Examples of the the word, ceramic , in a Sentence Context

The word ( ceramic ), is the 8432 most frequently used in English word vocabulary

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  1. In the early 1980s,Toyota researched production of an adiabatic engine using, ceramic ,components in the hot gas area. The ceramic s would have allowed temperatures of
  2. Double chronograph is crafted in black ceramic . Types of ceramic materials A, ceramic ,material is often understood as restricted to inorganic" crystalline" oxide
  3. The 13th century confirm Theophilus' account as they are open topped, although, ceramic , discs from Sorest may have served as loose lids which may have been used to
  4. They treated as a type of artificial semi-precious stone. Faience is a non-clay, ceramic ,made of silica, small amounts of lime and soda, and a colorant, typically
  5. To be crystalline. Other applications of ceramic s *Knife blades: the blade of a, ceramic ,knife will stay sharp for much longer than that of a steel knife, although it
  6. Characterised by a high degree of sophistication in the production of metal and, ceramic ,artifacts, as well as of uniformity over a vast area. Although this culture has
  7. Places for ceremonial journeys across the landscape. Sparse concentrations of, ceramic ,fragments along the North Road have been related to some sort of ritual
  8. Ceramic. Aluminum phosphate (AlPO4) is used in the manufacture: of glass and, ceramic , pulp and paper products, cosmetics,paints and varnishes and in making dental
  9. Or with the incorporation of protein collagen, synthetic bones. *High-tech, ceramic ,is used in watchmaking for producing watch cases. The material is valued by
  10. Such engines have not succeeded in production because of costs for the, ceramic ,components and the limited advantages. (Small imperfections in the ceramic
  11. Palettes, and jewelry made of gold, lapis, and ivory. They also developed a, ceramic ,glaze known as faience, which was used well into the Roman Period to decorate
  12. Properties to those of the bulk bride. Boron carbide is a, ceramic ,material which is obtained by decomposing B2O3 with carbon in the electric
  13. The ceramic components and the limited advantages. (Small imperfections in the, ceramic ,material with its low fracture toughness lead to cracks, which can lead to
  14. Top Gun edition of the Pilot's Watch double chronograph is crafted in black, ceramic , Types of ceramic materials A ceramic material is often understood as
  15. Antacid, as a mordant, in water purification, in the manufacture of glass and, ceramic ,and in the waterproofing of fabrics. Lithium aluminum hydride is a powerful
  16. Often built of a thermoelectric (not electronic) device containing a small, ceramic ,heating element and a positive thermal coefficient (PTC) resistor, connected
  17. As The Time Tunnel and Voyage to the Bottom of the Sea. A brick is a block of, ceramic ,material used in masonry construction, usually laid using various kinds of
  18. At the time of his death. He was survived by his wife Jeanette. A, ceramic ,is an inorganic, nonmetallic solid prepared by the action of heat and
  19. Cone, pyrometric devices that are used to gauge heat work during the firing of, ceramic ,materials *Roller cone bit, a drill bit used for drilling through rock, for
  20. Work is being done to make strong, fully dense NATO crystalline hydroxyapatite, ceramic ,materials for orthopedic weight-bearing devices, replacing foreign metal and
  21. With a synthetic, but naturally occurring, bone mineral. Ultimately, these, ceramic , materials may be used as bone replacements or with the incorporation of protein
  22. Al2 (SiF6)3) is used in the production of synthetic gemstones, glass and, ceramic , Aluminum phosphate (AlPO4) is used in the manufacture: of glass and ceramic
  23. Durability and smooth touch. IWC is one of the brands that initiated the use of, ceramic ,in watchmaking. The case of the IWC 2007 Top Gun edition of the Pilot's Watch
  24. Brake discs are resistant to abrasion at high temperatures. *Advanced composite, ceramic ,and metal matrices have been designed for most modern armored fighting
  25. As a singular noun, or,more commonly, as a plural noun," ceramic s ". Types of, ceramic ,products For convenience, ceramic products are usually divided into four
  26. Made of ballistic cloth (e.g. Kevlar, dyneema, twaron, spectra etc.) and, ceramic ,or metal plates are common among police forces, security staff, corrections
  27. Level than single coil pickups. Dual coil pickups come in two main varieties;, ceramic ,or ceramic and steel. Ceramic only magnets have a relatively harsher sound than
  28. Sent subsequently into north-western Anatolia, have never failed to bring back, ceramic ,specimens of Aegean appearance from the valleys of the Rhyndncus, Sangarius and
  29. As a plural noun," ceramic s ". Types of ceramic products For convenience, ceramic ,products are usually divided into four sectors; these are shown below with some
  30. Is more brittle and can be snapped by dropping it on a hard surface. *Vehicle, ceramic ,brake discs are resistant to abrasion at high temperatures. *Advanced composite
  31. And steel. Ceramic only magnets have a relatively harsher sound than their, ceramic ,and steel counterparts, and are thus used more commonly in heavier rock styles.
  32. Were dropped on their country nothing resembled an M114 bomb let. There were, ceramic ,containers that had some similarity to Japanese weapons used against the
  33. A raw material for Portland cement and lime manufacture, in the composition of, ceramic ,glazes, and more. Structure and bonding The carbonate ion is the simplest
  34. Of the Pilot's Watch double chronograph is crafted in black ceramic . Types of, ceramic ,materials A ceramic material is often understood as restricted to inorganic "
  35. The Mobile Athlon 4 with the code name" Corvette ". It distinctively used a, ceramic ,interposer much like the Thunderbird instead of the organic pin grid array
  36. Problem of the explosive killing the infected animal and insect by the use of a, ceramic , rather than metal, casing for the warhead. While no records survive of the
  37. Not be verified experimentally; it was found that the heat transfer on the hot, ceramic ,cylinder walls is higher than the transfer to a cooler metal wall. Obviously
  38. First Chinese Emperor Qin Shi Huangdi is a collection of about 8000 life-sized, ceramic ,soldiers and horses buried with the emperor. The figures had their separate
  39. For the #1 hit" Want Ads" *Norton Cone Box Show, a biennial international, ceramic ,art exhibition for small work *Pine Cone (Faberge egg),a jewelled enameled
  40. Silicate, concrete,or shaped from quarried stone. However, true bricks are, ceramic , and therefore created by the action of heat and cooling. Clay is the most
  41. In the 20th century, new ceramic materials were developed for use in advanced, ceramic ,engineering; for example, in semiconductors. The word" ceramic " comes from
  42. Single coil pickups. Dual coil pickups come in two main varieties; ceramic or, ceramic ,and steel. Ceramic only magnets have a relatively harsher sound than their
  43. Khalid Go. In 1940,the Imperial Japanese Army Air Force bombed Ningbo with, ceramic ,bombs full of fleas carrying the bubonic plague. A film showing this operation
  44. g., a glass). Because most common ceramic s are crystalline, the definition of, ceramic ,is often restricted to inorganic crystalline materials, as opposed to the
  45. Use in advanced ceramic engineering; for example, in semiconductors. The word ", ceramic ," comes from the Greek word κεραμικός ( ceramic s)," of pottery" or" for
  46. Is not feasible with current technology. *Work is being done in developing, ceramic ,parts for gas turbine engines. Currently, even blades made of advanced metal
  47. Lines completely. Much of the façade is decorated with a mosaic made of broken, ceramic ,tiles (trends) that starts in shades of golden orange moving into greenish
  48. From a number of biological and chemical sources and can be formed into, ceramic ,materials. Orthopedic implants coated with these materials bond readily to bone
  49. Casing for the warhead. While no records survive of the actual usage of the, ceramic ,shells, prototypes exist and are believed to have been used in experiments
  50. Industrial and building products and art objects. In the 20th century, new, ceramic , materials were developed for use in advanced ceramic engineering; for example

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