Examples of the the word, braille , in a Sentence Context
The word ( braille ), is the 8440 most frequently used in English word vocabulary
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- d. 1863) *1809 – Louis Braille, French teacher of the blind and inventor of, braille ,(d. 1852) *1813 – Isaac Pitman, English inventor (d. 1897) *1832 – George
- 1834 and at the Church of Saint-Vincent-de-Paul in 1845. Development of the, braille ,system In 1821,Braille learned of a writing system devised by Captain Charles
- Other variants exist that use a conventional QWERTY keyboard for input and, braille ,pins for output, as well as input-only and output-only devices. In 1951,David
- Musical training was self-taught by ear with some theory derived from books in, braille , Hardin moved to New York in 1943 where he met noted classical music luminaries
- Style" color: #b915cf;" >struck line in Chapter XXI in purple. The word ", braille ," is replaced with seven XS. Appendices are full color plates. A further
- To manually emboss Grade 1 or 2 Braille. * Mountbatten Braille. An electric, braille ,writing machine. Software * Customization of graphical user interfaces to alter
- Braille writer which was like a typewriter with 6 keys, one for each dot in a, braille ,cell. The Perkins Braille, first manufactured in 1951,uses a 6-key chord
- Systems for sensory impairments, as the sign language for deaf people and, braille ,for blind people, are based in movement or tactile codes. Musical scores are
- Permission' list. " A number of his books and stories are available in, braille ,and other specialized formats through the NLS. As of July 17, 2010,eleven of
- Or formalized design. Usually every card will be smooth however some decks have, braille ,to allow blind people to read the card number and suit. The back of playing
- Only ASCII characters, while Arial Alternative Symbol contains only 2x3, braille , characters. Code page variants Arial Baltic, Arial CE, Arial Car, Arial Greek
- Symbols for natural and flat, respectively. In Contracted (grade 2) English, braille , ‹ b › stands for" but" when in isolation. Related letters and other similar
- 1777) * January 6 – Louis Braille, French teacher of the blind and inventor of, braille ,(b. 1809) * May 3 – Sara Coleridge, English author and translator (b. 1802)
- It was officially adopted by schools for the blind in 1916,and a universal, braille ,code for English was formalized in 1932. This article is about the cartoon
- Never attended school and has been taught very little. She has never heard of, braille , On returning home, Rose-Ann confronts Selina for not preparing dinner on time
- National and producer variations. In most cases each card is marked with two, braille ,characters in the same location as the normal corner markings. The two
- With ease of handling and to allow for larger text. No universal standards for, braille ,playing cards exist. There are many national and producer variations. In most
- Braille displays. History The base of a refreshable braille display is a pure, braille ,terminal. There, the input is performed by two sets of three keys plus a space
- Of printed symbols. With his friend Pierre Foucault, he went on to develop a, braille ,typewriter to speed up the somewhat cumbersome system. Death and honors Braille
- The dots are organized into patterns that keep the system easy to learn. The, braille ,system also offers numerous benefits over Haüy's raised letter method, the
- And promoted in Canada during 2006. Standards Historically, the ballot and, braille ,keyboards were standardized to some extent, but they are unable to replicate
- Front of the note has a tactile representation of the denomination in Chinese, braille ,starting from the fourth series. Second series The second series of reminds
- The original wooden tiles, eliminating the potential for a cheating player to ", braille ," (feel for particular tiles, especially blanks, in the bag). Players are
- Osborne; Magic Tree House: The Musical, premiered in September 2007. Audio and, braille ,versions of the books are available as well as companion programs aimed at
- Mathematical assignments using a braille -writer and Ne meth code (a type of, braille ,code for mathematics) but large multiplication and long division problems can
- Rupee coin, and the USA struck a one dollar coin to mark the event. Legacy The, braille ,system was finally officially recognized in France two years after his death
- In 1951,David Abraham, a woodworking teacher at Perkins, created a portable, braille ,terminal. Braille computer monitor The Braille computer monitor has rows and
- An internet-enabled television and on a mobile phone. Usability in a speech or, braille ,browser, or via a screen-reader working with a conventional browser, will place
- Of copies worldwide and been published in more than 25 languages, as well as in, braille , New York Times reporter Corey Kilgannon noted that despite academic dismissal
- All needed points in a cardboard sheet. In 1892,Frank Hall created the Hall, braille ,writer which was like a typewriter with 6 keys, one for each dot in a braille
- And writing used by people who are blind or visually impaired. One reads, braille ,by passing one's fingers over characters, each of which is an arrangement of
- U. S. In 1970,Playboy became the first gentleman's magazine to be printed in, braille , Bans on the sale of Playboy Many in the American religious community opposed
- Include the scriptable applications for Voice-over (scriptable auditory and, braille ,screen reader package),System Events (control of non-scriptable applications
- Poet (d. 1855) * January 4 – Louis Braille, French teacher, inventor of, braille ,(d. 1852) * January 15 – Cornelia Connelly, American founder of the Society
- Louis Braille (;) (4 January 1809 – 6 January 1852) was the inventor of, braille , a system of reading and writing used by people who are blind or visually
- Gathers the content of the screen from the operating system, converts it into, braille ,characters and sends it to the display. Screen readers for graphical operating
- A space bar (as in the Perkins Braille),while output is via a refreshable, braille ,display consisting of a row of electromechanical character cells, each of which
- inside the cover mentions a full-color" first edition" version including, braille , The following editions are known and confirmed to exist: *Black-and-White
- Garden Next to the Shakespeare Garden is the Fragrance Garden, complete with, braille ,information signs for visitors with vision disabilities. Created in 1955 by
- Center produces information in a range of accessible formats (including, braille , large print, e-text and audio formats) for blind and partially sighted
- The GED tests are available in Spanish, French,large print, audiocassette, and, braille , Tests and test preparation are routinely offered in prisons and on military
- Moved to the Columbus School for the Blind, where he studied music and learned, braille , Subsequently, he studied piano with Overton G. Rainy at either the Jefferson
- b. 1767) *1852 – Louis Braille, French teacher of the blind and inventor of, braille ,(b. 1809) *1855 – Giacomo Bertram, Italian explorer (b. 1779) *1872 –
- The position of the cursor. As a result, most newer corded keyboards for, braille ,input include at least nine keys. Touch screen CORDIC keyboards are available
- Input devices for the visually impaired (either combined with a refreshable, braille ,display or vocal synthesis). Such keyboards use a minimum of seven keys, where
- Expensive than traditional Braille displays. History The base of a refreshable, braille ,display is a pure braille terminal. There, the input is performed by two sets
- In 1951,uses a 6-key chord keyboard (plus a space bar) to produce, braille ,output, and has been very successful as a mass market affordable product.
- Adapted for use by the visually impaired by the inclusion of large-print and/or, braille ,characters as part of the card. Both standard card decks and decks for specific
- Moving the cursor, deleting words, etc. Note that the number of points used in, braille ,computing is not 6,but 8,as this allows the user, among other things, too
- Use a minimum of seven keys, where each key corresponds to an individual, braille ,point, except one key which is used as a space bar. In some applications, the
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