Examples of the the word, contaminate , in a Sentence Context
The word ( contaminate ), is the 8443 most frequently used in English word vocabulary
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- Is also a concern because heavy metals and other chemicals from fireworks may, contaminate ,water supplies and because fireworks combustion gases might contribute to such
- Valve were at risk of explosion if poorly maintained, allowing food residues to, contaminate ,the release valve. Modern pressure cookers typically have two or three
- Formaldehyde is also used to kill unwanted viruses and bacteria that might, contaminate ,the vaccine during production. * Monosodium glutamate (MSG) and
- Pear wood is valued for kitchen spoons, scoops and stirrers, as it does not, contaminate ,food with color, flavor or smell and resists warping and splintering despite
- In a dishwasher. Items soiled by wax, cigarette ash or anything which might, contaminate ,the rest of the wash load (such as poisons or mineral oils) should not be put
- Erosion of the thruster to any great degree to permit long life; and should not, contaminate ,the vehicle. Many current designs use xenon gas as it is easy to ionize, has a
- Immunity). It is also used to kill unwanted viruses and bacteria that might, contaminate ,the vaccine during production. Urinary tract infections are also often treated
- Bomb is a theoretical type of" salted bomb ": a nuclear weapon intended to, contaminate ,an area by radioactive material, with a relatively small blast. The weapon's
- Maneuver. Third, the source should be sufficiently dispersible to effectively, contaminate ,the area around the explosion. An example of the worst case scenario is a terror
- Such as large areas of open trash and blown litter, leachate breaks which, contaminate ,area residential wells and flow into Deer Creek, a tributary of the Susquehanna
- Extreme conditions, herbicides can also be transported via surface runoff to, contaminate ,distant water sources. Most herbicides decompose rapidly in soils via soil
- Fungal compounds that can cause cancer and suppress growth. Endotoxins, contaminate ,grains and other food products across the globe and can significantly impact
- In a 1989 interview to the Ash Shim bun, that they were part of a mission to, contaminate ,the Holstein river with typhoid near the Soviet troops during the Battle of
- And human carcasses, by the Xiongnu/Huns, Mongols,Turks, and other groups, to, contaminate , enemy water supplies. Han Dynasty General Duo Tubing is recorded to have died
- In January 1945 led to a fear that a fire in the plutonium laboratory might, contaminate ,the whole town, and Groves authorized the construction of a new facility for
- Combustion. In incomplete combustion, products of pyrolysis remain burnt and, contaminate ,the smoke with noxious particulate matter and gases. Partially oxidized
- On return to the spacecraft, there will be the potential for the dust to, contaminate ,surfaces and increase the risks of inhalation and skin exposure. Astronautical
- UN experts have estimated that as many as one million unexploded bomb lets may, contaminate ,the hundreds of cluster munition strike sites in Lebanon. In addition, some
- Fumigation. It is also difficult to control weeds similar to the crop which may, contaminate ,the final produce. For instance, ergot in weed grasses is difficult to separate
- 226Ac which however decays with a half-life of 29 hours and thus does not, contaminate ,225Ac. Actinium metal has been prepared by the reduction of actinium fluoride
- Pumps is the tendency to back stream oil into the vacuum chamber. This oil can, contaminate ,surfaces inside the chamber or upon contact with hot filaments or electrical
- The anal sphincter, which allows meconium to pass into the amniotic fluid and, contaminate ,the amniotic fluid. Meconium passage into the amniotic fluid occurs in about
- There are also times when accidental spills and releases of hazardous materials, contaminate ,water. Water supplies along transportation routes have been affected by
- Dynamic response. When measuring vacuum, the working liquid may evaporate and, contaminate ,the vacuum if its vapor pressure is too high. When measuring liquid pressure, a
- During impact and combustion of depleted uranium munitions can potentially, contaminate ,wide areas around the impact sites or can be inhaled by civilians and military
- The color ribbon was used in the printer, the black ink section would gradually, contaminate ,the other 3 colors, changing the consistency of printouts over the life of the
- Material with conventional explosives. The purpose of the weapon is to, contaminate ,the area around the explosion with radioactive material, hence the attribute "
- The material is moving too fast then the liquid material can erode the mold and, contaminate ,the final casting. The shape and length of the gating system can also control
- Being measured, unlike thermal and ionization gauges, and are less likely to, contaminate ,the system than hydrostatic gauges. The pressure sensing element may be a
- And general industries this is an advantage over inline sensors that may, contaminate ,the liquids inside a vessel or tube. The principle behind a Pulsed-Ultrasonic
- Yield. Also, because of the subsurface detonation, radioactive debris may, contaminate ,the local groundwater. The Union of Concerned Scientists' advocacy group points
- Once mined, the uranium will leach into the water of the Colorado River and, contaminate ,the water supply for up to 18 million people. South Rim buildings There are
- And other fossil fuels. De-icing chemicals and sand can run off into roadsides, contaminate ,groundwater and pollute surface waters; and road salts can be toxic to
- Material begin to accumulate on the tip, they can block heat transfer and, contaminate ,joints, making soldering difficult or impossible. Therefore, the tips are
- In landfill and discharge into water as even small amount of lubricant can, contaminate ,a large amount of water. Most regulations permit a threshold level of lubricant
- The oil from the backing vacuum may back stream through the turbo pump and, contaminate ,the chamber. One way to prevent this is to introduce a laminar flow of nitrogen
- Mobile the substance is and how likely it is to spread into the environment and, contaminate ,humans. This is further complicated by the fact that many radioisotopes do not
- And" stickies ", soft rubbery particles which can clog the papermaker and, contaminate ,the recycled paper. Stickies can originate from book bindings, hot melt
- Into Jupiter to eliminate any chance of a future impact with Europa that could, contaminate ,the icy moon. At the completion of its 35th and final circuit around the Jovian
- Lowest. This is best practice because loose spoil will not then fall onto and, contaminate ,the surface being worked on. In this way blurring detail that might have been
- Water, they will eventually die and must be removed, so their decay does not, contaminate ,the aquarium water. *Acorns gamines var. Pusilus (Dwarf sedge, Japanese rush
- Of the bacteria through the porous shell or from a hen whose infected ovaries, contaminate ,the egg during egg formation. Nevertheless, such interior egg yolk
- Potentially leavened dough remain, as any stray pieces are now Chavez, and can, contaminate ,the next batch of matzo. Fast of the Firstborn On the morning of the Passover
- Have lids to cover the sand when not in use, so that passing animals cannot, contaminate ,the sand by urinating or defecating in it. Having lids also prevents the sand
- During impact and combustion of depleted uranium munitions can potentially, contaminate ,wide areas around the impact sites leading to possible inhalation by human
- Masturbation. Hands may have invisible cuts on them that may admit pathogens or, contaminate ,the other body part or partner. *Another way to protect against pathogen
- Program (NEP) in Bosnia and Herzegovina stated that low levels of, contaminate ,were found in drinking water and air particulate at DU penetrator impact points
- Older designs used mercury, but this is toxic and expensive, tended to, contaminate ,the vehicle with the metal and was difficult to feed accurately. Other
- A risk of silt entering the canal, but the salt water cannot be allowed to, contaminate ,the fresh, as the canal is still used for the transport of drinking water for
- Treatment. One of the side effects of cholera is acute diarrhea which helps, contaminate ,even more water unless it is isolated and/or treated. The cause of cholera
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