Examples of the the word, cubic , in a Sentence Context

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  1. Functions multiplication, division,addition, subtraction,square root and, cubic ,root. Although blind students have benefited from talking calculators, the
  2. Honeycomb. The total unique prismatic honeycombs above (excluding the, cubic ,counted previously) are 10. Combining these counts,18 and 10 gives us the
  3. Form can be seen as a cubic honeycomb with alternate vertices removed, reducing, cubic , cells to tetrahedral and creating octahedron cells in the gaps. Nodes are
  4. Changes from a body-centered cubic structure (fer rite) to a face-centered, cubic ,structure (austenite) above 906 °C, and tin undergoes a transformation known
  5. About 377,000 km² (145,522 sq mi) and the volume is about 20,000 km³ (5040, cubic , miles ). The periphery amounts to about 8000 km (4968 mi) of coastline.
  6. Estimated that once the project is finished, the tunnel will allow 500 million, cubic ,meters of water to be drawn from the lake annually, while maintaining a
  7. Smaller and smaller. Compare this to the variety V (y − x3). This is a, cubic ,equation. As x increases, the slope of the line from the origin to the point (
  8. Us the total 28 uniform honeycombs. The C~3,4,3,4 groups ( cubic ) The regular, cubic ,honeycomb, represented by Scholarly symbol, offers seven unique derived uniform
  9. The fundamental infinite Counter groups for 3-space are: # The _3,4,3,4, cubic , (8 unique forms plus one alternation) # The _3,4,31,1,alternated cubic , (
  10. As Geronimo Cardano and Niccolò Fontana" Natalia" on their studies of the, cubic ,equation. The geometrical approach to construction problems, rather than the
  11. And is therefore used as a lubricant and an additive to cosmetic products. The, cubic ,(sphalerite structure) variety analogous to diamond is called CBN. Its
  12. Water pressure and electric current can simulate rate of flow in terms of, cubic ,meters per second (in fact, given the proper scale factors, all that is
  13. Hot working. It contains both α and β' phase; the β'-phase is body-centered, cubic ,and is harder and stronger than α. Alpha-beta brasses are usually worked hot.
  14. 10 prismatic forms based on the uniform plane filings (11 if including the, cubic ,honeycomb); * 5 modifications of some of the above by elongation and/or
  15. About to overrun the German site, Speer modified his design to include a, cubic ,mass which would check their advance, with a huge eagle on top looking down on
  16. Omar Khayyam (born 1048 A. D.) discovered the general method of solving, cubic ,equations by intersecting a parabola with a circle. Each of these early
  17. Built). Ludgate's engine would be much smaller than Babbage's of about 8, cubic , feet (230 L) and hypothetically would be capable of multiplying two
  18. Or similar applications. They contain only one phase, with face-centered, cubic ,crystal structure. *Prince's metal or Prince Rupert's metal is a type of
  19. 354,700,000 cubic kilometers (85,100,000 cu mi) and without them 323,600,000, cubic , kilometres (77,640,000 cu mi). The average depth of the Atlantic, with its
  20. To increasing droughts. Natural gas production, estimated at about 30 million, cubic ,meters, is sufficient to meet consumer demands. Other natural resources include
  21. To 5 GPA, α-Am transforms to the β modification, which has a face-centered, cubic ,(FCC) symmetry, space group FMM and lattice constant a = 489 pm. This FCC
  22. The familiar cubic honeycomb and 7 truncation thereof; * the alternated, cubic ,honeycomb and 4 truncation thereof; * 10 prismatic forms based on the uniform
  23. With new marble, and 186 parts made entirely of new marble. A total of 530, cubic , meters of new Enteric marble were used. Cultural significance Every four years
  24. X x = Cubic column honeycomb (1 form) * _2x_2xA_1: AXX 4,4x - (Same as, cubic ,slab honeycomb family) Hyperbolic forms There are 9 Counter group families of
  25. Which is different from team, and at 1075 °C it converts to a body-centered, cubic ,structure. The pressure-temperature phase diagram of americium is thus rather
  26. Cubic honeycomb, is included for completeness though identical to the, cubic ,honeycomb. ) B~4,4,31,1 group The _4 groups offers 11 derived
  27. The Shah Deniz gas field. Shah Deniz is expected to produce up to 296 billion, cubic ,meters of natural gas per year. Azerbaijan also plays a major role in the
  28. Mineral. Anime consists of hydrated sodium aluminum silicate in, cubic ,crystalline form. Its chemical formula is NaAlSi2O6·H2O. Minor amounts of
  29. Are not unique, and any linear combination is valid, like a transformation to, cubic ,harmonics, in fact it is possible to generate sets where all the d's are the
  30. There are 5 forms constructed from the _3 groups, of which only the quarter, cubic ,honeycomb is unique. Nonwythoffian forms (gyrated and elongated) Three more
  31. Its applications. As most other actinide dioxides, it is a black solid with a, cubic ,(fluorite) crystal structure. The oxalate of americium (III),vacuum dried
  32. On particular conditions. For instance, iron changes from a body-centered, cubic ,structure (fer rite) to a face-centered cubic structure (austenite) above
  33. Delta - forms from cooling down molten iron below 1,538 °C; has a body-centred, cubic ,(BCC) crystal structure Lanthanides and actinides *Cerium, samarium,terbium
  34. Honeycombs via truncation operations. (One redundant form, the ruminated, cubic ,honeycomb, is included for completeness though identical to the cubic honeycomb
  35. At −33.3 °C, and freezes at −77.7 °C to white crystals. The crystal symmetry is, cubic , Pearson symbol cP16,space group P213 No.198,lattice constant 0.5125 nm.
  36. And Semi-Regular Figures in Space of n Dimensions, including one regular, cubic ,honeycomb, and two semiregular forms with tetrahedral and octahedra. * 1905:
  37. All 28 of these tessellations are found in crystal arrangements. The alternated, cubic ,honeycomb is of special importance since its vertices form a cubic
  38. Alternated cubic honeycomb is of special importance since its vertices form a, cubic ,close-packing of spheres. The space-filling truss of packed octahedra and
  39. Unique uniform honeycombs. The honeycombs from this group are called alternated, cubic ,because the first form can be seen as a cubic honeycomb with alternate vertices
  40. A layer of prisms (elongation). The elongated and gyro elongated alternated, cubic ,filings have the same vertex figure, but are not alike. In the elongated form
  41. Top. The shaft is high made out of a single piece of granite. This would be 132, cubic , meters or approximately 396 tons. Pompey's Pillar may have been erected using
  42. As 0,1,0',3 with 0' being below and interchangeable with 0. The alternate, cubic ,names given are based on this ordering. A~3,(3,3,3,3) group There are 5
  43. Cubic, ( 8 unique forms plus one alternation) # The _3,4,31,1,alternated, cubic , (11 forms,3 new) # The _3 cyclic groups, ( 3,3,3,3),(5 forms, one new)
  44. Tilings, shown below, in parallel layers. (One of these honeycombs is the, cubic , shown above. ) The vertex figure of each is an irregular bipyramid whose faces
  45. This group is called alternated cubic because the first form can be seen as a, cubic ,honeycomb with alternate vertices removed, reducing cubic cells to tetrahedral
  46. Indian oceans. The volume of the Atlantic with its adjacent seas is 354,700,000, cubic , kilometers (85,100,000 cu mi) and without them 323,600,000 cubic kilometers (
  47. Magnetic in its alpha form; BCC * gamma - forms below 1,394 °C; face centered, cubic ,(FCC) crystal structure * delta - forms from cooling down molten iron below
  48. Uniform polyhedral cells. Twenty-eight such honeycombs exist: * the familiar, cubic ,honeycomb and 7 truncation thereof; * the alternated cubic honeycomb and 4
  49. No new forms) # The _1x_1x_1,AXX prismatic group, ( These all become a, cubic ,honeycomb) In addition there is one special elongated form of the triangular
  50. 18 and 10 gives us the total 28 uniform honeycombs. The C~3,4,3,4 groups (, cubic ,) The regular cubic honeycomb, represented by Scholarly symbol, offers seven

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