Examples of the the word, momentum , in a Sentence Context

The word ( momentum ), is the 5372 most frequently used in English word vocabulary

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  1. Is that if it is possible to determine what the answer to a position or, momentum ,measurement would be, without in any way disturbing the particle, then the
  2. The equations for the conservation of, momentum ,may then be written as:
  3. Disturbing the particle, then the particle actually has values of position or, momentum , This principle distilled the essence of Einstein's objection to quantum
  4. In cylindrical coordinates The acoustic equations for the conservation of, momentum ,and the conservation of mass are often expressed in time harmonic form (at
  5. To make investments within Alaska, though such a stance has never really gained, momentum , Starting in 1982,dividends from the fund's annual growth have been paid out
  6. Wave equation is written as: \COFRAC - c_0^2~\nabla^2 \var phi = 0 and the, momentum ,balance and mass balance are expressed as: p + \rho_0~\COFRAC = 0 ~; ~~ \rho +
  7. L, and m quantum numbers, which correspond to the electrons' energy, angular, momentum , and an angular momentum direction, respectively. Each orbital is defined by a
  8. Size implies a spread and minimal value in particle wavelength, and thus also, momentum ,and energy. In quantum mechanics, as a particle is localized to a smaller
  9. Moving body, resembling the concept of momentum , a precursor to the concept of, momentum ,in Newton's second law of motion. In Sīnā's theory of may was further
  10. Coordinates gives us the fixed frequency form of the conservation of, momentum ,: \COFRAC = i\omega~\rho_0~\hat_r ~; ~~ \COFRAC~\COFRAC =
  11. Mu~\tabla\times\tabla\times\math bf~. The equations for the conservation of, momentum ,may then be written as: \rho \left (\franc + \math bf \dot \tabla \math bf\right
  12. At the center of the nucleus. All other orbitals (p, d,f, etc.) have angular, momentum , and thus avoid the nucleus (having a wave node at the nucleus). The three
  13. Is the rank-2 identity tensor. We make several assumptions to derive the, momentum ,balance equation for an acoustic medium. These assumptions and the resulting
  14. Effects, and it is specifically related to the ability of low angular, momentum ,electrons to penetrate more effectively toward the nucleus, where they are
  15. Delegate. Decades later, the statehood movement gained its first real, momentum ,following a territorial referendum in 1946. The Alaska Statehood Committee and
  16. S orbital, p orbital’d orbital and f orbital refer to orbitals with angular, momentum ,quantum number l = 0,1,2 and 3 respectively. These names indicate the orbital
  17. With classical periods, but were only permitted to have discrete values angular, momentum , It was noted by Bohr that the existence of any sort of wave packet implies
  18. Nucleus, as a planet does. Other electrons do have varying amounts of angular, momentum , Atomic orbitals exactly describe the shape of this" atmosphere" only when a
  19. Between the weight and velocity of a moving body, resembling the concept of, momentum , a precursor to the concept of momentum in Newton's second law of motion. In
  20. Which correspond to the electrons' energy, angular momentum , and an angular, momentum ,direction, respectively. Each orbital is defined by a different set of quantum
  21. Rho_0: = \angle\rho\range, we get the commonly used form of the acoustic, momentum ,equation: \rho_0~\franc + \tabla p = 0 ~. Conservation of mass The equation for
  22. For an acoustic medium. These assumptions and the resulting forms of the, momentum ,equations are outlined below. Assumption 1: Newtonian fluid In acoustics, the
  23. Changes. This experiment needed to be sensitive, because the angular, momentum ,associated with electrons is small, but it definitively established that
  24. Recoil of the parent nucleus, termed alpha recoil. Due to the conservation of, momentum ,requiring the parent nucleus to recoil, the effect acts much like the 'kick '
  25. Electrons near the core of high Z atoms. This relativistic increase in, momentum ,for high speed electrons causes a corresponding decrease in wavelength and
  26. Different measurements on the distant particle, either of position or, momentum , different properties of the entangled partner could be discovered without
  27. By Einstein, Infeld, and Hoffmann for pointlike objects without angular, momentum , and by Roy Kerr for spinning objects. Other investigations Einstein conducted
  28. i. e., : \tabla\angle p \range 0 ~; ~~ \tabla\angle \rho \range 0 ~. The, momentum ,equation then becomes: \angle\rho\range~\franc +
  29. To a geometric point in space, since this would require an infinite particle, momentum , In chemistry, Schrödinger,Pauling, Mulliken and others noted that the
  30. Have been filled. The increase in energy for subshells of increasing angular, momentum ,in larger atoms is due to electron-electron interaction effects, and it is
  31. Equations for waves in an acoustic medium are given below. Conservation of, momentum ,The equations for the conservation of linear momentum for a fluid medium are:
  32. The mean velocity is zero,i.e. \angle\math bf\range = 0. Then the balance of, momentum ,reduces to: \angle\rho\range~\franc = -\tabla\tilde Dropping the tildes and
  33. Of which represents a set of electron pairs with a given energy and angular, momentum , The repeating periodicity of the blocks of 2,6,10,and 14 elements in the
  34. Of the electrons around a nucleus, they cannot be described by a location and, momentum , Instead, they are described by a set of quantum numbers that encompasses both
  35. Viscous forces in the medium (the bulk and shear viscosity are zero),the, momentum ,equation takes the form: \rho \left (\franc + \math bf \dot \tabla
  36. Shells. The azimuthal quantum number, \ell, describes the orbital angular, momentum ,of each electron and is a non-negative integer. Within a shell where n is some
  37. That is, the vorticity is zero. In that case: \tabla\times\math bf = 0 and the, momentum ,equation reduces to: \rho \left (\franc + \math bf \dot \tabla \math bf\right)
  38. Below. Conservation of momentum The equations for the conservation of linear, momentum ,for a fluid medium are: \rho \left (\franc + \math bf \dot \tabla \math bf\right
  39. Strength, as the aikido (aikido practitioner) " leads" the attacker's, momentum ,using entering and turning movements. The techniques are completed with various
  40. Assumption is that effect of body forces on the fluid medium is negligible. The, momentum ,equation then further simplifies to: \rho \left (\franc + \math bf \dot \tabla
  41. Cfrac - c_0^2~\nabla^2 p = 0 The acoustic wave equation (and the mass and, momentum ,balance equations) are often expressed in terms of a scalar potential \var phi
  42. 0 In terms of components, these three equations for the conservation of, momentum ,in cylindrical coordinates are: \rho_0~\COFRAC + \COFRAC = 0 ~; ~~ \rho_0~\COFRAC
  43. And right, fire shots straight forward, and thrust forward. As the ship moves, momentum ,is not conserved — the ship eventually comes to a stop again when not thrusting
  44. Tilde and: \COFRAC 0 ~; ~~ \COFRAC 0 ~; ~~ \COFRAC = \math bf ~. Then the, momentum ,equation can be expressed as: \left\angle\rho\range+\tilde\right \left\franc +
  45. That electrons might revolve around a compact nucleus with definite angular, momentum ,was convincingly argued at least 19 years earlier by Niels Bohr, and the
  46. Fluid (such as air) can be modeled by an equation of motion (conservation of, momentum ,) and an equation of continuity (conservation of mass). With some
  47. Cannot occur in free space because it is impossible to conserve energy and, momentum ,together in this process. However, in the Coulomb field of a nucleus the
  48. Can also be derived in a manner similar to that used for the conservation of, momentum , Assumption 1: Small disturbances From the assumption of small disturbances we
  49. One difference is that some of an atom's electrons have zero angular, momentum , so they cannot in any sense be thought of as moving" around" the nucleus, as
  50. Confirmed that this leads the bar to rotate, because the electron's angular, momentum ,changes as the magnetization changes. This experiment needed to be sensitive

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