Examples of the the word, openly , in a Sentence Context

The word ( openly ), is the 5368 most frequently used in English word vocabulary

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  1. Against Israel. After the fall of the Soviet Union,AK-47s were sold both, openly ,and on the black market to any group with cash, including drug cartels and
  2. Is straightforward and honest about his purpose. Kinney is the only one to, openly ,state the true motivations of himself and his fellow conspirators. At the end
  3. Died awaiting trial, and ten were convicted of sedition, often in trials before, openly ,partisan Federalist judges. Journalists Benjamin Franklin Cache, the grandson
  4. He confronted. Those powerful families were supported by Iberian's who were, openly ,or secretly Christians and had acted with the rebels. These elements, which
  5. By Richard. The survivors of the failed uprisings fled to Brittany, where they, openly ,supported Henry's claim to the throne. At Christmas, Henry Tudor swore an oath
  6. The Cincinnati Red Stockings were the first to so declare themselves as, openly ,professional, and were easily the most aggressive in recruiting the best
  7. But when they refused his terms and demanded his submission, Ibn Habit broke, openly ,with the Abbasid's and invited the remnants of the Umayyad dynasty to take
  8. S twelve tone technique that enables the composer to produce passages, openly ,evoking tonality, including quotations from historical tonal music, such as a
  9. Later years into the self-indulgent habits of the harem. He is known to have, openly ,kept a male as well as female harem. This likely influenced the polemical story
  10. And Shut in the land of the Philistines. While he was living in Gear, Abraham, openly , claimed that Sarah was his sister. Upon discovering this news, King Abimelech
  11. Julian Beck and the French Surrealist group led by André Breton which now, openly ,embraced anarchism and collaborated in the Federation Anarchist.
  12. A Muslim. Also, Abu Bakr was the first person outside the family of Muhammad to, openly ,become a Muslim. Life after accepting Islam His wife Quayle bit Abd-al-Uzza
  13. Officers and senators reinforced it with negative media 'leaks' concerning her, openly ,established relationship with Sid Spindler and exposure of administrative
  14. Of Saratoga in 1777. That American victory persuaded France to enter the war, openly ,in early 1778,balancing the two sides' military strength. Spain and the Dutch
  15. An important American individualist anarchist who promoted free love. And the, openly ,bisexual radical Edna St. Vincent Millay and the lesbian anarchist Margaret
  16. Of violence to ensure that the British tax laws were unenforceable. While, openly ,hostile to what they considered an oppressive Parliament acting illegally
  17. Car list War, Brigadier Martínez Campos, who had long been working more or less, openly ,for the king, led some battalions of the central army to Sag unto, rallied to
  18. Gay writers saw his frank talk about homosexuality as an opening to speak more, openly ,and honestly about something often before only hinted at or spoken of in
  19. To a happy and productive life. Making no secret of his own disability, Capp, openly ,joked about his prosthetic leg his whole life. In 1946 Camp created a special
  20. Faith, and prayed in secret. In 613 Muhammad decided to call people to Islam, openly , The first public address inviting people to offer allegiance to Muhammad was
  21. Wound opened by the killing of her father be healed through a ritual act, thus, openly , displaying her thirst for revenge. Alboin's remains were allegedly buried
  22. With a nobleman named Beltrán de La Cuevas. The birth of princess Joan in 1462, openly , called La Beltane, caused the separation of her parents. She was never
  23. Black eye, refused to press charges. Relationship to Communism Ginsberg talked, openly ,about his connections with Communism and his admiration for past communist
  24. Job, My Hustler and Lonesome Cowboys) draw from gay underground culture and/or, openly ,explore the complexity of sexuality and desire. Many of his films premiered in
  25. Was named the American Football League. The NFL's initial reaction was not as, openly ,hostile as it had been with the earlier All-America Football Conference (Bell
  26. Brian Paddock, British former deputy assistant commissioner and most senior, openly ,gay police officer * 1959 – Dave Ridgeway, Canadian football player * 1959 –
  27. Within himself" mountains of homosexuality. " He expressed this desire, openly ,and graphically in his poetry. He also struck a note for gay marriage by
  28. From a business trip to Yemen, he was informed that in his absence Muhammad had, openly ,declared his prophethood. Not long after, Abu Bakr accepted Islam and was the
  29. Nations. In the conferences during World War II, Soviet leader Joseph Stalin, openly ,requested the concession of Soviet military bases on the Straits, even though
  30. Those who have been exploring its therapeutic potential are unable to do so, openly , The therapeutic use of ayahuasca is not protected by covenants on religious
  31. Naked and strapped across a horse. His body was brought to Leicester and, openly ,exhibited in a church to show his death. After two days, the corpse was
  32. By Washington. Many of them, particularly Associate Justice Samuel Chase, were, openly , hostile to the Federalists' opponents. Individual Supreme Court Justices
  33. S victory in an Ann Arbor city-council race made her the country's first, openly ,homosexual candidate to win public office. In 1975,Ann Arbor became the first
  34. Paramilitary groups, such as the Red Shirts and White League, that acted more, openly ,to suppress black voting. Regaining power by the late 1870s,in the last decade
  35. Famous Bahá'í missionary to America. Muhammad ` Ali and Mira Java began to, openly ,accuse ` Abdul'Baha of taking on too much authority, suggesting that he
  36. Him. In 1659,Aurangzeb arranged his formal coronation in Delhi. He had Data, openly ,marched in chains back to Delhi where he had him executed on arrival on the
  37. Art gallery, homoerotic drawings of male nudes, were rejected for being too, openly ,gay. In Popism, furthermore,the artist recalls a conversation with the film
  38. Physiologist William Benjamin Carpenter and zoologist E. Ray Lank ester became, openly ,and publicly hostile to Wallace over the issue. Wallace and other scientists
  39. Stages of the Champions League (a match which saw manager Claudio Ranger, openly ,criticized by his own players). However, these were accompanied by victories
  40. To be conservative on some social issues. The National Left, although it seldom, openly ,espouses socialism, favours more state intervention in the economy, is
  41. Traded to a slave ship where he began a career in slave trading. Newton often, openly ,mocked the captain by creating obscene poems and songs about him that became so
  42. Bar accepted Islam and was the first person outside the family of Muhammad to, openly ,become a Muslim. He was instrumental in the conversion of many people to the
  43. Embellished by subsequent kings and emperors (caliphs) making it difficult to, openly ,criticize him. Some sects of Islam like Shia strongly believe that Abu Bakr
  44. In 1936. His heirs were a King Richard and a King John, the latter of whom was, openly ,homosexual. Films Several films have been made that exploit the concepts of
  45. Museum of Art ", and that laws regarding the issue needed to be more, openly ,discussed. Demystification of drugs Ginsberg also often talked about drug use.
  46. Be a futile one. Unfortunately for internal politics, it was not. Peter was, openly ,in love with Ines, recognized all the children she bore, and,worst of all
  47. Wesley a bishop or not, If he was Episcopal consecrated, Wesley could not, openly ,announce this without incurring the penalty of the Præmunire Act. In light of
  48. At the beginning of the twenty-first century in opposition to the ordination of, openly ,homosexual bishops are usually referred to as part of the Anglican realignment
  49. And a bar retina (the traditional Catalan cap),he danced sardines” and he, openly ,proclaimed his Catalan identity:“ I consider Catalonia my true homeland ”.
  50. The Democratic Party was deeply split, with some leaders and most soldiers, openly ,for Lincoln. By contrast, the National Union Party was united and energized as

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