Examples of the the word, vector , in a Sentence Context

The word ( vector ), is the 5376 most frequently used in English word vocabulary

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  1. Euclidean norm. When the real numbers R are considered as the one-dimensional, vector ,space R1,the absolute value is a norm, and is the p-norm for any p. In fact
  2. And influential games of the Golden Age of Arcade Games. Asteroid uses a, vector ,display and a two-dimensional view that wraps around in both screen axes. The
  3. First vector game, Lunar Lander. When it was decided that Asteroids would be a, vector ,game as well, Delman modified a Lunar Lander circuit board for Ed Long. More
  4. Game of all time. Atari had been in the process of manufacturing another, vector ,game, Lunar Lander, but demand for Asteroids was so high" that several hundred
  5. Be used, with a slight modification, to generalize the notion to an arbitrary, vector ,space. A real-valued function on a vector space V over a field F, represented
  6. Defined for the complex numbers, the quatrains, ordered rings, fields and, vector ,spaces. The absolute value is closely related to the notions of magnitude
  7. Into its own automorphism group. * In linear algebra, an endomorphic of a, vector ,space V is a linear operator V → V. An automorphism is an invertible linear
  8. Mathbf (\math bf, t ) is the acoustic fluid velocity vector , \math bf is the, vector ,of spatial coordinates x, y,z, t is the time, \rho_0 is the static mass
  9. A mathematical object is an algebraic structure such as a group, ring,or, vector ,space. An isomorphism is simply a bijective homomorphism. (The definition of a
  10. The beginning of the program, ιR is 1 2 3 4 5 6) *Drop first element of this, vector ,(↓ function),i.e. 1. So 1↓ιR is 2 3 4 5 6 *Set R to the new vector (←
  11. Arithmetic and algebraic notation. Having single character names for SIMS, vector ,functions is one way that APL enables compact formulation of algorithms for
  12. The acoustic pressure and \math bf (\math bf, t ) is the acoustic fluid velocity, vector , \math bf is the vector of spatial coordinates x, y,z, t is the time, \rho_0 is
  13. Not generally available to interpreters (e.g., upgrade of permutation, vector ,), to achieve a level of performance comparable to that of FORTRAN. The Next
  14. General character: every ideal in a ring is contained in a maximal ideal, every, vector , space has a basis, and every product of compact spaces is compact. Without the
  15. Satisfies the following axioms: For all an in F, and v, u in V, : The norm of a, vector ,is also called its length or magnitude. In the case of Euclidean space Rn, the
  16. Vector is then assigned to the variable x, because it is needed later. * This, vector ,is then sorted in ascending order by the monodic" ⍋" function, which has as
  17. If said maximum ≥ vector length, is guaranteed to be non-repeating. * This, vector ,is then assigned to the variable x, because it is needed later. * This vector
  18. It, productized it, and then added additional features for Atari's first, vector ,game, Lunar Lander. When it was decided that Asteroids would be a vector game
  19. The main Asteroids game program uses only 6 KB of ROM code. Another 2 KB of, vector ,ROM contains the descriptions of the main graphical elements (rocks, saucer
  20. Of this vector (↓ function),i.e. 1. So 1↓ιR is 2 3 4 5 6 *Set R to the new, vector ,(←, assignment primitive),i.e. 2 3 4 5 6 *Generate outer product of R
  21. Being hit by asteroids. Technical description The Asteroids' arcade machine is a, vector ,game. This means that the game graphics are composed entirely of lines which
  22. A vector space with no basis. *There exists a model of AFC in which there is a, vector ,space with two bases of different cardinalities. *There exists a model of AFC
  23. Specified maximum (right argument: 40 in this case),which, if said maximum ≥, vector ,length, is guaranteed to be non-repeating. * This vector is then assigned to
  24. RARE. ×R)/R←1↓⍳R Executed from right to left, this means: *or creates a, vector ,containing integers from 1 to R (if R = 6 at the beginning of the program, ιR
  25. And the closed graph theorem. **On every infinite-dimensional topological, vector ,space there is a discontinuous linear map. **A uniform space is compact if and
  26. Edited on the computer using 2D bitmap graphics or created and edited using 2D, vector , graphics. This includes automated computerized versions of traditional
  27. And develops theories and axioms (e.g. field theory, group theory, topology, vector , spaces ) without any particular application in mind. The distinction between an
  28. Screen. The DVG reads the commands and generates appropriate signals for the, vector ,monitor. There are DVG commands for positioning the cathode ray, for drawing a
  29. Generalize the notion to an arbitrary vector space. A real-valued function on a, vector ,space V over a field F, represented as | | V | |, is called an absolute value (
  30. Eliminate the interpreter component. The compiler could compile many scalar and, vector ,operations to machine code, but it would rely on the APL interpreter's
  31. More general formula for the area of the graph of a parametric surface in the, vector ,form \math bf=\math bf (u, v ), where \math bf is a continuously differentiable
  32. Draw a circle, a line, a polygon, etc., and it would clean them up into perfect, vector ,representations (with modifiable control points and defined vertices) of what
  33. Of two numbers) derives a function which returns the largest of a group (, vector ,) of numbers. In the J language, Iverson substituted the terms 'verb' & (
  34. Area of RAM (the vector RAM),and then asks the DVG to draw the corresponding, vector ,image on the screen. The DVG reads the commands and generates appropriate
  35. The 6502 writes graphics commands for the DVG into a defined area of RAM (the, vector ,RAM),and then asks the DVG to draw the corresponding vector image on the
  36. That the game graphics are composed entirely of lines which are drawn on a, vector ,monitor. The hardware consists primarily of a standard MOS 6502 CPU, which
  37. Operator V → V. An automorphism is an invertible linear operator on V. When the, vector ,space is finite-dimensional, the automorphism group of V is the same as the
  38. Is the dyadic function "? " (named" Deal" when dyadic) that returns a, vector ,consisting of a select number (left argument: 6 in this case) of random
  39. For example, the iota function (which yields a one-dimensional array, or, vector , from 1 to N) can replace for-loop iteration. More recent implementations of
  40. Form \math bf=\math bf (u, v ), where \math bf is a continuously differentiable, vector ,function of (u, v)\in D\subset\mathbb^2:: A \mint_D
  41. Angles must be defined relative to some reference, which is typically a, vector ,passing through the angle's vertex and perpendicular to the plane in which the
  42. There is a field with no algebraic closure. *In all models of AFC there is a, vector ,space with no basis. *There exists a model of AFC in which there is a vector
  43. And interesting operations are non-associative; one common example would be the, vector ,cross product. Definition Formally, a binary operation *\! \! \! On a set S is
  44. Binary operation is enough. ) **The closed unit ball of the dual of a normed, vector ,space over the reals has an extreme point. **Tychonoff's theorem stating that
  45. CPU, which executes the game program, and the Digital Vector Generator (DVG), vector , processing circuitry developed by Atari themselves. As the 6502 by itself was
  46. Curved surfaces) from their normal vector s and between skew lines from their, vector ,equations. Inner product To define angles in an abstract real inner product
  47. Which is the multiplication table of R by R (°. × function),i. e.:: *Build a, vector ,the same length as R with 1 in each place where the corresponding number in R
  48. Nevertheless result in a one-to-one assembly conversion specific for the given, vector ,processor. * extreme optimization is required, e. g., in an inner loop in a
  49. As the 6502 by itself was too slow to control both the game play and the, vector ,hardware at the same time, the latter task was delegated to the DVG. The
  50. To define a program. For example, : N \left arrow 4\ 5\ 6\ 7 assigns the, vector ,values 4 5 6 7 to N;: N+4\, \! Adds 4 to all values (giving 8 9 10 11) and

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