Examples of the the word, adhere , in a Sentence Context

The word ( adhere ), is the 5382 most frequently used in English word vocabulary

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  1. Members. Throughout the winter special meetings were held and Mormons urged to, adhere ,to the commandments of God and the practices and precepts of the church.
  2. Over it. The developed areas of the plate repel water thus allowing the ink to, adhere ,to only those parts of the plate which are to print. The ink is then offset
  3. Upon application of direct current causes the particles to clump together and, adhere ,to the operating surfaces. Engagement and slippage are notably smooth. *
  4. Cultural base. Other federal offices, such as the United States Census Bureau, adhere ,to the OMB standards on race in its data collection and tabulations efforts. In
  5. To get a refined set of Indian laws, as it currently stands. Indian laws also, adhere ,to the United Nations guidelines on human rights law and the environmental law.
  6. The book's three or four chapters, Yahweh is vindicated while those who do not, adhere ,to the law of Moses are condemned. Some scholars have suggested that the book
  7. The Trinity as defined by these councils to be orthodox doctrine to which they, adhere , However, the Council resulted in a major schism, with those who refused to
  8. Cloth (about 5/8” all round) are folded over the boards, and pressed down to, adhere , After case making the stack of cases will go to the foil stamping area. Metal
  9. To God through the tabernacles and the temples in Jerusalem. Some Christians, adhere ,to New Covenant theology, which states that Jews have rejected Jesus as the
  10. Only his voice works have programmatic titles and his late works often, adhere ,to classical forms. Among his masterworks are all the six string quartets (
  11. By inspiration of God ...." ( from Paul's letter to Timothy) Some Christians, adhere ,to a doctrine of Biblical literalism,i.e. they regard both the New and Old
  12. Beaded sculptures. Have a completely unique approach to bead work. They, adhere ,beads, one by one, to a surface, such as wood or a gourd, with a mixture of
  13. Of which (between 81 % and 90 %) are Roman Catholic. About 1 % of Colombians, adhere ,to indigenous religions and under 1 % to Judaism, Islam,Hinduism, and Buddhism
  14. I'their is still an Islamic ideal, to which all Muslims should strive to, adhere ,at all times. Judaism defines altruism as the desired goal of creation.
  15. To be stamped. Heat and pressure cause the foil to detach from its backing and, adhere ,to the case. Foils come in various shades of gold and silver and in a variety
  16. Address these issues by providing a common standard for all implementations to, adhere , too. It includes a number of features not available in normal C, such as
  17. Of atoms at the supra molecular and macromolecular scale interact strongly and, adhere ,to each other or are otherwise highly concentrated in a system. The most
  18. Rhythm of four bars" ). Beethoven had been criticized before for failing to, adhere ,to standard form for his compositions. He used this movement to answer his
  19. States relations The United States has encouraged Belarus to conclude and, adhere ,to agreements with the International Monetary Fund (IMF) on the program of
  20. Of the Seleucid king Antioch us Epiphanies. Those who share this view typically, adhere ,to the Maccabees thesis when analyzing the Book of Daniel. Paul Roche promotes
  21. Pseudopodia supported by AirPods radiating outward from the cell body, which, adhere , to passing prey and allows it to roll or float about. The outer portion of the
  22. May dictate not wearing a bow-tie, and musical performers sometimes do not, adhere ,to this. (The artists who recorded the nominees for Best Original Song quite
  23. Could not help lower the payments due to the high building code the Islands, adhere , too. Much suspense was built around the devastation that Hurricane Ivan had
  24. Many overseas Indians in countries such as Burma, Singapore and Malaysia also, adhere ,to Hinduism. Buddhism has a great following in mainland Southeast Asia and East
  25. Cities) can be found with respect to: Religion While 56.4 % of the population, adhere ,to the Catholic Church,21 % are affiliated with the Evangelical Lutheran
  26. Agreed on a compromise set of requirements. Some Christians continued to, adhere ,to Jewish law, but they were few and often considered heretics by the
  27. Catholics,1.0 % Church of England, and 0.6 % Muslims. The remaining 1.3 %, adhere ,to other religious denominations or did not state their religion. Languages The
  28. Progression, not a wild departure. Note that Judge Cardozo continues to, adhere ,to the original principle of Winterbottom, that " absurd and outrageous
  29. Class object to behave as do built-in types. These" concrete classes ", then, adhere , to the" Orthodox Canonical Form ". Many developers who first learned the term
  30. D'Voice and Ghana for seasonal agricultural work. About a third of Suriname, adhere ,to traditional African religions. The introduction of Islam to Burkina Faso was
  31. There are of paved and of unpaved roadways Traffic laws The traffic signs, adhere ,to the Vienna Convention on Road Signs and Signals. The general speed limits
  32. Hardens. Depending on the chemical composition of the adhesive, they will, adhere ,to different materials to greater or lesser degrees. Polymer dispersion
  33. Educational institutions than do those of independent persuasion. However, they, adhere , to a very similar ecclesiology, refusing to permit outside control or oversight
  34. Rather pescetarians. Chinese Buddhism and part of Korean Buddhism strictly, adhere ,to vegetarianism. Buddhism and other food considerations East Asian" Buddhist
  35. Proselytizes and conducts humanitarian services worldwide. Faithful members, adhere ,to laws regarding sexual purity, health,fasting, and Sabbath observance, and
  36. As during the fermentation process its hydrophobic surface causes the flows to, adhere ,to CO2 and rise; because of this they are often referred to as" top cropping "
  37. Church ... '. In 1978 An Australian Prayer Book was produced which sought to, adhere ,to this principle, so that where the Liturgical Committee could not agree on a
  38. To end the slave trade. In 1817,it signed a first treaty, to which it did not, adhere , With the abolishment of slavery altogether in their colonies, the British
  39. Inspiration with only the original text; for example some American Protestants, adhere ,to the 1978 Chicago Statement on Biblical Inerrant which asserted that
  40. Zen Buddhism took shape. Over 80 % of the populations of both India and Nepal, adhere ,to Hinduism, alongside significant communities in Bangladesh, Pakistan,Bhutan
  41. Atmospheric curium compounds are poorly soluble in common solvents and mostly, adhere ,to soil particles. Soil analysis revealed about 4,000 times higher
  42. Holy Scripture can be explained in a multiplicity of senses, one should not, adhere ,to a particular explanation, only in such measure as to be ready to abandon it
  43. The sexual double standard of the late 18th century and demanded that men, adhere ,to the same virtues demanded of women. However,Wollstonecraft's arguments for
  44. E" for all instances of" at" ( e.g. video, videli). Others, attempting to, adhere ,to the norm, will actually use the" ya" sound even in cases where the
  45. Americium compounds are poorly soluble in common solvents and mostly, adhere ,to soil particles. Soil analysis revealed about 1,900 higher concentration of
  46. These codes, the Rail Regulator made it clear that he expected the Roscoe to, adhere ,to their spirit as well as their letter. The codes of practice were duly put in
  47. The ceremonies of their worship. They also provided that their children should, adhere ,to their religion, being obliged to do so as well by the ties of blood, as on
  48. Inherent in the Catholic Church. At first the Church of England continued to, adhere ,to the doctrinal and liturgical norms of the Catholic Church. However, in the
  49. More than half of the population are Roman Catholics, while about a quarter, adhere ,to the protestant churches introduced during the colonial period: the
  50. Was used for gluing statues. The Egyptians made much use of animal glues to, adhere ,furniture, ivory,and papyrus. The Mongols also used adhesives to make their

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