Examples of the the word, managerial , in a Sentence Context
The word ( managerial ), is the 8438 most frequently used in English word vocabulary
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- To an investment and employment boom and the high inflow of FDI brought with it, managerial ,skills. * 1990s-2010: Further diversification, liberalisation and investment.
- None of the fundamental laws of physics had been overturned. There had been a, managerial ,revolution; the creation by early space exploration of a cadre of highly
- In the polity. In their view, Southern Rhodesia was well-suited to providing, managerial ,and administrative skills, Northern Rhodesia would provide the copper revenues
- Plans for the proposed downtown ballpark were cancelled. Ending his Montreal, managerial ,career with a total of 691 wins, the most of any manager in the franchise's
- And strategies * All policies and strategies must be discussed with all, managerial ,personnel and staff. * Managers must understand where and how they can
- Were highly skeptical of Garner, who had a mediocre track record in his prior, managerial ,stints in Milwaukee and Detroit, with only one winning season at either stop (
- Popular manager Jimmy Dykes, who led them from 1934 to 1946 – still the longest, managerial ,tenure in team history. However, the White Sox did not completely recover from
- His office-mates often find themselves baffled or victimized by the whims of, managerial ,behavior, they never seem to question it openly. Solomon cites the Xerox
- Which Apple's board of directors sided with Sculley and removed Jobs from his, managerial ,duties. 1986–1993: Rise and fall Having learned several painful lessons after
- Robinson's death: following the 1974 season, the Cleveland Indians gave their, managerial ,post to Frank Robinson (no relation),a Hall of Fame-bound player who would
- Over safety and environmental effects, as well as problems in administrative, managerial ,and financial implementation, but mostly because mosquitoes were developing
- Contrasted with the term" Labor" referring to those being managed. Nature of, managerial ,work In for-profit work, management has as its primary function the
- Take control). Caretaker appointments are managers that fill the gap between a, managerial ,departure and a new appointment. Several caretaker managers have gone on to
- Was in the lineup. Ruth was also annoyed that McKenzie ignored most of his, managerial ,advice (McKenzie later said that Ruth's presence made enforcing discipline
- Ease its administration, and can resemble the organization's structure in, managerial ,or geographical terms. Out can contain other Out—domains are containers in this
- The band's signature look through to 1966. Though Murry effectively seized, managerial ,control of the band without consultation, Brian acknowledges that he" deserves
- This on-field experience, minorities began to experience long-delayed gains in, managerial ,positions within baseball. In 1975,Frank Robinson (who had been the 1956
- Definitions and the connection of managerial practices with the existence of a, managerial ,cadre or class. One habit of thought regards management as equivalent to "
- Of people, looking for jobs as sales assistants, sales consultants and store, managerial ,jobs. IKEA Croydon, when it was built in 1992,brought many non-skilled jobs to
- Who remained in the Netherlands after Hollands release, was relieved of his, managerial ,duties in late 1973. Blondie Chaplin also left the band in late 1973 after an
- New appointment. Several caretaker managers have gone on to secure a permanent, managerial ,post after performing well as a caretaker; examples include Paul Hart at
- And remained tied after the bottom of the 11th inning. Due to the recent, managerial ,trend of granting playing time to as many available players as possible within
- Decentralized implementation and control of finances, skilled technical and, managerial ,capacity at national and sub-national levels, hands-on technical and
- Back the inducement). Managements promoting mutualization also thereby met, managerial ,objectives because the end of mutuality brought joint stock company (Plc)
- N't overcome the efforts of Will Clark, whose home run off Maddox, just after a, managerial ,visit to the mound, led Maddox to think Clark knew what pitch was coming.
- Augustin-Louis stayed for three years, and although he had an extremely busy, managerial ,job, he still found time to prepare three mathematical manuscripts, which he
- Over team selection, Wilkins left the club in May 1998 to hand over the full, managerial ,duties to Keegan, who steered the club to promotion the next season, winning
- According to Lawrence S. Learn, the following skills are needed at the top, managerial ,level. * Broadening their understanding of how factors such as competition
- worldwide. Less recognized are the private equity firms which often seize, managerial , financial, and board of directors control of distressed airline companies by
- Leading Chandler to call the German dye companies" the world's first truly, managerial ,industrial enterprises ". There were many spinoffs from research—such as the
- 1980s due to a number of economic and political factors, which then induced, managerial ,initiatives. According to Van Gram berg (2006,p. 173) these changes have come
- Dumping McCarthy. The slugger and manager had never got along and Ruth's, managerial ,ambitions further chilled their relations. Just before the 1934 season, Ruppert
- Defining management, the shifting nature of definitions and the connection of, managerial ,practices with the existence of a managerial cadre or class. One habit of
- Jackie told me that he would be both delighted and honored to tackle this, managerial ,post"—although reports differed whether a position was ever formally
- Tau in the 6th century BC, The Art of War is a military strategy book that, for, managerial , purposes,recommends being aware of and acting on strengths and weaknesses of
- Put him at odds with journalists and sport executives. Although he had little, managerial ,experience, he became head coach of the Argentina national team in November
- And, with the loss, dropped to third place and headed towards the playoffs. A, managerial ,change for the postseason saw the firing of Reminding and the arrival of
- Can acquire and sell complementary products. * Synergy: For example, managerial ,economies such as the increased opportunity of managerial specialization.
- Scale are purchasing (bulk buying of materials through long-term contracts), managerial , ( increasing the specialization of managers),financial (obtaining
- A lead at some point in each of the next three games, bullpen meltdowns and, managerial ,blunders ultimately led to three straight losses. The Cubs couldn't overcome
- These positions throughout his life. Civil War (1918–1920) 1918 Trotsky's, managerial ,and organization-building skills with the Soviet military were soon tested. In
- The same mission and objectives. All policies must be discussed with all, managerial ,personnel and staff that is required in the execution of any departmental
- Coach Harvey Queen. The team immediately excelled under Kuenn's low-key, managerial ,style and gained a new nickname as Harvey's Wallpapers, a play on the drink
- Full seasons as manager, subject to complaints in the press about his strict, managerial ,style. In the Reds won 96 games, led by manager Jack McKeon, but lost to the
- Decentralized implementation and control of finances, skilled technical and, managerial ,capacity at national and sub-national levels, hands-on technical and
- Lee MacPhail was appointed general manager, allowing Richards to focus on his, managerial ,duties. MacPhail added much needed discipline to the scouting staff by
- And organize work environments. Although leaders may be required to undertake, managerial ,duties as well, leaders typically focus on inspiring followers and creating a
- Today City and Guilds is an examining and accreditation body for vocational, managerial ,and engineering qualifications from entry level craft and trade skills up to
- And injuries hurt the team badly, and Tom Kelly spent the remainder of his, managerial ,career attempting to rebuild the Twins. In 1997,owner Carl Poland almost sold
- 1902,Manchester United was officially born. Under Ernest Hangnail, who assumed, managerial ,duties in 1903,the team finished as Second Division runners-up in 1906 and
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