Examples of the the word, brigade , in a Sentence Context

The word ( brigade ), is the 5365 most frequently used in English word vocabulary

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  1. That elsewhere in Belgium are exercised by municipalities or provinces (fire, brigade , waste disposal). The by-laws enacted by it do not have the status of a
  2. During this period of armed conflict with the German-fascist bandits,the, brigade ,'s units killed 2.418 soldiers and officers and captured 8.646 soldiers and
  3. Faced 6,000 men: the first line consisted of the Dutch 1st“ Van Island ”, brigade ,(Island) of the 2nd Dutch division. The second line consisted of British
  4. A distance of some 150 yards (~130 meters). John Ferguson's English, brigade ,supported Rowe's left, and moved in perfect order towards the barricades
  5. Slaughter of the enemy. " Far to the south, the remnants of DE la Colonies’s, brigade ,headed in the opposite direction towards the French held fortress of Namur. "
  6. A Scottish brigade in Dutch service led by the 2nd Duke of Argyle; and a small, brigade ,of Protestant Swiss. The 20 French and Bavarian battalions in Families
  7. Shops) in the Land Forces; Fighter base, helicopter base, SAM air defense, brigade ,and Air force training base in the Air Force; and two naval bases in the Navy.
  8. Reform program of Ter-Grigoriants. It consists of an anti-aircraft missile, brigade ,and two regiments armed with 100 anti-aircraft complexes of various models and
  9. They were relieved by the 71st Foot, a British infantry regiment. Adam's, brigade ,was further reinforced by Hugh Halkett's 3rd Hanoverian Brigade, and
  10. Regarded as the most gracious Sultan of the Ottomans. He administrated the fire, brigade ,during the fire in 1782. In Constantinople, he won the admiration of his people
  11. Battalion or equivalent is assigned to a brigade and its batteries to the, brigade ,'s battalions. However, some armies achieve this by placing the assigned
  12. Supported, typically an artillery battalion or equivalent is assigned to a, brigade ,and its batteries to the brigade 's battalions. However, some armies achieve
  13. Park by Hanoverian Eager and the 1/2nd Nassau. The initial attack by Bauduin's, brigade ,emptied the wood and park, but was driven back by heavy British artillery fire
  14. And Bavarian battalions in Families, supported by Irish dragoons and a small, brigade ,of Cologne and Bavarian Guards under the Marquis de Maffei, put up a determined
  15. Schultz and Spear; two brigade s of Saxons under Count Schoenberg; a Scottish, brigade ,in Dutch service led by the 2nd Duke of Argyle; and a small brigade of
  16. 2010 – Operation Iraqi Freedom ends, with the last of the United States, brigade ,combat teams crossing the border to Kuwait. Births * 232 – Marcus Aurelius
  17. Detach more infantry to storm Blenheim. Orkney's infantry,Hamilton's English, brigade ,and St Paul's Hanoverian's moved across the trampled wheat to the cottages.
  18. Army, under general Nikola Ivanov, with 2 infantry divisions and 1 infantry, brigade , was deployed west of the First and was assigned to capture the strong fortress
  19. A command formation of equal status to the other commands in the ADF. It is a, brigade ,sized formation responsible for all of Australia's special forces assets.::::
  20. Surface-to-surface missile brigade s, two antitank brigade s, one special duties, brigade , and seven surface to -air missile brigade s. Equipment included 3,108 main
  21. In December 1914 reads: After recovering in early 1915,he was appointed to be, brigade ,major training Kitchener's New Army and returned to the Western Front in early
  22. Hulsen's Hanoverian battalions to support the Dutch infantry. A Dutch cavalry, brigade ,under Ave rock was also called forward but soon came under pressure from Martin
  23. Of his mission (joining a battalion parachuted near Mila with the rest of the, brigade ,moving on ground),Sharon's unit was deployed near the pass. Neither
  24. Were distracted by a duel with French artillery, a second attack by Soye's, brigade ,and what had been Bauduin's succeeded in reaching the north gate of the house.
  25. The ridge. All had suffered badly at Square Bras. In addition, the Island, brigade , posted towards the center of the battlefield, had been ordered to deploy its
  26. Career of military service in the war of the French Revolution. He commanded a, brigade ,at the Battle of Remapped, and in the campaign of 1793 distinguished himself at
  27. Belgrade" *OTR-21 Topeka Tactical ballistic missile (SS-21 Scarab) (one, brigade ,) Air Defense *9K33 OSA (SA-8 Gecko) (24 batteries) (350 SA-8,SA-11
  28. To each brigade ) *** Engineer Battalion (one company detached to each, brigade ,) *** Military Police Battalion (Mutilate) (one platoon detached to each
  29. D. C. that the rebels had cut; he rode the locomotive pulling the first, brigade ,of Union troops to reach Washington D. C. Following the defeat of Union forces
  30. Of the Army. *** Artillery Battalion (Hence) (one battery detached to each, brigade ,) *** Engineer Battalion (one company detached to each brigade ) *** Military
  31. Johnson left West Berlin in the hands of Gen. Frederick O. Cartel and his, brigade ,of 4,224 officers and men. Every three months for the next three and a half
  32. Allied right flank. Blenheim Cuts ordered Brigadier-General Archibald Rowe's, brigade ,to attack. The English infantry rose from the edge of the Rebel, and silently
  33. HQ) *** Air Defense Battalion (Sarajevo) (one company detached to each, brigade ,) *** Early Warning & Surveillance Battalion (Banja Luka) * Within the armed
  34. In four infantry brigade s (in Sofia, Pleven, Ruse and Human) and one cavalry, brigade , Serbo-Bulgarian war The Serbo-Bulgarian War was the first armed conflict after
  35. Located in Minsk, in the district Ruchbah," Uruchenskaya Brigade" ). This, brigade ,performs the task of crowd control, combating terrorism, to assist border
  36. In case of complications of operative conditions on border. In addition,the, brigade ,has been training for combined arms program in the event of armed conflict. It
  37. Military Police Battalion (Mutilate) (one platoon detached to each, brigade ,) ** Air Force & Anti-Air Defense Brigade (Sarajevo, Banja Luka, Tuzla) ***
  38. Of cancer in 2000. From 1958 to 1962,Sharon served as commander of an infantry, brigade ,and studied law at Tel Aviv University. Mila incident In the 1956 Suez War (
  39. For several years. In the meantime, he occupied the position of an infantry, brigade ,commander and received a law degree from Tel Aviv University. However, when
  40. Tank brigade s, two motorized brigade s, six cavalry divisions and one anti-tank, brigade , The preparations for the attack could be heard by the Romanians, who continued
  41. Requested Eugene to release Count Hendrick Fugger and his Imperial Classier, brigade ,to help repel the French cavalry thrust. Despite his own desperate struggle
  42. Is organized along military lines, with most police services delivered at the, brigade ,level. The Gendarmerie operates under the authority of the Minister of Defense
  43. His army to concentrate on Square Bras, where the Prince of Orange, with the, brigade ,of Prince Bernhard of Saxe-Weimar, was holding a tenuous position against the
  44. Being appointed Brigade Major in the 17th Infantry Brigade in January 1921. The, brigade ,was stationed in County Cork during the Irish War of Independence. A cousin of
  45. Set it on fire, resulting in the destruction of all but the chapel. Du Plat's, brigade ,of the King's German Legion was brought forward to defend the hollow way
  46. UCLA) *** Helicopter Battalion (Sarajevo) (one squadron detached to each, brigade ,HQ) *** Air Defense Battalion (Sarajevo) (one company detached to each
  47. SSM brigade s, two brigade s and one regiment of engineers,8th NBC independent, brigade , two signals brigade s,40th independent NBC battalion. Army equipment includes
  48. Cutting at the exposed flank of Rowe's own regiment. However, Wilkes ’ Hessian, brigade , lying nearby in the marshy grass at the water's edge, stood firm and repulsed
  49. Division, one artillery division, three mechanized divisions, one airborne, brigade , three surface-to-surface missile brigade s, two antitank brigade s, one special
  50. The possibility of an enemy thrust through the pass, which could attack his, brigade ,from the flank or the rear. Sharon asked for permission to attack the pass

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