Examples of the the word, valentine , in a Sentence Context
The word ( valentine ), is the 8444 most frequently used in English word vocabulary
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- The criminal syndicate operating via corrupt official Judge Santino think the, valentine ,Mark left by Billy may indicate the New Jersey Mafia, and instruct the Justice
- A room in which there are several rows (a bit like shelves) made out of, valentine ,hearts on which other cats walk left and right. The object is to reach the cat
- A new touch to the jar is a space on the back to write in the name of one's, valentine ,onto the jar. In 2009,a limited edition Marston's Pedigree Mar mite was
- Never bestowed on her the customary admiring glance – she playfully sends him a, valentine ,sealed with red wax on which she has embossed the words" Marry me ". Bold wood
- Gushy Valentine (1999) (ISBN 0-375-80039-5) June B. received a special, valentine ,from a secret admirer. At the end she finds out it was from Jim. # June B.
- Is an ugly mask. I don't want to look like something on a candy box or a, valentine , " Release The film premiered in New York April 12, 1929 at the Rialto Theatre.
- Long as two feet in length. One of the most succulent, Hoya Kerri Craig, has, valentine , shaped leaves, with notches at the apexes of the leaves instead of at the bases
- A photograph of Colonel Kurtz. Skinner sees one of his army friends holding a, valentine ,card and asks him," sending your chick a valentine ? ", to which the guy
- Get punched in the face by a spring-loaded boxing glove hidden behind a fake, valentine ,on a wall had just come upstairs from shooting a promo for the video game.
- File: busterbrown15. JPG File: Buster Brown baby. JPG File: Buster Brown, valentine , JPG File: Buster Brown small black and white. JPG Ethan Allen Brown (July 4
- A tale of lives that are constructed by chance. “ Had Bathsheba not sent the, valentine , had Fanny not missed her wedding, for example, the story would have taken an
- Paris of the Los Angeles Times called Kill Bill Volume 1" a blood-soaked, valentine ,to movies" and wrote," It's apparent that Tarantino is striving for more
- Hardy, Bathsheba is persuaded to perform bibliomania. She sends an ill-fated, valentine ,to Bold wood on the strength of this reading. Sources *This page draws text from
- Walked into his fist. Another time, when Linus told her that if he ever got a, valentine ,from her,he'd throw it in the trash, Sally retaliated by clobbering him with
- From The Village Voice echoes this sentiment by calling it a" poisonous, valentine ,to Hollywood ". Mulholland Drive has been compared with Billy Wilder's film
- Bragg, who co-wrote the episode, conceived " These Are the Voyages ..." as a, valentine ,to Star Trek fans. The episode features guest stars Jonathan Brakes, Marina
- The real Eddie Cantor story is his self-produced 1944 feature Show Business,a, valentine ,to vaudeville and show folks that was RKO's top-grossing film that year.
- Based upon a modern reworking of the novel by Posy Simmonds. The mischievous, valentine ,becomes an e-mail, while death in childbirth becomes death from a drug overdose
- Closest friend; he once angrily berated Violet for giving Charlie Brown a used, valentine ,well after Valentine's Day had come and gone, only to be undercut when Charlie
- Following his recovery, Kayson shows his gratitude by asking Susan to be his, valentine ,date, which she awkwardly declines. Susan's personal life is far less settled
- Connection to blood and the idea of passion -- not only anger, but love, like a, valentine , " First worn publicly by Jeremy Irons at the 1991 Tony Awards, the ribbon soon
- A Calendar" ( the first single)," Amado a Ti" and" Omar el Are" as a, valentine ,and thanks to their fans for making this reunion more successful than expected.
- It's going to have some surprising twists and turns. It's somewhat of a, valentine , " She followed up her remarks by saying she was upset over the finale being a
- Get stuck in their own self-defeating modes of eternal return. A puzzle,a, valentine , a sacred hymn to beauty, particularly that of Mini Zhang, almost
- A round thing that gobbles up money ". He also once joked he had received a, valentine ,card from O'Neill:" I knew it was from Tip, because the heart was bleeding. "
- Mother in a mental institution, to protect Daisy's reputation as" America's, valentine ,", and is told to tell any interviewers that her mother is dead. Daisy finds
- On which she has embossed the words" Marry me ". Bold wood, not realizing the, valentine ,was a jest, becomes obsessed with Bathsheba, and soon proposes marriage.
- Valentines's Day ", the girls within Cromwell High witnessed him placing a, valentine ,'s card into Keisha's and Natella's box. It remains the episode's plot to
- His autobiographical one-man show Flipping My Wig (1996) and a serious, valentine ,to melodrama Queen Amaranth (1997). His 1999 play Die, Mommie, Die! Was
- He wanted the first time. " In 1965 he created Don Quixote, thought to be a, valentine ,to his newest" muse. " In 1968 he cast her as the lead in the" Diamonds "
- Today is Valentine's Day, Oobi and UMA follow hearts to find their mystery, valentine , Karo delivers Valentine cards to the neighbors. Later, Oobi and UMA find the
- They thought it could be an idea for an episode where Lisa could give such a, valentine ,to Ralph Wig gum, who would then take it too far. Reception In its original
- For the President's Day pageant. When Jean was in third grade, he received a, valentine ,from a girl that read" I Choo-Choo-Choose You ". Years later, Jean wondered if
- Sunny metamorphosis from ugly ducklings' romance to candy-coated, blue-collar, valentine , " Time Out summed it up thus:" Pacino wears a vest and bandanna and moons
- Gets tons of valentine s). Charlie Brown typically attempts to give her a, valentine ,but chickens out at the last minute. Appearances Charlie Brown first fell in
- Of the world passes away" ). Emily Dickinson used the line in a whimsical, valentine ,written to William Howland in 1852 and subsequently published in the
- Cards to the neighbors. Later, Oobi and UMA find the last heart and the mystery, valentine ,turns out to be Grampus dressed as a heart! * Babysitter! (03-13-2006)
- S slim bonus features ", but praised the film for standing" on its own as a, valentine ,to the mysteries of attraction ". Lost in Translation was also released in high
- Evening before Valentine was to be executed, he would have written the first ", valentine ," card himself, addressed to a young girl variously identified as his beloved
- Mitsuki so far seems silent about. Here is Greenwood Volume 6:" Cloned, valentine ," Side story in which Shinobi comes across a clone of himself, made by aliens.
- Immediately revamped the February 1942 issue then in preparation. A frilly, valentine ,cover was replaced with a woman wearing an" I've Enlisted" consumer pledge
- Album was a direct tribute to him as well and was inspired by her" unabashed, valentine ," for Penn. Most of the songs on the album reflect this idea. The song is based
- To hit him. One Valentine's Day, when Linus failed to come through with the, valentine ,card she had been expecting, Sally demanded that her big brother punch her "
- His army friends holding a valentine card and asks him," sending your chick a, valentine , ", to which the guy replies" yep ", right before he is shot to death. Terence
- S Day strips, several of which focus on Charlie Brown's hope of getting a, valentine ,from her (or anyone for that matter; typically Charlie gets nothing and Snoopy
- Was appreciated critically with critics comparing it with sweeter post-Motown, valentine ,songs, The song became Madonna's fifth number-one single on the Billboard Hot
- Young woman, with a brand-new pair of dancing slippers and a mouth like a, valentine , " Her 1920 collection A Few Figs From Thistles drew controversy for its novel
- Entrepreneur, Esther Howland, designed and manufactured the first American, valentine ,cards in 1847. Women also found opportunity in The Royal Worcester Corset
- Were selected by women on the basis of a poetry reading. The earliest surviving, valentine ,is a 15th-century Ronda written by Charles, Duke of Orleans to his wife
- Found murdered on February 15,seven years and one day after the massacre. A, valentine ,was left in the lobby of the bowling alley where he was murdered, which
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