Examples of the the word, statistically , in a Sentence Context

The word ( statistically ), is the 5374 most frequently used in English word vocabulary

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  1. Supply some scientific data concerning language use in the EU. In this study, statistically ,relevant samples of the population in each country were asked to fill out a
  2. From planetary systems in 2:1 orbital resonance, ( 2) another 40 % cannot be, statistically ,distinguished from a circular orbital solution" and" ( 3) planets with
  3. In using this faux-mathematical philosophy. Edmund Wilson argues that, statistically ," the logic of the 'Modest proposal' can be compared with defense of crime (
  4. Least 5 servings daily and grains to at least 6 servings daily resulted in: *no, statistically ,significant reduction in invasive breast cancer Additional recent randomized
  5. Incidence of pancreatic cancer are mixed; one study published in 2004 found a, statistically ,significant increase in the risk of pancreatic cancer among women, while a
  6. Older and or obese divers; however a double-blind study to test this found no, statistically ,significant reduction in reported fatigue. There was, however,some suggestion
  7. Common knowledge of how all the other voters vote except for small-probability, statistically ,independent errors in recording the votes, then the winner will be the
  8. Of the difference between groups, without regard to whether the difference is, statistically ,significant. Reporting significance levels without effect sizes is problematic
  9. Populations that, as a result of natural selection, have come to differ, statistically ,in the relative frequencies of many polymorphic genes. The genetic distances
  10. Which can fund rebellions and insurgencies from abroad. The study found that, statistically ,switching the size of a country's diaspora from the smallest found in the
  11. Vitamin E, in doses ranging from 50 to per day. None of these trials found a, statistically ,significant effect of vitamin E on overall number of deaths or on deaths due to
  12. Law if the emission of light into a mode with n photons would be enhanced, statistically ,compared to the emission of light into an empty mode. This paper was enormously
  13. Even though there is no analogue to a covariance matrix, x and y are not, statistically ,independent. Analogously to the univariate density, the
  14. Is 1.000,in which case it remains the same. A hit by pitch is not counted, statistically ,as a walk, though the effect is mostly the same, with the batter receiving a
  15. Alert bears to their presence. In direct confrontations, people who run are, statistically ,more likely to be attacked than those who stand their ground. Violent
  16. A randomized placebo-controlled trial found that DHEA supplementation had no (, statistically ,significant) effect on lean body mass, strength,or testosterone levels.
  17. Within one standard deviation of the controls, meaning that while effects were, statistically ,reliable, the children were as a whole, still within the normal range. There
  18. In synchronous CDMA (shown in the example above). These PN sequences are, statistically ,uncorrelated, and the sum of many PN sequences results in multiple
  19. More states also meant more states in which to have long civil wars. Hiragana, statistically ,measures the impact of the increased number of ex-colonial states as increasing
  20. IPCC. Detection of a signal requires demonstrating that an observed change is, statistically ,significantly different from that which can be explained by natural internal
  21. Which states that all large regions and times in the universe must be, statistically ,identical. The latter principle underlay the steady-state theory, which had
  22. The horizon problem is the problem of determining why the universe appears, statistically ,homogeneous and isotropic in accordance with the cosmological principle. For
  23. Of traits from a number of species (or specimens) and analyzing them, statistically ,to find the most likely phylogenetic tree for the group. Although similar in
  24. To chance alone. In this case, the number of positive results was within the, statistically ,predicted range for type I errors. The observed changes have been found to be
  25. 1987-99. Overall, antidepressant pills worked 18 % better than placebos,a, statistically ,significant difference," but not meaningful for people in clinical settings "
  26. By the European arm of Greenpeace, suggested the possibility of a slight but, statistically ,meaningful risk of liver damage in rats. While small statistically significant
  27. The system of testing shells, which remained in use up to 1944,meant that, statistically , a batch of shells of which 70 % were faulty stood an even chance of being
  28. Medicine, homeopathy,and reflexology, are,according to The Economist,", statistically ,indistinguishable from placebo treatments. " Richard Dawkins, an evolutionary
  29. And the work of other biostatisticians, mathematical biologists, and, statistically , inclined geneticists helped bring together evolutionary biology and genetics
  30. Some claims of high accuracy that were comparatively weak when compared to the, statistically ,led investigations in Europe. This came to a head at a meeting sponsored by the
  31. Southern four counties) has a borderline humid subtropical climate (sometimes, statistically ,meeting this climate's criteria, sometimes not) with seasonal extremes
  32. For large sample sizes even small effects of little practical importance can be, statistically ,significant. Examples of descriptive statistics Most statistics can be used
  33. Where subtitling is the preferred option, English literacy and comprehension is, statistically ,far higher than in countries where television and films are routinely dubbed.
  34. Meaning that they are simple programs that are carefully designed to, statistically ,mimic the processor usage of some common set of programs. Whetstone, developed
  35. With up to three independent variables have been published. Follow-up tests A, statistically ,significant effect in ANOVA is often followed up with one or more different
  36. Only significantly better by two of the measures. The other two measures gave, statistically ,insignificant improvements (P-values of approximately 0.1 and 0.6). This
  37. In the trial given psychotherapy treatment along with doses of MDMA experienced, statistically ,significant reductions in the severity of their condition after two months
  38. By all four measures, Alexander technique was better than no treatment, to a, statistically ,significant degree (both P-values < 0.04). However, when compared to a
  39. Dynasty, in the second century BC. A criticism of this method is that it can be, statistically ,weak. Schaefer in particular has questioned how robust the claimed alignments
  40. Pilot studies have failed to confirm this effect, collectively indicating no, statistically ,significant interaction between daily consumption of 250 mL cranberry juice and
  41. A slight but statistically meaningful risk of liver damage in rats. While small, statistically ,significant changes may have been observed, statistical differences are both
  42. Is recommended for management of mild depression, but it has only a moderate, statistically ,insignificant effect on symptoms in most cases of major depressive disorder.
  43. More studies are needed to confirm these highly preliminary results. While, statistically ,significant results have been obtained for its role in treating hypertension
  44. Of the New York metropolitan area; three of Connecticut's eight counties are, statistically ,included in the New York City combined statistical area, the same area is
  45. A study was published using wet divers at the same depth and confirmed that no, statistically ,significant reduction in reported fatigue is seen. Further, studies with a
  46. That" ( 1) around 35 % of the published eccentric one-planet solutions are, statistically ,indistinguishable from planetary systems in 2:1 orbital resonance, ( 2)
  47. Of getting Tails. (Note: The field of behavioral genetics is concerned with, statistically ,partitioning differences between people into genetic and environmental sources
  48. A \operator name (X)\, Note that the second result is valid even if X is not, statistically ,independent of Y. Combining the results from previous three equations, we can
  49. Specific pitchers a certain batter performs best against. If a given situation, statistically ,favors a certain batter, the manager of the fielding team may be more likely to
  50. Less than the binding energy, it will transition to an excited state. After a, statistically ,sufficient quantity of time, an electron in an excited state will undergo a

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