Examples of the the word, indispensable , in a Sentence Context

The word ( indispensable ), is the 8442 most frequently used in English word vocabulary

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  1. Become convinced that mercenary service was immoral and that Swiss unity was, indispensable ,for any future achievements. Some of his earliest extant writings, such as The
  2. User interfaces in the software of the 1980s and 1990s made mice all but, indispensable ,for controlling computers. In November 2008,Logitech built their billionth
  3. Difficult to say that anyone is absolutely indispensable but if anyone was, indispensable ,to Hut 8 it was Turing. The pioneer's work always tends to be forgotten when
  4. Died. Hoover said of her" if there is anyone in this Bureau whose services are, indispensable ,I consider Miss Andy to be that person. " Despite this, Curt Gentry wrote:
  5. Invention of the Bombe. It is always difficult to say that anyone is absolutely, indispensable ,but if anyone was indispensable to Hut 8 it was Turing. The pioneer's work
  6. In oneself, ( ii) faith in the Master and (iii) faith in life. Faith is so, indispensable ,to life that unless it is present in some degree, life itself would be
  7. Of Language: Journal of the Linguistic Society of America, wrote that it" is, indispensable ,for any reference shelf on the languages of the world" ( 1986:698). Language
  8. Tape and arranged by the composer to form a musical composition" ) It was also, indispensable ,to Musique concrète. Tape also gave rise to the first, analogue
  9. Innocent until they shall have been declared guilty, if arrest shall be deemed, indispensable , all harshness not essential to the securing of the prisoner's person shall be
  10. In the Black Forest region *Black Forest Foxes are a breed of horse, previously, indispensable , for heavy field work Culture Dialects spoken in the Black Forest area are
  11. A bitter letter, concluding with an offer of his resignation. Judging Speer, indispensable ,to the war effort, Field Marshal Erhard Milch persuaded Hitler to try to get
  12. Then in the ballot box, she has merely uttered the truism that the first is, indispensable ,for individual freedom while the second is not: free choice can at least exist
  13. EDB021&BackColorLogged=F5D383 (Resolution Res (2003)8)“considering that it is, indispensable ,that the rules governing the relations between the Council of Europe and NGOs
  14. Of access to them. In a democratic society, the right to education, which is, indispensable ,to the furtherance of human rights, plays such a fundamental role that a
  15. Education which his position as the religious leader of the Ismail is made, indispensable , but a sound European training, a boon denied to his father and paternal
  16. War I, and continued to develop them during the Interwar period. They became, indispensable ,in the years immediately prior to World War II, and GE was the world leader in
  17. This trend. He stated that," For a novel naturalism was in fact a brilliant, indispensable ,and perhaps the only step forward. " Two years later he changed his mind and
  18. Important areas in modern biology. Also, analytical chemistry has been an, indispensable ,area in the development of nanotechnology. Surface characterization instruments
  19. Director J. Edgar Hoover for fifty-four years. Hoover called her ", indispensable ," and she exercised great behind-the-scenes influence on Hoover and the
  20. For CS AAS When a continuum radiation source is used for AAS measurement it is, indispensable ,to work with a high-resolution monochromator. The resolution has to be equal to
  21. Enzymes serve a wide variety of functions inside living organisms. They are, indispensable ,for signal transduction and cell regulation, often via kinases and phosphatase
  22. For the synod of 382,held to end the schism of Antioch, he made himself, indispensable ,to the pope, and took a prominent place in his councils. Among his other duties
  23. For 95 % of worldwide metal production. Its low cost and high strength make it, indispensable ,in engineering applications such as the construction of machinery and machine
  24. For Extraterrestrial Intelligence),appeal to designing intelligence is, indispensable ,". How this appeal is made and what this implies as to the definition of
  25. Of the tsar and making up for her husband's utter lack of charm. She was an, indispensable ,part of the American mission. In 1812,Adams reported to Washington the news of
  26. Although posterity suspected him of Arianism, Eusebius had made himself, indispensable ,by his method of authorship; his comprehensive and careful excerpts from
  27. Using a computer and graphic design software tools. Computers are considered an, indispensable ,tool in the graphic design industry. Computers and software applications are
  28. We were denied proper credits, and deprived of any financial rewards for our, indispensable ,creative contribution to the success of Batman. " Reflecting on the twentieth
  29. Enzyme. Applications in molecular biology research DNA ligases have become an, indispensable ,tool in modern molecular biology research for generating recombinant DNA
  30. That was partly due to an overachieving sampling rate of 57 kHz. It became, indispensable ,to many music artists of the 1980s,and would become one of the best-selling
  31. The Javanese, Arab and Indian, and Portuguese traders for example brought, indispensable ,items along steel knives, copper,medicines and prized Chinese porcelain. As
  32. In continuous income growth at both individual and national level, provide the, indispensable ,foundation for sustaining any kind of morality. This argument was explicitly
  33. Modern civilized nations, consists in the necessity of those measures which are, indispensable ,for securing the ends of the war, and which are lawful according to the modern
  34. According to Azerbaijani military experts, the Nectar system will be, indispensable ,for military operations in the mountainous terrains of Azerbaijan. There is no
  35. With the remainder sold fresh to consumers. Cranberry sauce is regarded an, indispensable ,part of traditional American and Canadian Thanksgiving menus and some European
  36. A means for stimulating urgently needed economic growth, highways have become, indispensable ,for the sustainable development of this country. Croatia already has a
  37. Repair, documentation,and review. This makes information security an, indispensable ,part of all the business operations across different domains. Income is the
  38. Learning these, the student of Ayurveda was expected to know ten arts that were, indispensable ,in the preparation and application of his medicines: distillation, operative
  39. The DX7 was the first mass market all-digital synthesizer. It became, indispensable ,to many music artists of the 1980s,and demand soon exceeded supply. The DX7
  40. For the sake of food, they accept such violence only inasmuch as it is, indispensable ,for human survival, and there are special instructions for preventing
  41. Was diminished in this role as well. Even then light cavalry remained an, indispensable ,tool for scouting, screening the army's movements, and harassing the enemy's
  42. The area. However in 2011 Gates said that the United States must serve as the “, indispensable ,nation,” for building multilateral cooperation. Oil Persian Gulf The U. S.
  43. Of satellites into orbit around the earth. Differential geometry is also, indispensable ,in the study of gravitational lending and black holes. **Differential forms are
  44. Have remained almost entirely in manuscript, since a careful study of them is, indispensable ,to anyone who wishes to form an adequate idea of Scarlatti's development. His
  45. The Bridge Between Science and Theology, Dembski states that" Christ is, indispensable ,to any scientific theory, even if its practitioners don't have a clue about
  46. Up, in order to achieve rapid implementation of the Community patent, which is, indispensable ,". He further said that he believed this could be done within five years. In
  47. It cannot be found in any other distinctive culture and the culture must be, indispensable ,to its pathogenesis, which in the case of amok, has never been true. A similar
  48. That" the right of expatriation is a natural and inherent right of all people, indispensable ,to the enjoyment of the rights of life, liberty and the pursuit of happiness,"
  49. Of methods and different perspectives. He believed that the grace of Christ was, indispensable ,to human freedom, and he framed the concepts of original sin and just war. When
  50. In the satirical auction of philosophers. Subsequently, they were considered an, indispensable ,feature of philosophic landscapes. Montaigne proposed two archetypical views of

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