often
  18. Way too much personal pride to want to be associated with any of them, quite, frankly , " In August 2005,Torvalds received the Vellum Award from Reed College.;
  19. Lascivious grip while wolves with dripping jaws look on expectantly, this is, frankly ,indecent ", but several artists and art experts praised the paintings. Gwen
  20. Faithful to Catholic doctrine, and therefore was convinced he could criticize, frankly ,and virtually everyone. Erasmus held himself aloof from entangling obligations
  21. Make a statement that would displease the segregationists:" I say to you quite, frankly , that the time for racial discrimination is over. No poor, rural,weak, or
  22. Interest in the esoteric. Crowley himself later stated that" I told him, frankly ,that I had given my life to religion and that he did not fit into the scheme. I
  23. Reject from its very beginning kaitava-dharma or false philosophy, thus it, frankly ,speaks about the principle of material life, and it does have a meaningful
  24. Coming annihilation of the Jews: As for the Jews, well,I can tell you quite, frankly ,that one way or another we have to put an end to them. The Führer once put it
  25. Down, an astonished Q says," You hit me! Picard never hit me! " Sicko counters, frankly ,that" I'm not Picard. " Q responds with a smile, saying " Indeed not ... you
  26. The company of" the gentle Camille Pissaro ", with whom she could speak, frankly ,about the changing attitudes toward art. She once described him as a teacher "
  27. Being. On the way, he encounters the ballerina Teresina and experiences the, frankly ,sexual fascination of the blonde hair, of the confident and sharp
  28. Is to recognize her complete equality of status with her fellows and to do so, frankly , freely and unreservedly ... While one understands and sympathizes with French
  29. Harper's Bazaar. In 1924, he opened the New York Daily Mirror, a racy tabloid, frankly ,imitating the New York Daily News. Among his other holdings were two news
  30. About brilliant detection, dreadful villains and blood-curdling crimes – and, frankly , to hell with the crinoline. Other detectives have cases, Sherlock Holmes has
  31. Likewise, while Tolkien tended toward romantic relationships, Martin writes, frankly ,of sex, including incest, adultery,prostitution, and rape. As a result
  32. Course there was a gag order as well, so I couldn't tell this story, but now I, frankly ,don't care. It's the truth. Harlan Ellison is a parasite who can kiss my ass.
  33. Grouchy While, Marx says" I've been a liberal Democrat all my life ", and " I, frankly ,find Democrats a better, more sympathetic crowd .... I'll continue to believe
  34. Cinema magnate does no more than exploit the occasion. He also, more or less, frankly , is a dope polar. " Film critic Grierson's emerging and outspoken film
  35. By his opponents to keep the public from taking him seriously, Kennedy stated, frankly ," I’m not running for vice president, I’m running for president. " There were
  36. From the west, from the days of Jun aid. Historian Macumba, say that this was, frankly ,recognized by the Arab writers themselves. He further clears that historians of
  37. A lot of opportunities very quickly. They appreciated and rewarded talent and, frankly , there was a lot of turnover. ” In his 2003 book, Lies (And the Lying Liars
  38. One lover at a time, and when she tired of the present occupier, she said so, frankly ,and took another. Yet such was the authority of this wanton, that no man dared
  39. Russian Civil War, exclaimed " We stand for organized terror – this should be, frankly ,stated ". Opponents of this view include revisionist historians and a number of
  40. The" Instructions for the Guidance of the Assembly ", pillaging (as she, frankly ,admitted) the philosophers of Western Europe, especially Montesquieu and
  41. Description, and described the runners-up prizes of DVDs of the film as ", frankly ,worthless ", which led to the producers refusing to hand over the prize, for
  42. The massacres carried out in the fort is a grass field, marked by a simple yet, frankly ,worded memorial written in several languages. It reads," This is the place
  43. Interview he had given to a postgraduate student the previous May in which he, frankly ,discussed attempting to apply pressure. Lenin claimed that" on mature
  44. On 5 November 1981,Diana's first pregnancy was officially announced, and she, frankly ,discussed her pregnancy with members of the press corps. In the private Linda
  45. Is secular and, while some songs celebrate religious ideals, others are, frankly ,profane, dealing with drunkenness, debauchery and lechery. High medieval music
  46. Rationalize a plague of murderous sexual insanity. Sex in Tiptree's writing is, frankly ,portrayed, a sometimes playful but more often threatening force. Before the
  47. He saw himself as a preacher of righteousness by an appeal to reason, applied, frankly , and without fear of the magisterium. He always intended to remain faithful to
  48. That was making the comparison, Senator,and I'm one who knew him well. And, frankly ,I think you are so far apart in the objectives you choose for your country that
  49. Obnoxious red herrings" and another described them as" vague and cryptic, and, frankly , a little condescending ". Special features included in later versions and
  50. Abide by their pledges inscribed in the Versailles Treaty because they had not, frankly ,agreed to them. ... We, on the contrary, believe that if Germany, far from

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