Examples of the the word, lea , in a Sentence Context
The word ( lea ), is the 8441 most frequently used in English word vocabulary
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- During World War One. The foundations of the Radio Hut can still be seen in the, lea ,of the hill. The Aberdeen obelisk was built by Lord Mortimer on his departure
- Have been removed. There was a large viaduct to the east of the town, in the, lea ,of London Hill, which carried the railway line over the valley. This was
- Of its municipal area. It was therefore called the Stadtsche Four, or " town, lea ,". By the turn of the century there was building here, and the area came to be
- From the homonymous elm tree and love, which corresponds to the Old English, lea , in place names written Leigh in today's spelling, or to Dutch, showing three
- Keynote lava / Alaska / Mu head Beatles mun gotten) – 17:33 #" Ii, lea ,voice" – 3:30 #" Shamanic" – 4:10 #" Calla" – 4:44 #" Suit" – 8:28
- High street chain stores. History Etymology The name Hanley comes from“ head, lea ,”, meaning “ high meadow ”. Garden Festival The 1986 Stoke-on-Trent Garden
- South, is a main town whose name derives from" pile ", which means 'Pear tree, lea ,'. Sander stead, to the south, is a village mainly on high ground at the edge of
- May the load of oppression be banished afar, : And poverty never be heard on the, lea ,;: May peace and contentment be thy polar star, : And justice and equity grow
- Data msg db 'Hello, world! $ '. Code start: move ah,09h; Display the message, lea ,DX, msg int 21h move ax,4C00h; Terminate the executable int 21h end start "
- Still numerically dominate the Chitin Plateau. It consists of the inland, lea ,of the coast ranges on the west side of the Fraser River. It is the name of the
- Ret @@: CMP EDX,2 JA @f move EAX,1 RET @@: push EBX move EBX,1 move ex,1 @@:, lea ,EAX, ebx+ex CMP EDX,3 be @f move EBX, ecx move ex, eax DEC EDX JMP @b @@: pop
- Being demolished and little remains of Burn brae, Whitelaw Terrace, Shirva, lea ,and Merry flats (Nov 09). Later housing was provided by Dunbartonshire County
- Of the name, Bent,is thought to refer to a type of grass, and the later part, lea , probably derives from the word La, meaning land sown with grass, which
- Street (and formerly the name of a hotel) is Hale Lea 'joyous house ', but, lea , also means orgasm. " Understanding the kana of the language requires a
- Domesday book as" Odessa" and later than" Hoverla ", meaning Odd or Hoda's, lea ,(meadow). The name is still attached to several farms, roads and other
- To wander through sectioned areas of the woods. The row of piggeries in the, lea ,of the woods became the start of a settlement called Loosely Row. Loosely Row
- The most common surname of English origin is derived from Middle English, lea , meaning" meadow, forest c lea ring" ( see Leigh),and is therefore a name
- The bonnets o' Bonnie Dundee.: Chorus: :4. We'll AWA' TAE the hills, tae the, lea , TAE the rocks: E'er I own a usurper,I'll couch WI' the fox!: So tremble
- Ta fa'Ava, o lot SA'Loyola.: Samoa, tula'i: 'UA Aglaia LAU FM'a, lou pale, lea , English translation:: Samoa, arise and raise your flag, your crown!: Samoa
- Be: A Pagan suckled in a creed outworn;: So might I, standing on this p lea sant, lea ,: Have glimpses that would make me less forlorn;: Have sight of Proteus rising
- History Medieval Sully The village could be named as an abbreviation of" south, lea ," meaning" southern pasture" but it is more commonly understood to be named
- Former non-profit organizations' domain, now deleted and replaced by. Org. Uk *., lea , Uk - local education authorities; since fallen out of use. *. Mil. Uk - the
- Spaceship stolen by Farrell is being tracked by a fleet of Tyranny vessels, lea ,by Simon Ara tap, the Tyrannical Commissioner. With him is the Director, who is
- Curfew tolls the knell of parting day.: The lowing herd winds slowly o'er the, lea ,: The plowman homeward plods his weary way, : And lea ves the world to darkness
- Region of the United Kingdom used mainly for statistical analysis Tongan (, lea ,catatonia) is an Austronesian language spoken in Tonga. It has around 200,000
- Is derived from the Old English words dun (" wood" ) or down (" hill" ) and, lea ,(" c lea ring" ). This indicates that the Anglo-Saxons found this area of the
- Within the area of the district of Broadband. The name" Able" means" in the, lea ,of the oaks ", that is, a c lea ring in an oak forest. In Tudor times, hundreds
- The local smuggling trade. History Origins The island's name may mean" south, lea ," or" south pasture" or, like the nearby village of Sully it may be called
- The x86 architecture, complex addressing modes can be used in statements like ", lea ,25 (a1,d5*4),a0 ", allowing a single instruction to perform a significant
- Co-feature In July 2010 Ray Palmer will had the Brightest Day one-shot that, lea ,to a co-feature in Adventure Comics written by Jeff Bemire with art by Mahmud
- Sax Barrel,1979,ISBN 9788432213793 *1980: Maldivian eternal a Queen, lea ,Estes patinas (Eternal Curse on the Reader of These Pages) *1982: Sanger de
- Some classifications they are a separate subdivision). They lie on the inland, lea ,of the Pacific Ranges, abutting the Interior Plateau of British Columbia. Their
- Dodmen ". Stating that philologists defined the word (spelled also as lay, lea , lee, or Leigh) differently but had misinterpreted it. Examples of La lines
- Each match, is a form of Bailey. Song: Sip Tau Tongan: EI e!, Ei ē!: TEU, lea ,pea talk I Malawi Katia: KO e Kale Taxi duo halophile.: KE ill e he sold mo e
- It is a plateau and mountain region in British Columbia on the inland, lea ,of the Coast Mountains on the west side of the Fraser River. Chitin is also
- In 2007. Location and topography The protected area was located on the inland, lea ,of the Pacific Ranges of the Coast Mountains, on the north flank of the Bridge
- Curfew tolls the knell of parting day, : The lowing herd wind slowly o'er the, lea ,: The plowman homeward plods his weary way, : And lea ves the world to darkness
- This can be broken down to fans (border or fringe),Acer (field) and, lea , or lei, meaning a wood or c lea ring. In 1321,Fazakerley was described as such:
- Deal with dehydration. Dr. Alan Tunnacliffe's Cambridge lab showed that the, lea ,gene had diverged through the Meyerson effect into two different genes whose
- Ma SCSI IA LAU FM'a, lou pale lea !: Samoa, tula'I am SCSI IA LAU FM'a, lou pale, lea ,!: AAI 'i Na fete o lo'UA Aglaia AI:: Le Fabiola lea o IES, na Mali ai mo
- Curfew tolls the knell of parting day, : The lowing herd wind slowly o'er the, lea ,: The plowman homeward plods his weary way, : And lea ves the world to darkness
- Lagte HAI. Mane hardware EK AAS rate HAI. Jane cub Ajay SMS Alaska Is's, lea ,cello dike pass rate HAI. It means," People like you seem very special to
- Provided these changes, Photo gallery File: Old ford lock, lea ,navigation. JPG|Old Ford Lock, Lee Navigation File: HertfordBasin. JPG|Hartford
- Ia LAU FM'a, lou pale lea !: AAI 'i Na fete o lo'UA Aglaia AI:: Le Fabiola, lea ,o IES, na Mali ai mo Samoa.: Oi, Samoa e, uu MAU LAU pule IA faavavau.: 'AUA
- In the Douglas valley alongside the Leeds and Liverpool Canal. History" Apple, lea ," (on the River Douglas),from (focus de) Appear, Appeleie, Appeleye
- Below the surrounding regional topography. Fjord lakes are common on the inland, lea ,of the Coast Mountains and Cascade Range; notable ones include Lake Chelan
- Name is Anglo-Saxon in origin, and means 'Cerdic's c lea ring' or 'Cerdic's, lea ,'. It was mentioned in the Domesday Book of 1086 as Cordelia. It has been
- South of Sharing Cross. The name derives from" pile ", which means 'Pear tree, lea ,'. Purely has a population of about 72,000. History Local government Under the
- Zealand in 1962. Samoan version:: Samoa, tula'I am SCSI IA LAU FM'a, lou pale, lea ,!: Samoa, tula'I am SCSI IA LAU FM'a, lou pale lea !: AAI 'i Na fete o lo'UA
- Reedy dale and once the final rays are gone a chill spills from this quench, lea ,a frigid thrill runs right through me, I see it then in everything that dusk
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