Examples of the the word, grader , in a Sentence Context

The word ( grader ), is the 8437 most frequently used in English word vocabulary

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  1. Facing. She was approximately 14 years old when the series began and was an 8th, grader , at Thomas Tupper Junior High. By the end of the series, she was approximately
  2. Principal of the school, was killed in the attack after a recently expelled 9th, grader , Eric Mainshock, fired a handgun at him. A janitor had already taken a shotgun
  3. Greater objectivity on the part of the examiners, the test is anonymous. The, grader ,sees only an exam paper with a serial number, with all personally identifying
  4. Join the lawsuit by Scott, a childhood friend. Brown's daughter Linda, a third, grader , had to walk six blocks to her school bus stop to ride to Monroe Elementary
  5. Eventually stand, began playing on the school's football team as an eighth, grader , During his senior season, the team, with Bryant playing offensive line and
  6. National championship) and Bobby Shen (ranked 13th,the highest scoring sixth, grader ,). The coach, Jeffrey Boyd, was also from Sugar Land. They repeated their
  7. Inspects each and every cheese. The cheese is tested by a master, grader ,whose only instruments are a hammer and his ear. By tapping the wheel at
  8. 7,1996 until June 8,2004. The show's premise focuses on an orphaned fourth, grader ,named Arnold. Episodes center on his experiences navigating big city life while
  9. Purpose. In 1934,would you believe it, Ladies? RICHARD BURTON was operating a, grader ,in our Fair Town! Not THE Richard Burton? Oh. The Track was featuring Amateur
  10. By Temple was a major break for a young athlete. The day he saw the tenth, grader ,for the first time, he knew he had found a natural athlete. Wilma had already
  11. 387 were accepted, and 338 enrolled. In 1993 the average admitted eighth, grader ,scored in the 87th percentile on the placement test. Applicants without
  12. Seeded 5th) was the runner-up. Justin Ahmad from Indiana was the top 7th, grader , and was 1st in the written round, followed by Allen Yuan of Michigan, while
  13. These appeared as early as 1929,but were known as" bull, grader ," blades, and the term" bulldozer blade" did not appear to come into
  14. Trustees. In 1879,White enlisted George Lincoln Burr, a former undergraduate, grader ,for a seminar White had taught, to manage the rare books' collection. Though
  15. Who was named Dally M Player of the Year, despite being a fringe first, grader ,at the start of the season. In 2002,John Lang was replaced by Australian coach
  16. Obvious in their advocacy that describes a 'good teacher' as an easy, grader , ... Presenter Phil Abrams ... rated the latter as 'The worst evaluation I've
  17. Even for biology questions — are given in essay form, the grades may vary from, grader ,to grader especially in subjects like philosophy and French literature.
  18. Size agricultural tractors. Very common implements include the box blade,the, grader ,blade, the landscape rake, the post hole digger (or post hole auger),the
  19. Remains dormant for a long while, with Winnie starting to date a popular 8th, grader , named Kirk McCray, and Kevin briefly going steady with Becky Slater (played by
  20. Record of high performance, and one of its students, Anurag Keisha (an eighth, grader ,at the time),became the 2005 National Spelling Bee Champion after winning on
  21. To small boards that they steered by shifting their weight). As an eighth, grader ,in Haddonfield, New Jersey, in the 1960s,Sims crafted a snowboard in his
  22. And the pitch is altered to make the voice sound more like that of a fourth, grader , Isaac Hayes voiced the character of Chef, a black, soul-singing cafeteria
  23. By a young writer. In retrospect, it reminds me of a cookie baked by a first, grader ,— tasty enough, but kind of lumpy and burned on the bottom. " Plot summary The
  24. He had played the tenth question, he would have won $500,000; Aiken and the 5th, grader , playing with him both had the correct answer. In May 2009,Aiken made a guest
  25. Biology questions — are given in essay form, the grades may vary from grader to, grader ,especially in subjects like philosophy and French literature. Students
  26. Was impounded by the Los Angeles Police Department and Abernathy found an 8th, grader , 's homework under the passenger seat. Edline also belonged to an amateur
  27. The education system is run by people with the education equivalent to a 4th, grader , Media The City of DeWitt has one local newspaper, the DeWitt Era Enterprise. It
  28. Hikaru is impressed with how serious and focused Akira is for being only a 6th, grader , like him when they first meet. As the series goes along, the plot brings these
  29. Blanche Moss. Mrs. Moss took care of May-ling and enrolled her as an 8th, grader , at the Piedmont College. A year later, in 1909,Wesleyan's newly appointed
  30. Fuck they were going to do ", and said that the cover" looked like a seventh, grader ,defaced the Bible. " King's concept for the cover was to show nails in a shape
  31. Is only two years old and requires much care. Although Tanya is only a fifth, grader , he cooks, cleans,sews, scolds,and does everything that is normally a mother
  32. Voluntary beef grading program. The meat processor pays for a trained AMS meat, grader ,to grade whole carcasses at the abattoir. Users are required to comply with
  33. Plot The primary protagonist of Angelic Layer is Miami Sahara, a seventh, grader ,who just moved to Tokyo to live with her aunt, Shouko Asama. After arriving in
  34. To grade dirt roads. It was the horse-drawn forerunner of the modern road, grader , The invention came at the time Henry Ford started to mass produce automobiles.
  35. The protagonist. At the beginning of the series, Hikaru is a sixth, grader ,in elementary school. An important factor in the development of Hikaru's
  36. And the pitch is altered to make the voice sound more like that of a fourth, grader , Stan's birthday is October 19,which is Trey Parker's birthday. Personality
  37. Competing against students from the tenth grade while he was still a sixth, grader , While attending college Mohanlal's made his film debut in the comedy
  38. Was struck by lightning and killed. Bridge to Terabithia is the story of fifth, grader ,Jess Aaron's, who becomes friends with his new neighbor Leslie Burke after he
  39. Hospital to give birth. (7 episodes) * Kirk McCray (Michael Lands): An 8th, grader , who dated Winnie. Kevin becomes friend with him. However, the friendship
  40. Off-highway tires have six categories of service C compactor, E earth mover, G, grader , L loader, LS log-skidder and ML mining and logging. Within these service
  41. Daniel Li of VA, who also won the Masters Round. The highest placing seventh, grader ,was Kevin Chen, from Texas, who placed third after the written round and made
  42. To a U. S. grade school level. For example, a score of 8.0 means that an eighth, grader ,can read the document. Others who later led plain language and readability
  43. With 2 x 4 stubs. These stubs denoted streets for the next few years, until a, grader ,finally came in to run ditches. Town residents had free-range on the section
  44. Levels simultaneously, as the topic can easily be adjusted (i.e. from an 8th, grader , detailing and labeling a spider's anatomy to an elementary student drawing a
  45. Sitting in the back row of Bart's classroom, implying that Kearney is a fourth, grader , Kearney's father was shown on the season eight episode" The Homer They Fall
  46. The stories are formulaic, usually focused on the everyday struggles of fifth, grader ,Nikita, the protagonist of the story. In a typical chapter, Nobita comes home
  47. Grandparents own. The series aired on YTV in Canada. Plot The show stars fourth, grader ,Arnold, a boy who lives with his paternal grandparents, Phil and Gertrude
  48. A chef and to that end wanted to enroll in a home economics class as a sixth, grader , His mother offered him US$100 to take a drama class instead, and Today agreed.
  49. Allen Yuan of Michigan, while Bobby Shen of Sugar Land, Texas was the top 6th, grader , ( 13th). Texas won the team competition as well. The most improved team went
  50. Despair. Her Dueling Rose is orange.;: Mike is an ingenuous and polite seventh, grader ,who befriends Ten, despite their role as possible opponents in the duels. He

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