Examples of the the word, incremental , in a Sentence Context

The word ( incremental ), is the 8427 most frequently used in English word vocabulary

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  1. That the focus is on continually improving process performance through both, incremental ,and innovative technological changes/improvements. At maturity level 5
  2. Disease. While higher HDL levels are correlated with cardiovascular health, no, incremental , increase in HDL has been proven to improve health. In other words, while high
  3. Literature. Summary The argument of the Inquiry proceeds by a series of, incremental ,steps, separated into chapters which logically succeed one another. After
  4. Briefly when the program's execution stack is scanned. However, the sum of the, incremental ,phases takes longer to complete than one batch garbage collection pass, so
  5. List sorting. On the other hand, it is one of the most efficient methods of, incremental ,sorting, adding items to a list over time while keeping the list sorted at all
  6. And keyword, the development of the Buffet system consisted primarily of, incremental ,improvements to the keyword. This minimalist approach deprived the Buffet of
  7. Generational collection techniques are used with both stop-the-world and, incremental ,collectors to increase performance; the trade-off is that some garbage is not
  8. eBay further extends these results to arbitrary-order central moments, for the, incremental ,and the pairwise cases. One can also find there similar formulas for covariance
  9. Roman society and government. This was to be achieved in small, undramatic,and, incremental ,ways that did not stir senatorial fears of monarchy. Some Augustan historians
  10. Is small. The Bowler–Watson algorithm provides another approach for, incremental ,construction. It gives an alternative to edge flipping for computing the
  11. Some other XP practices, such as refactoring, modularity,bottom-up design, and, incremental , design were described by Leo Brodie in his book published in 1984. Origins
  12. Rapid Development:: - Euphoria is interpreted to encourage prototyping and, incremental ,development.: Performance:: - Euphoria incorporates an efficient
  13. When one mole of substance at is warmed by its surroundings to, the sum of the, incremental ,values of Rev/T constitute each element's or compound's standard molar
  14. Counter n with the sum of weights seen so far. West (1979) suggests this, incremental ,algorithm: def weighted_ incremental _variance (
  15. Worldwide developers conference, the iPhone 3GS was announced, providing an, incremental ,update to the device including faster internal components, support for faster
  16. Processes. Modern methods include the use of lossless data compression for, incremental ,parsing, prediction suffix tree and string searching by factor oracle algorithm
  17. To describe these different levels of collector aggression. Stop-the-world vs., incremental ,vs. concurrent Simple stop-the-world garbage collectors completely halt
  18. The Burroughs/Unisys APB interpreter (1982) was the first to use dynamic, incremental ,compilation to produce code for an APL-specific virtual machine. It recompiled
  19. Can then be overwritten with fresh objects. This technique permits very fast, incremental ,garbage collection, since the garbage collection of only one region at a time
  20. Programs. Its advantage is that it is both simpler to implement and faster than, incremental ,garbage collection. Incremental and concurrent garbage collectors are designed
  21. Resolution and VGA-like display modes, rather than gaming software. As an, incremental ,update, ECS was intended to be backward compatible with software designed for
  22. Overline)OK, giving: skewness: g_1 = \franc, : Kurtis: g_2 = \franc. For the, incremental ,case (i.e., B = \),this simplifies to:: \delta\! = x - m: m' = m + \franc:
  23. And that code is compiled one-by-one, in an incremental way. With Common Lisp, incremental ,compilation is widely used. Some Unix-based implementations (CLIP, SBCL ) can
  24. Be described as:: \math bf (s) = \left x (s),\ y (s) \right \. Then an, incremental ,displacement along the path DS is described by:: \math rm\math bf (s) \left
  25. Of quantity to quality" defends a systems-based view of change that translates, incremental ,inputs into alterations of state; and the" negation of negation" describes
  26. Code compilation or interpretation. Common Lisp has been designed to support, incremental ,compilers, file compilers and block compilers. Standard declarations to
  27. N) )). Other solutions Linear hashing is a hash table algorithm that permits, incremental ,hash table expansion. It is implemented using a single hash table, but with two
  28. Evolutionary development (allowing for rapid prototyping followed by, incremental ,refinement and optimization). Dylan's main design goal is to be a dynamic
  29. Multiple memory modules and multiple I/O and Data Comm processors permitted, incremental ,and cost-effective growth of system performance and reliability. In industries
  30. Features. Note that support of 'levels' by a PBX is not necessarily, incremental , Some levels are interdependent but a PBX may omit support of some levels (
  31. And infrastructure that existed were repetitive, and increases in scale were, incremental , One of the earliest examples of a scientific approach to physical and
  32. Hawaii and Massachusetts Both Hawaii and Massachusetts have implemented some, incremental ,reforms in health care, but neither state has complete coverage of its citizens
  33. ATAPI) standards. The Parallel ATA standard is the result of a long history of, incremental ,technical development, which began with the original AT Attachment interface
  34. Oracle is a finite state automaton constructed in linear time and space in an, incremental ,fashion). Uses of Machine Improvisation encourages
  35. Breakthroughs in a connected approach: DARPA historically has focused not on, incremental ,but radical innovation. It emphasizes high-risk investment, moves from
  36. Evolution. Richard Dawkins has explained evolution as" a theory of gradual, incremental ,change over millions of years, which starts with something very simple and
  37. Grown longer and more frequent over time. The development history is strictly, incremental ,: while there have been many serious improvements, the basic design and
  38. Space-time tradeoff as for dynamic arrays. Resizing is accompanied by a full or, incremental ,table rehash whereby existing items are mapped to new bucket locations. To
  39. In 1552,making" fully perfect" what was already implicit. The policy of, incremental ,reform was now unveiled: more Roman Catholic practices were now excised, as
  40. Provide an interactive prompt and that code is compiled one-by-one, in an, incremental ,way. With Common Lisp incremental compilation is widely used. Some Unix-based
  41. Paradigms. As a dynamic programming language, it facilitates evolutionary and, incremental ,software development, with iterative compilation into efficient run-time
  42. Capabilities and flexibility, including Shader Model 4. Direct3D 10.1 is an, incremental ,update of Direct3D 10.0 which is shipped with, and requires, Windows Vista
  43. How to merge multiple sets of statistics calculated on-line. Weighted, incremental ,algorithm The algorithm can be extended to handle unequal sample weights
  44. That making big changes all at once does not work. Extreme programming applies, incremental ,changes: for example, a system might have small releases every three weeks.
  45. BSA and BRICS. The BRICS states have been amongst the most powerful drivers of, incremental ,change in world diplomacy, and they benefit most from the connected global power
  46. In computer science is the design patterns movement. Alexander's philosophy of, incremental , organic, coherent design also influenced the extreme programming movement. The
  47. To use landfill space for disposal. Training may involve four to six weeks of, incremental ,moves, such as moving and elevating the litter box until it is near the toilet
  48. For both the cost of the four-day federal shutdown of the airlines and the, incremental ,losses incurred through December 31, 2001 as a result of the terrorist attacks.
  49. Opponents after the Battle of Action. But would have to achieve this through, incremental ,power gains, courting the Senate and the people, while upholding the republican
  50. Is needed, and the higher-order statistics can thus be calculated for little, incremental ,cost. An example of the online algorithm for Kurtis implemented as described

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