Examples of the the word, expo , in a Sentence Context

The word ( expo ), is the 8445 most frequently used in English word vocabulary

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  1. In use or on display decades later. History Origins The origins for a world, expo ,for Brisbane commenced soon after James McCormick, architect for the Australia
  2. I. D. E. A. S. Exhibition, which is held annually at the Karachi, expo ,center. In recent reports, the defense expo rts were worth over $200 million USD
  3. Sailing and canoe rides, remote control airplane flyovers, a luau, and energy, expo , Icelandic Days The Icelandic Association of Utah was founded in 1897 and hosts
  4. And three concourses, two cargo mega terminals, an airport free zone,an, expo ,center with three large exhibition halls, a major aircraft maintenance hub and
  5. The famous German pavilion designed by Mies van der Rohe for the 1929 Barcelona, expo ,was destroyed, but later recreated on the original site *In Brussels, the
  6. Canadian Heritage which allows only the city of Edmonton, Alberta to bid for an, expo , however, the group is now pursuing alternative events to mark Canada's
  7. In 2003. The festival is an international business, trade,tourism, and cultural, expo , All of Laredo's sister cities are invited to participate. In 2004,the Laredo
  8. Hosted a special called Geek-o-rama for WHDH-TV, which featured her at the E3, expo , Company breakaways According to Game Informer, video game companies Activision
  9. 17 Inc) publicly unveiled a 51-page proposal to stage a sustainable" hybrid ", expo ,in Montreal, consisting of a BE approved recognized expo , a horticultural expo
  10. Includes a certified half-marathon, run/walk, health fair, and healthy food, expo , *German fest, first celebrated in 1981,commemorates Fort Wayne's largest
  11. As well. Three 2 packs series have also been released, as well as several, expo ,and internet exclusives. There are also several octagon cage play sets
  12. Every May. The event consists of conference itself, recruitment expo and game, expo ,and attracts hundreds of gamete professionals every year. Malmö hosts many
  13. Place in Malmö every May. The event consists of conference itself, recruitment, expo , and game expo and attracts hundreds of gamete professionals every year. Malmö
  14. Floating aluminum roof supported by slender columns. File: Abelson de Japan, expo ,92. JPG|Japanese pavilion at the 1992 Seville Exposition Built in 1992 File:
  15. That measured was featured in the US Pavilion (the largest structure in the, expo ,). About 5 million visitors viewed the screen, which covered the viewer's
  16. From around the world. North of Dayton is the Hara Arena that frequently hosts, expo ,events and concerts. In addition, the Dayton Amateur Radio Association hosts
  17. Seville Expo '92 sites - P1040771. JPG|Seville Expo '92 Files: Abelson de España, expo ,92. JPG|Seville Expo '92 Spain pavilion File: Abelson de Japan expo 92.
  18. And Boomerang, a steel roller coaster purchased in 2004 from the Brisbane, expo , (The park was renamed at the start of the 2006 season, and major expansion
  19. In Set. Buses ran to/from the EXPO from both Part Set and Set Guru. The, expo ,continued until September 25, 2005. Is a city located in Rich, Japan,which
  20. And in 1956 first T137 and T138 trucks were exhibited at Czechoslovak machinery, expo ,in Brno. The production of T111 however continued alongside T138 series until
  21. Metro Group, and the USPS. Teradata holds an annual user group conference and, expo ,known as Teradata PARTNERS with keynote industry speakers, educational sessions
  22. Notes World's Fair, World Fair, Universal Exposition, and World Expo (, expo ,short for expo sition) are various large public exhibitions held in different
  23. Expo took place in the Goldenrod building of the Germantown campus. The 3rd, expo , was held on April 9,2010, at the Rockville campus. Notable features and alumni
  24. Technology * Search engine strategies, a search engine marketing conference and, expo ,* SecureEasySetup, a technology developed by Broadcom to easily set up wireless
  25. Venues also changed slightly, with the high-performance audio and home theater, expo ,moving from the Alexis Park venue to The Venetian. The remaining venues were
  26. Today’s Science Fiction, Tomorrow’s Science Fact" at IP EXPO a Computer, expo ,which takes place at Earls Court Exhibition Center in Wed,24 Aug 2011.
  27. Games and game-related hardware. E3 is widely considered to be the ultimate, expo ,in the video game industry and major video game critics routinely document the
  28. public to check out at Walt Disney World’s Epcot Center Innovations, expo , where“ Five stations are available for guests to interact with the television
  29. Majority of the structures are temporary, and are dismantled at the end of the, expo , Towers from several of these fairs are notable exceptions. By far the most
  30. Of events. * http://phoenix expo center.com/ Phoenix Expo Center This meeting and, expo ,center is largest in the Great Fort Smith Region. What was once one of Arkansas
  31. New Addington and Couldn. Examples of upcoming architecture featured in the, expo ,can easily be found to the center of the borough in the form of the Croydon
  32. BE) see List of world expo sitions. As an aside, the oldest North American, expo ,calling itself a World's Fair is actually the World's Fair of Tun bridge
  33. Shah Keillor flyover at Railway crossing on Hyderabad-Mirpurkhas Road. An, expo ,center of international standards is also built near channel road. However, no
  34. July. The famous Pasta Play Pining (Pen ang Fest) is a combination of trade, expo , family-oriented carnival and cultural events held throughout the month of
  35. Express started operations on 20 December 2005 to facilitate the opening of the, expo , Taxi The airport is served by all three different types of taxi, distinguished
  36. Solitary Hill, Yue-Wang Temple, North Hill,etc. The primary purpose of the, expo ,was to promote national products and encourage enterprises. Besides over 1,000
  37. Tsurumi-Ryokuchi Park with the Sakura Montana Kan was the site of the flower, expo ,in 1990. Temples, shrines,and other historical sites * Shitennō-ji – The
  38. Japon expo 92. JPG|Seville Expo '92 Japan pavilion File: AnneauxMemoire Office, expo ,92. JPG|Seville Expo '92 Association of Memory pavilion Harold Hill is a place
  39. De España expo 92. JPG|Seville Expo '92 Spain pavilion File: Abelson de Japan, expo ,92. JPG|Seville Expo '92 Japan pavilion File: AnneauxMemoire Office expo 92.
  40. Makes a three-second cameo in Captain America: The First Avenger at the Stark, expo ,as a Synthroid on display in an oxygen-deprived glass tube. Spring is a nymph
  41. Expo in Montreal, consisting of a BE approved recognized expo , a horticultural, expo , and a housing expo . Following a recent decision by Canadian Heritage which
  42. Of a BE approved recognized expo , a horticultural expo , and a housing, expo , Following a recent decision by Canadian Heritage which allows only the city of
  43. Fitness and martial arts Columbus hosts the annual Arnold Classic fitness, expo ,and competition in early March. Hosted by Arnold Schwarzenegger, the event has
  44. Railway with trains running at short intervals was built for the Milan 1906, expo , It linked the fair to the city center. It was dismantled in the 1920s. *The
  45. For countries wishing to celebrate a special event. The most recent universal, expo ,was Expo 2010 in Shanghai. " Recognized Expositions" or International or
  46. Band playing an early version of ragtime. Although not an official part of the, expo ,they are believed to have played gigs on the outskirts of the fair. Scott
  47. Exposition started in 2008 with 25 groups at the Tacoma Park campus. The second, expo ,took place in the Goldenrod building of the Germantown campus. The 3rd expo was
  48. The Sight Festival, one in Norway, at Cemented, and finally at the German art, expo ,Document. Machinery,250 Present, and Are Demoner (2007-2009) On September
  49. Hybrid" expo in Montreal, consisting of a BE approved recognized, expo , a horticultural expo , and a housing expo . Following a recent decision by
  50. World's Fair sites became (or reverted to) parks incorporating some, expo ,elements, such as: *Audubon Park, New Orleans: Site of New Orleans's World

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