Examples of the the word, woodland , in a Sentence Context
The word ( woodland ), is the 8447 most frequently used in English word vocabulary
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- Of Ems worth at this time was used for growing flowers and further north was, woodland ,(today Holly bank Woods). In the run-up to D-Day the Canadian Army used these
- Use arable land: 0 % permanent crops: 0 % permanent pastures: 0 % forests and, woodland ,: 0 % other: 10 % (1996 est. ) irrigated land: 20 km² (1993 est. ) natural
- Leaf types (such as broadleaf and needle leaf),plant spacing (forest, woodland , savanna) and climate. Unlike colones, biomes are not defined by genetic
- Beautiful and commanding elevation and its rapid and navigable river ". Its, woodland ,would also have been ideal for natural resources and hunting. Peter sits
- Land: 60 %: * Permanent crops: 0 %: * Permanent pastures: 5 %: * Forests and, woodland ,: 10 %: * Other: 25 % (1993 est. ) Irrigated land: 4 350 km² (1993 est. )
- Use: arable land: 3 % permanent crops: 0 % permanent pastures: 5 % forests and, woodland ,: 75 % other: 17 % (1993 est. ) Irrigated land: 20 km² (2003) Total renewable
- Exceeding at Himmelbjerget. The railway traverses this district of moorland and, woodland ,to Silkeborg. Administrative divisions Aarhus is divided into several districts
- Permanent crops: 0 % permanent pastures: 11 % forests and, woodland ,: 44 % other: 20 % (1996 est. ) The demographics of Estonia in the 21st
- In partial sunlight to deep shade, in a range of habitats including open woods, woodland ,clearings, moorland,and heath margins, sea-cliffs,rocky mountain slopes and
- Awash indicates that both A. Kaaba and A. radius lived in" a mosaic of, woodland ,and grasslands with lakes, swamps and springs nearby," but further research is
- Nigeria the water nymph, her servant and assistant midwife; and Virus,the, woodland ,god. Etymology Diana (pronounced with long 'ī' and 'ā' ) is an adjectival
- Southern zone, often referred to as the Rumanian zone, receives between, with, woodland , savanna and deciduous forests for vegetation. Rainfall in the Guinea zone
- Of the world, to create crops with other beneficial traits. New research on, woodland ,strawberry genome was found to be short and easy to manipulate. Researchers now
- Valencia. In broad terms, the typical vegetation of Andalusia is Mediterranean, woodland , characterized by leafy xerophile perennials, adapted to the long, dry summers
- Have claimed this element represents an Old English word armor, the name of a, woodland ,bird. However, Amesbury in Wiltshire is in a different dialect region and does
- In July each year features over 20,000 blooms. It has an area of meadows, woodland ,and gardens and features a Princess Diana Memorial Garden, a Japanese Garden, a
- Est. ),0 % (1993 est. ) permanent pastures: 7 % (1993 est. ) forests and, woodland ,: 77 % (1993 est. ) other: 96.52 (1998 est. ),13 % (1993 est. ) Irrigated
- Range of habitats which include ancient and secondary semi-natural broadleaved, woodland , unimproved neutral grassland, and a complex mosaic of calcareous grassland and
- Forest ", Middle Low German worst" forest ", Old English for" forest, woodland , game preserve, hunting ground ", and Old Norse FYI" coniferous forest ", all
- And afforestation are increasing the area of forested lands. The amount of, woodland ,has increased in 22 of the world's 50 most forested nations. Asia as a whole
- Trees, and Rosacea (rose/plum family). The drier parts of the Eric, woodland ,zone supports less dense oak forest and Rosacea. Here can also be found the
- Permanent crops: 2 % permanent pastures: 14 % forests and, woodland ,: 38 % other: 3 % (1999 est. ) Irrigated land: 12,370 km2 (1993 est. )
- Nature reserve. This reserve includes two ponds, as well as mixed broadleaved, woodland , List of reserves 1. Armstrong Wood 2. Baker's Pit 3. Beatles
- French knights unable to outflank the longbowmen (because of the encroaching, woodland ,) and unable to charge through the palings that protected the archers. John
- Land: 1 %: * Permanent crops: 6 %: * Permanent pastures: 5 %: * Forests and, woodland ,: 31 %: * Other: 57 % (1993 est. ); Irrigated land:: NA km²; Natural hazards::
- With several Interandean Valley, they are typically dominated by deciduous, woodland , shrub and Eric vegetation, reaching the extreme in the slopes near the
- BOS primigenius Mauritanians),the African Aurochs, once lived in the, woodland ,and shrubland of North Africa. It is descended from the Indian Aurochs, which
- Use: arable land: 9 % permanent crops: 13 % permanent pastures: 3 % forests and, woodland ,: 67 % other: 8 % (1993 est. ) Irrigated land: NA km² Natural hazards: Flash
- Permanent crops: 0 % permanent pastures: 0 % forests and, woodland ,: 76 % other: 16 % (1993 est. ) Irrigated land: 640 km² (1993 est. )
- Found on sites where the ground has been disturbed, such as recently cleared, woodland , or where the vegetation has been burnt. Medicinal use and mechanism of action
- Permanent snow and ice. Vegetation also responds to rainfall patterns. A scrub, woodland ,of scattered trees and bushes dominates the semiarid northeast. To the south
- Thorny vegetation, predominates. Most of central Brazil is covered with a, woodland ,savanna, known as the Gerardo (sparse scrub trees and drought-resistant
- Reveal that this hypothesis needs modification to consider that the forest and, woodland ,environmental adaptation of early-stage hominid bipedalism preceded further
- Of the hunt and moon and birthing, being associated with wild animals and, woodland , and having the power to talk to and control animals. She was equated with the
- Percolation and causes five times the amount of runoff generated by a typical, woodland ,of the same size. A 2008 report by the United States National Research Council
- Use: arable land: 12 % permanent crops: 5 % permanent pastures: 0 % forests and, woodland ,: 13 % other: 70 % (1993 est. ) Irrigated land: 400 km² (1999 UN est. )
- Factor in deciding the outcome. The recently plowed land hemmed in by dense, woodland ,favored the English, both because of its narrowness, and because of the thick
- The vegetable diet. Rural poor often ate squirrel, possum,rabbit and other, woodland ,animals. Those on the“ rice coast” often ate ample amounts of rice, while the
- Pasture,27 percent arable land,8 percent perm ant crops,5 percent forests and, woodland , and 31 percent other. Irrigated land: 1,200 km² (1993 est. ) Natural hazards:
- Noted scholars have been proposed. Julius Poorly derives Dorian from Doris,", woodland ," (which can also mean upland). The Doris- segment is from the o-grade (
- California's desert cactus scrub plant community, and below the pinyon-juniper, woodland , It is further distinguished from the deciduous sagebrush scrub above the
- Bobwhites can be found year-round in agricultural fields, grassland,open, woodland ,areas, roadsides and wood edges. Their range covers the southeastern quadrant
- A loss to the cultural record of their archeology. The wholesale clearance of, woodland ,to create agricultural land can be seen in many parts of the world, such as the
- Leaf types (such as broadleaf and needle leaf),plant spacing (forest, woodland , savanna),and climate. Unlike colones, biomes are not defined by genetic
- Arable land: 35 % permanent crops: 10 % permanent pastures: 7 % forests and, woodland ,: 18 % other: 30 % (1993 est. ) Irrigated land: NA km² Environmental concerns
- Out to make strawberry fields. Most of these have been allowed to revert to, woodland , The wood was coppiced until 1917. This site compromises a wide range of
- To at most 15 % that of seawater. The cane toad inhabits open grassland and, woodland , and has displayed a" distinct preference" for areas that have been modified
- Of Southeast Turkey and their southern foothills which support a Eric, woodland , Plant species in the moister parts of this zone include various oaks
- And locally at lower altitudes. About 17 % of the whole island is classified as, woodland , Where there is no forest, tall shrub communities of golden oak (Quercus
- Arable land: 12 % permanent crops: 1 % permanent pastures: 49 % forests and, woodland ,: 6 % other: 32 % (1998 est. ) Irrigated land: 280 km² (1993 est. ) Natural
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