Examples of the the word, interrupt , in a Sentence Context

The word ( interrupt ), is the 5378 most frequently used in English word vocabulary

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  1. Effort is polite and respectful in a chaos circle: It's easy to accidentally, interrupt ,another performer who's trying to start up a song of their own, especially in
  2. The main CPU. When a new symbol has been entered, the device typically sends an, interrupt ,to alert the CPU to read it. For devices with only a few switches (such as the
  3. Resulting in loss of data. Engineers thus arranged for the peripherals to, interrupt ,the CPU. The interrupt s had to be prioritized, because the CPU can only execute
  4. To be controlled by a single processor system. In such systems a hierarchical, interrupt ,system is coupled with process prioritization to ensure that key activities
  5. Card requires many jumpers in order to set memory addresses, I/O addresses, interrupt ,priorities, and interrupt numbers. Second generation" Second generation" bus
  6. Handler is installed, and it is the interrupt handler that handles the, interrupt ,from the disk. When an interrupt occurs, the hardware automatically switches a
  7. Cleveland Indians to the World Series in 1954,making him the only manager to, interrupt ,the New York Yankees pennant run between 1949 and 1964 inclusive. After the
  8. And seletracetam. Other drugs are commonly used to abort an active seizure or, interrupt ,a seizure flurry; these include diazepam (Valium, Diastat) and lorazepam (
  9. Frequent manipulation and deceitful use of language. His characters frequently, interrupt ,one another, their sentences trail off unfinished, and their dialogue overlaps.
  10. Instead of stacking the PC and CC registers (normal 6809 behavior) the FIRE, interrupt ,can be set to stack the entire register set, as the IRQ interrupt does. In
  11. To utilize the CPU. As the arrival of the requested data would generate an, interrupt , blocked processes could be guaranteed a timely return to execution. The
  12. Freud. Inhibition describes a moment of conscious awareness of a choice to, interrupt , stop or entirely prevent an unnecessary habitual" misuse ". As unnecessary
  13. The CPU, either voluntarily or by an external event such as a hardware, interrupt , Time-sharing systems are designed to allow several programs to execute
  14. 7812.5 bit/s for keyboard. **MC68901 MFP" Multi Function Peripheral"—Used for, interrupt ,generation/control, serial and misc. Control input signals. Atari TT030 had 2
  15. The device is known as a microcontroller. * For many embedded applications, interrupt ,latency will be more critical than in some general-purpose processors. Embedded
  16. It is the interrupt handler that handles the interrupt from the disk. When an, interrupt ,occurs, the hardware automatically switches a part of the context (at least
  17. Yield the CPU (for example, by performing an I/O operation),a timer, interrupt ,fires, and the operating system schedules another process for execution instead
  18. POKEY chip which also handles keyboard scanning, serial I/O, high resolution, interrupt ,capable timers (single cycle accurate),and random number generation. **2 KB
  19. War, the British sought to neutralize any military threat Acadians posed and to, interrupt ,the vital supply lines Acadians provided to Louisbourg by deporting Acadians
  20. To guarantee worst-case response. That is easier to do when the CPU has low, interrupt ,latency and when it has deterministic response. (DSP) * Computer programmers
  21. In order to set memory addresses, I/O addresses, interrupt priorities, and, interrupt , numbers. Second generation" Second generation" bus systems like Nubs
  22. When an interrupt or exception is triggered if there's a task gate in the, interrupt ,descriptor table. When a task switch occurs the CPU can automatically load the
  23. Context is changed in order to minimize the amount of time spent handling the, interrupt , The kernel does not spawn or schedule a special process to handle interrupt s
  24. Cannot pay the price of enlarging the hash table all at once, because it may, interrupt ,time-critical operations. If one cannot avoid dynamic resizing, a solution is
  25. Behaviour toward the judge or magistrates while holding the court, tending to, interrupt ,the due course of a trial or other judicial proceeding, may be prosecuted as "
  26. Processor-intensive application. Interrupt handling Modern architectures are, interrupt ,driven. This means that if the CPU requests data from a disk, for example, it
  27. Then Zeus. Because of her beauty other gods feared that jealousy would, interrupt ,the peace among them and lead to war, and so Zeus married her to Hephaestus
  28. Partial) context established at the beginning of interrupt handling. Once, interrupt ,servicing is complete, the context in effect before the interrupt occurred is
  29. Interrupts, a program called an interrupt handler is installed, and it is the, interrupt ,handler that handles the interrupt from the disk. When an interrupt occurs, the
  30. Automatically switches a part of the context (at least enough to cause the, interrupt ,handler to start running). The handler may save additional context, depending
  31. As to switch between multiple login sessions, to terminate a program, or to, interrupt ,a modem connection. On a BBC Micro computer, the Break key generates an
  32. Invented by Native Americans, and refined by later settlers) altogether. Dams, interrupt ,the migration of anadromous fish. Salmon and steel head return to the streams in
  33. This point, the expansion ROM code takes over, using BIOS services to register, interrupt ,vectors for use by post-boot applications, provide a user configuration
  34. Interacting directly with the hardware, for example in device drivers and, interrupt ,handlers. * using processor-specific instructions not implemented in a compiler
  35. A modem connection. On a BBC Micro computer, the Break key generates an, interrupt ,which would normally cause a warm restart of the computer. A cold restart is
  36. Binary arithmetic, memory allocation, stack processing, character set encoding, interrupt ,processing, and compiler design would be hard to study in detail without a
  37. Once interrupt servicing is complete, the context in effect before the, interrupt ,occurred is restored so that the interrupt ed process can resume execution in
  38. Descriptor table or the local descriptor table. It can occur implicitly when an, interrupt ,or exception is triggered if there's a task gate in the interrupt descriptor
  39. Are hardware-dependent and operating-system-specific. They usually provide the, interrupt ,handling required for any necessary asynchronous time-dependent hardware
  40. And random number generation. **2 KB on-board BIOS for system startup and, interrupt ,routing. **32 KB ROM window for standard game cartridges, expandable using bank
  41. United States and Europe, while the role of the Soviet Navy would have been to, interrupt ,these sea lanes, a fundamentally easier task. Because the Soviet Union had no
  42. As the teleprinter came into use, a key was created that would temporarily, interrupt ,the communications line, allowing this practice to continue. When this occurred
  43. Hardware Features It is possible to change the mode of operation for the FIRE, interrupt , Instead of stacking the PC and CC registers (normal 6809 behavior) the FIRE
  44. And later computers have a dedicated Break key. It does not trigger an, interrupt ,but will halt any running BASIC program, or terminate the loading or saving of
  45. The DEL characters received had" bad parity. " This was used to generate an, interrupt , allow login, or stop a running program. On personal computers, the Break key
  46. Be interrupt ed and presented with the read. For interrupt s, a program called an, interrupt ,handler is installed, and it is the interrupt handler that handles the
  47. Is on the same shaft as an encoder wheel that has slotted edges; the slots, interrupt ,infrared light beams to generate electrical pulses that represent wheel
  48. Executes in the (often partial) context established at the beginning of, interrupt ,handling. Once interrupt servicing is complete, the context in effect before
  49. A guy (a writer? Any kind of professional man? A theatrical producer?) has to, interrupt ,the usual rhythm of his life for two weeks because of a not-too-serious disease
  50. Built and Maxime Du Camp over the course of four days, not allowing them to, interrupt ,or give any opinions. At the end of the reading, his friends told him to throw

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