Examples of the the word, inequality , in a Sentence Context

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  1. Of the press and democratic development. However, it has a high economic, inequality , as measured by the Gini index. In May 2010 Chile became the first South
  2. Decodable one-to-many code, not necessary a prefix one, must satisfy Kraft's, inequality , Block codes Error correcting codes may also be used to represent data in
  3. Has: (1 + x)or \LE ex, \! Where e = 2.718 .... This may be proved using the, inequality ,(1 + 1/k)k < e. The Benjamin Franklin class of submarine was an evolutionary
  4. Bernoulli) is an inequality that approximates exponentiation of 1 + x. The, inequality ,states that: (1 + x)or \GEQ 1 + Rx\! For every integer r ≥ 1 and every real
  5. Mean of two positive numbers is never bigger than the arithmetic mean (see, inequality ,of arithmetic and geometric means); as a consequence, is an increasing
  6. Unpopularity of Cardoso's second term, which failed to decrease the economic, inequality , and in part from a softening of his and the party's radical stance, including
  7. History of the Dismal Science" point to his opposition hierarchy, beliefs in, inequality , including racial inequality , and provide additional support for those who
  8. And the Colonial Encounter pondered anthropology's ties to colonial, inequality , while the immense popularity of theorists such as Antonio Gram sci and Michel
  9. Inequalities require x ≠ 0 and r ≠ 0,1. Related inequalities The following, inequality ,estimates the Ruth power of 1 + x from the other side. For any real numbers x
  10. 1. The inequality reverses for 0\LE r<1. If the exponent r is even, then the, inequality ,is valid for all real numbers x. The strict version of the inequality reads: (
  11. Then the inequality is valid for all real numbers x. The strict version of the, inequality ,reads: (1 + x)or > 1 + Rx\! For every integer r ≥ 2 and every real number x ≥
  12. And the Banach space norm are required to be related by the following, inequality ,:: \for all x, y \in A: \|x \, y\ | \ \LEQ \|x \ | \, \ | y\ | (i.e., the norm
  13. Are called external. Solutions of Einstein's equations that violate this, inequality ,exist, but they do not possess an event horizon. These solutions have so-called
  14. Quantum physics could not be a complete theory. Experimental tests of Bell's, inequality ,using particles have supported the quantum mechanical prediction of
  15. But takes the same value as the geometric mean. Proof of existence From, inequality ,of arithmetic and geometric means we can conclude that:: g_i\peasant a_i and
  16. Demonstrates that they have no need for a king (who will, moreover,introduce, inequality ,), yet despite this the people demand a king. But the king they are given is
  17. Falls area was specifically cited as having one of the worst rates of economic, inequality ,in the world and that it was racially based. The report specifically stated "
  18. Cardinals A and B, : A < B \to 2^A \LE 2^B. If A and B are finite, the stronger, inequality ,: A < B \to 2^A < 2^B \! Holds. GCH implies that this strict, stronger
  19. Freedom, and low perception of corruption. However, it has a high economic, inequality , as measured by the Gini index. In May 2010 Chile became the first South
  20. To be used by the Bid algorithm, are: In real analysis,Bernoulli's, inequality ,(named after Jacob Bernoulli) is an inequality that approximates
  21. Is a metric and the following are equivalent: * d satisfies the ultrametric, inequality ,d (x, y ) \LEQ \max (d (x, z ), d (y, z )) for all x, y,z in F. * v (a)
  22. Z_1 - z_2 | \, is a complete metric space, which notably includes the triangle, inequality ,: | z_1 + z_2 | \LE | z_1 | + | z_2 | for any two complex numbers z1 and z2.
  23. Introduced in 1997 restored positive economic growth, but led to rising social, inequality , Bulgaria became a member of NATO in 2004 and of the European Union in 2007.
  24. Point to his opposition hierarchy, beliefs in inequality , including racial, inequality , and provide additional support for those who point to Smith's opposition to
  25. Show the caricatures of Smith drawn by the opponents of views on hierarchy and, inequality ,in this online article. Emphasized also are Smith's statements of the need
  26. For a non-negative random variable having an expectation,Markov's, inequality ,states that: \bar F (x) \LEQ \franc * As x \to \nifty, \bar F (x) \to 0 \
  27. The long years of civil war. However, high poverty rates and blatant social, inequality ,are chiefly the outcome of a combination of a persistent political
  28. Brother Vladimir Andreevich Markov (1871–1897) proved Markov brothers ', inequality , His son, another Andrey Andreevich Markov (1903–1979),was also a notable
  29. A < B \to 2^A < 2^B \! Holds. GCH implies that this strict, stronger, inequality , holds for infinite cardinals as well as finite cardinals. Implications of GCH
  30. Synchronization Codes used in the UMTS W-CDMA 3G Wireless Standard. Kraft's, inequality ,characterizes the sets of code word lengths that are possible in a prefix code.
  31. Numbers: non-negativity, identity of indiscernible, symmetry and the triangle, inequality ,given above, can be seen to motivate the more general notion of a distance
  32. Law of thermodynamics is satisfied if the Clausius–Du hem form of the entropy, inequality ,is satisfied. The balance laws express the idea that the rate of change of a
  33. Repression of workers and trade unionists; social alienation; economic, inequality ,; unemployment; and economic instability. Notable critics of capitalism have
  34. Can itself be proved using mathematical induction, as shown below. Proof of the, inequality ,For r = 0,: (1+x)^0 \GE 1+0x \, is equivalent to 1 ≥ 1 which is true as
  35. Bound: F (k; n, p ) \LEQ \franc\exp\left (-2 \franc\right),\! And Chernoff's, inequality ,can be used to derive the bound: F (k; n, p ) \LEQ \exp\left (-\franc
  36. Boldsymbol\boldsymbol^T) ~. The Clausius–Du hem inequality The Clausius–Du hem, inequality ,can be used to express the second law of thermodynamics for elastic-plastic
  37. Sum_^3 A_~B_ trace (\bold symbol\boldsymbol^T) ~. The Clausius–Du hem, inequality ,The Clausius–Du hem inequality can be used to express the second law of
  38. For every integer r ≥ 2 and every real number x ≥ −1 with x ≠ 0. Bernoulli's, inequality ,is often used as the crucial step in the proof of other inequalities. It can
  39. African Americans became increasingly discontented with their long-standing, inequality , In the words of Martin Luther King, Jr., African Americans and their
  40. Tail of the distribution function can be derived. In particular,Hoeffding's, inequality ,yields the bound: F (k; n, p ) \LEQ \franc\exp\left (-2 \franc\right),\! And
  41. In real analysis,Bernoulli's inequality (named after Jacob Bernoulli) is an, inequality ,that approximates exponentiation of 1 + x. The inequality states that: (1 +
  42. Social anarchism rejects private property, seeing it as a source of social, inequality , and emphases cooperation and mutual aid. Collectivist anarchism, also
  43. Improved sequential program, where some part was sped up p times is limited by, inequality ,: \text \LE \franc where f (0 < f < 1) is the fraction of time (before the
  44. Degradation, resource constraints and climate change, as well as social, inequality ,and institutional weaknesses. These conditions are driving a set of rapidly
  45. Adopt a variety of survival strategies. At the same time, in urban areas social, inequality ,is most evident, and assumes extreme forms in the capital, Luanda. In the Human
  46. Mbox As the problem of P ≟ SPACE has not yet been solved, the proof of, inequality ,between BQP and classes mentioned above is supposed to be difficult. The
  47. x)or \GEQ 1 + Rx\! For every integer r ≥ 1 and every real number x ≥ −1. The, inequality ,reverses for 0\LE r<1. If the exponent r is even, then the inequality is valid
  48. In the preceding 30 years. The growth was accompanied by a moderate decrease in, inequality , Bolivia's current economic situation remains lackluster, a factor that can be
  49. Infrastructure, and advanced trading strategies. With still high levels of, inequality , though it has diminished in the last years, the Brazilian economy has become
  50. Right)^2\LE M^2\, for a black hole of mass M. Black holes saturating this, inequality ,are called external. Solutions of Einstein's equations that violate this

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