Examples of the the word, pervasive , in a Sentence Context

The word ( pervasive ), is the 8429 most frequently used in English word vocabulary

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  1. Investments in coal and iron. Political disunity of three dozen states and a, pervasive ,conservatism made it difficult to build railways in the 1830s. However, by the
  2. That Peters's map is special in that regard. In any case, Mercator was not the, pervasive ,projection Peters made it out to be: a wide variety of projections has always
  3. Chronicle of base lust for power, betrayal of the father by his sons, and, pervasive , wars and murders. " The historical setting of the film is used as" a
  4. Where almost half the population is visibly mestizo, a legacy of the more, pervasive ,unions between Spaniards colonists and Chorotega Amerindians through several
  5. Two characteristics of someone with narcissistic personality disorder are: * A, pervasive ,pattern of grandiosity (in fantasy or behavior) * Is preoccupied with
  6. Such as freedom and morality, and with their ontological implications, is, pervasive , Rather than simply rejecting Kant's dualism of freedom versus nature, Hegel
  7. In their vocalization. Using evolutionary theory, Brinton argued that this, pervasive ,inconsistency was a sign of linguistic inferiority, and evidence that Native
  8. Footnote 50) 15 Before. 16 Before, or. Vowels Vowel harmony is, pervasive ,in the languages attributed to Altaic: most Turkic and Mongolic as well as some
  9. Announced in 1986,the Soviet economy suffered from both hidden inflation and, pervasive ,supply shortages aggravated by an increasingly open black market that
  10. A type of technological device (he called it" spite" ) that, through, pervasive , RFID and GPS tracking, can track its history of use and interact with the world
  11. Popularity of conspiracy theories in mass culture may be due, in part, to the, pervasive ,presence of Marxist-inspired critical theory and similar ideas in academia
  12. Productive inflectional category in Old English, Modern English has a much less, pervasive ,gender system, primarily based on natural gender. *The pronoun" she" is
  13. Involvement and individual responsibility for the murders were far more, pervasive ,than his current indictment record represents. On August 17, 1988,President of
  14. In other contexts, background radiation may simply be any radiation that is, pervasive , whether ionizing or not. A particular example of this is the cosmic microwave
  15. Reinforcement is synonymous with punishment. This misconception is rather, pervasive , and is commonly found in even scholarly accounts of Skinner and his
  16. Provincial Catholic communities. One recurring theme is loyalty. Loyalty is, pervasive , and it applies to family, country and God. This theme is particularly
  17. The New World if Columbus had not found where it was. Indeed, one particularly, pervasive ,story is that Columbus discovered America, as it is far easier to elevate a man
  18. Disorders and difficulties in children and teenagers. A survey of children with, pervasive ,developmental disorder found that 16.5 % were taking an antipsychotic drug
  19. Action, a move that is often reduced to a moral or an existential nihilism. A, pervasive ,theme in the works of existentialist philosophy, however,is to persist through
  20. Simple columns in the Daily Telegraph. References to Beachcomber are strongly, pervasive ,in Private Eye, and there is a possible, but more tenuous, line of descent from
  21. Who invented the potato chip in 1853. African American music is one of the most, pervasive ,African American cultural influences in the United States today and is among
  22. Sociology of religion),in the typology of religion, a religion less, pervasive ,in a society than a church but more so than a sect * Mount Ecclesial, nature
  23. The Bible are attributed to David. The supreme kingship of Yahweh is the most, pervasive ,theological concept in the book of Psalms, and many psalms attributed to David
  24. To speak slowly (drawl),and further, showed a greater tendency to exhibit, pervasive ,nasality. General Australian The most common of Australian accents is known as
  25. Passages were not isolated cases that could be explained away one by one, but, pervasive , throughout the five books, concluding that it was" clearer than the sun at
  26. Such as symmetric multiprocessing by utilizing modular I/O bandwidth, pervasive ,multithreading, preemptive multitasking and a custom 64-bit journaling file
  27. Fulani, was chosen president of the federation in 1961. Video, relying on a, pervasive ,internal security apparatus, outlawed all political parties but his own in
  28. War. A key text is Jeff Nuttall's book Bomb Culture (1968) which traced this, pervasive ,theme in popular culture back to Hiroshima. Anxiety (also called angst or
  29. In the modern era due to digital audio systems (mixers, routers ) being, pervasive ,in the studio. In audio broadcasting, the audio processor must * prevent
  30. Laying system and the gun automatically laid. As tactical data networks become, pervasive ,they will provide any connected soldier with a means for reporting target
  31. To Sing ", produced by Billy Davis, became a hit single. Coke's advertising is, pervasive , as one of Woodruff's stated goals was to ensure that everyone on Earth drank
  32. As" ether" ( CH3-CH2-O-CH2-CH3). Ethers are common in organic chemistry and, pervasive ,in biochemistry, as they are common linkages in carbohydrates and lignin.
  33. Sibling relationships as adults. Classification Autism is one of the five, pervasive ,developmental disorders (PDD),which are characterized by widespread
  34. For seconds, minutes,hours or days. A bipolar depression is generally more, pervasive ,with sleep, appetite disturbance and nonreactive mood, whereas the mood in
  35. Candidate Mir-Hossein Moutai chose green as his campaign color, and it became, pervasive ,among his supporters during the campaign and the post-election protests. Green
  36. Of the political, administrative,military, and economic apparatuses, and of a, pervasive ,corruption. The main beneficiary of this situation is a social segment
  37. Franklin is considered one of the Founding Fathers of the U. S. His, pervasive ,influence in the early history of the United States has led to his being
  38. DBMS is not always the optimal solution: When certain applications are, pervasive ,with many operating instances, each with many users, a general-purpose DBMS may
  39. Incomprehensibility is due to French having undergone more rapid and more, pervasive ,phonological change than have Spanish and Italian, not to real or imagined
  40. Et cetera. Kinds of environment Global Some environments in Lisp are globally, pervasive , For instance, if a new type is defined, it is known everywhere thereafter.
  41. As Java, Perl,Python, PHP,JavaScript, LPC,C# and Unix's C Shell. The most, pervasive ,influence has been syntactical: all the languages mentioned combine the
  42. May be that ACLs appeared to offer a 'quick fix' for security without, pervasive ,redesign of the operating system and hardware. The most secure computers are
  43. Territories, suggesting then that the Achaemenid-era use of Aramaic was more, pervasive ,than generally thought. Imperial Aramaic was highly standardized; its
  44. Processes generated about $900 billion in products worldwide. Catalysis is so, pervasive ,that subareas are not readily classified. Some areas of particular
  45. Complexes. Nomenclature and terminology Coordination complexes are so, pervasive ,that the structure and reactions are described in many ways, sometimes
  46. Event, Carrel could not obtain a hospital appointment because of the strong and, pervasive ,anticlericalism in the French University at the time. In 1903, he emigrated to
  47. Anything to do with each other or the 20-minute sidelong epic, so there is no, pervasive ,concept or story). The first of which was released in 1975,titled Caress of
  48. Party has had mixed success in controlling information: a powerful and, pervasive ,media control system faces equally strong market forces, an increasingly
  49. Functors to the category of groupies in this way, and the concept is, pervasive ,in algebra and its applications. Natural transformation Abstracting yet again
  50. As Scientist, reflected the optimistic faith in science and technology that was, pervasive ,at the time in American life. According to Wide, all Mormon theology could

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