Examples of the the word, wikipedia , in a Sentence Context

The word ( wikipedia ), is the 8426 most frequently used in English word vocabulary

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  1. Stop linking from its page WWW. Wikipedia. De to German Wikipedia de., wikipedia , Org. The result was a huge national support for Wikipedia, more donations to
  2. Created on 16 March 2001,01:38 UTC),followed after a few hours by Catalan., wikipedia , Com (at 13:07 UTC). The Japanese Wikipedia, started as Congo. Wikipedia.
  3. JS nephew _the engine UTF-8&layout 2&eotf 1&sl Fritz end=http%3A%2F%2Ffr., wikipedia , Org%2Fwiki%2FAutorail_Bugatti Autorail Bugatti). The end His son, Jean
  4. Skyrock. Com # MSN. Com # yahoo. Com # net log. Com # google. for # eBay. Be #, wikipedia , Org # Dailymotion. Com # blogger. Com # party poker. Com Other The microwave
  5. To the dictionary:" wiki "," wiki "," wiped "," Wikipedia ", and ", wikipedia ,", where the LZMW encoder adds only the one sequence" Wikipedia ". This
  6. Almost all Internet applications to translate worldwide unique names like www., wikipedia , Org into other identifiers such as IP addresses. The contents of the root zone
  7. Component has been used to designate a particular host server. Therefore, ftp., wikipedia , Org might be an FTP server, www. Wikipedia. Org would be a World Wide Web
  8. An FTP server, www. Wikipedia. Org would be a World Wide Web server, and mail., wikipedia , Org could be an email server, each intended to perform only the implied
  9. On Wikipedia, the URL of Wikipedia was changed from Wikipedia. Com to, wikipedia , Org (see:. Com and. Org). * On 20 June 2003,the Wikimedia Foundation was
  10. Commercial advertisements on Wikipedia, the URL of Wikipedia was changed from, wikipedia , Com to Wikipedia. Org (see:. Com and. Org). * On 20 June 2003,the Wikimedia
  11. Org' ( the usual modern 'little-endian' form) versus the reverse-DNS 'org., wikipedia , En' ( 'big-endian ', used for naming components, packages,or types in
  12. First, the browser resolves the server-name portion of the URL (en., wikipedia , Org) into an Internet Protocol address using the globally distributed
  13. Names are registered on 12 January 2001 and 13 January 2001,respectively, with,Wikipedia, Org being brought online on the same day; project formally opens 15 Jan ("
  14. As simple as the two lines of text GET /wiki/World_Wide_Web HTTP/1.1 Host: en., wikipedia , Org The computer receiving the HTTP request delivers it to Web server software
  15. Bundle Bundle-ManifestVersion: 2 Bundle-Version: 1.0.0 Bundle-Activator: org., wikipedia , Activator Export-Package: org. Wikipedia. Helloworld; version="1.0.0 "
  16. On articles prior to entering the peer review process. The Wikipedia. Com and, wikipedia , Org domain names are registered on 12 January 2001 and 13 January 2001
  17. Directorships 1,and some were awarded the Federal Cross of Merit. Source:, wikipedia , De" I. G. Carbon Process" Patents and scientific knowledge Once Germany had
  18. Host server. Therefore, ftp. Wikipedia. Org might be an FTP server, www., wikipedia , Org would be a World Wide Web server, and mail. Wikipedia. Org could be an
  19. En. Wikipedia. Org de., wikipedia , Org for. Wikipedia. Org
  20. The first subdomain created for a non-English Wikipedia was Deutsche., wikipedia , Com (created on 16 March 2001,01:38 UTC),followed after a few hours by
  21. Examples; public class Cat extends Animal // from file Dog. Java package org., wikipedia , Examples; public class Dog extends Animal // from file
  22. Design isn't worthy of Atreus, it is worthy of Theses). (see on french, wikipedia , ) Analysis The epigraph" " (Nothing is more hateful to wisdom than excessive
  23. Its own name, Wikipedia,and Wikipedia was soon launched on its own domain, wikipedia , Com, on 15 January 2001. The bandwidth and server (located in San Diego)
  24. Used to describe the order of the components of a domain name,e.g. 'En., wikipedia , Org' ( the usual modern 'little-endian' form) versus the reverse-DNS 'org.
  25. Wikipedia. Examples; public class Animal // from file Cat. Java package org., wikipedia , Examples; public class Cat extends Animal // from file Dog. Java package org.
  26. De. Wikipedia. Org for., wikipedia , Org pl. Wikipedia. Org
  27. Name" Wikipedia" launch "/JJ"> 2001-01-05"> en., wikipedia , Org de. Wikipedia. Org
  28. A court order to make Wikimedia Deutschland stop linking from its page www., wikipedia , De to German Wikipedia de. Wikipedia. Org. The result was a huge national
  29. Animal) )) Java // from file Animal. Java package org., wikipedia , Examples; public class Animal // from file Cat. Java package org. Wikipedia.
  30. And translator of Dante's Divine Com media. * (entry in German version of, wikipedia , ),mathematician *Cornelia Rabbi, first female Indian barrister, social
  31. Emphasis on the Asian motorsport scene. Japanese Autosport: See in Japanese, wikipedia , Autosport shares the same name with the Japanese weekly magazine, which was
  32. WK 229 Selected works by opus number (adapted from the listing in the at for., wikipedia , Org) *Op. 2: 6 Sonatas for Keyboard and Violin and Cello (ad Librium) (
  33. MF files with OSI Headers: Bundle-Name: Hello World Bundle-SymbolicName: org., wikipedia , Helloworld Bundle-Description: A Hello World bundle Bundle-ManifestVersion: 2
  34. March 22, 2010 on NYC Soundcheck with John Schaefer; Discusses this, wikipedia , entry and career * http://www.facebook.com/#! /group. PHP? Gid
  35. Dog extends Animal // from file SubtypePolymorphismExample. Java package org., wikipedia , Examples; import java. Util. *; public class SubtypePolymorphismExample //
  36. 0) ... 00 'SM_length ', ( 15) ... 0F 'short_message ', ( Hello, wikipedia , ) ... 48 65 6C 6F 20 77 69 6B 69 70 65 64 69 61 The word suburb mostly
  37. Wikipedia. Com (at 13:07 UTC). The Japanese Wikipedia, started as Congo., wikipedia , Com, was created around that period, and initially used only Romanized
  38. For example: name" keywords" content ", wikipedia , encyclopedia" > In this example, the meta element identifies itself as
  39. 1.0.0 Bundle-Activator: org. Wikipedia. Activator Export-Package: org., wikipedia , Helloworld; version="1.0.0" Import-Package: org. Osgi. Framework;
  40. Locators (URLs) for Internet resources such as websites (e.g., en., wikipedia , Org). Domain names are also used as simple identification labels to indicate
  41. Following arguments: * name specifies the name of the host. For example: www., wikipedia , Org * add specifies a pointer to a struct in_add containing the address of
  42. And" Wikipedia ", where the LZMW encoder adds only the one sequence ", wikipedia ,". This eliminates some complexity of LZMW, at the price of adding more
  43. for. Wikipedia. Org pl., wikipedia , Org BS. Wikipedia. Org name" Wiktionary
  44. Pl. Wikipedia. Org BS., wikipedia , Org name" Wiktionary" launch "/JJ"> 2002-12-12">
  45. On 10 January 2005,the multilingual portal at http://www. wikipedia .org www., wikipedia , Org was set up, replacing a redirect to the English-language Wikipedia. * On 5
  46. Have since been started. Wiktionary was hosted on a temporary URL (Wiktionary., wikipedia , Org) until May 1,2004,when it switched to the current full URL., Wiktionary
  47. To a meaningful text and most of the time context-sensitively,e.g. " En., wikipedia , Org" can be expanded when a web browser window has the focus. The biggest
  48. The name of the proxy server to the URL of the requested content (e.g. " En., wikipedia , Org. SuffixProxy. Com" ). Suffix proxy servers are easier to use than regular
  49. Allow collaboration on articles prior to entering the peer review process. The, wikipedia , Com and Wikipedia. Org domain names are registered on 12 January 2001 and 13
  50. BundleActivator interface: package org., wikipedia , ; import org. Osgi. Framework. BundleActivator; import org. Osgi. Framework.

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