Examples of the the word, tables , in a Sentence Context

The word ( tables ), is the 8436 most frequently used in English word vocabulary

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  1. Generally, tables are rectangles twice as long as they are wide. Most pool, tables ,are known as 7-,8-, or 9-footers,referring to the length of the table's long
  2. Which is a collection of maps is an atlas. A more specific reference book with, tables ,or lists of data and information about a certain topic, often intended for
  3. Tables are most commonly made with a single piece of slate. Pocket billiards, tables ,normally have six pockets, three on each side (four corner pockets, and two
  4. The approach also works on AES-128 implementations that use compression, tables , such as OpenSSL. Like some earlier attacks this one requires the ability to
  5. Leading to the destruction of NH3. Of these,39 were tabulated in extensive, tables ,of the chemistry among C, N,and O compounds. A review of interstellar ammonia
  6. Of distributing k successes in a sequence of n trials. In creating reference, tables ,for binomial distribution probability, usually the table is filled in up to n/2
  7. Again. He instinctively returns to Got and Orion, who advises him to turn the, tables ,on his shadow. In following his master's wise guidance, the roles of GED and
  8. And one can express a given Turing machine program as a sequence of machine, tables ,(see more at finite state machine and state transition table),as flowcharts
  9. To the length of the table's long side. Full-size snooker and English billiard, tables ,are long on the longest side. Pool halls tend to have tables and cater to the
  10. Only if it was to be assigned to a (16-bit signed) integer variable. * Shape, tables ,were a slow alternative to bitmaps. No provision existed for mixing text and
  11. Of thick slate to prevent warping and changes due to humidity. Smaller bar, tables ,are most commonly made with a single piece of slate. Pocket billiards tables
  12. Famous maker of billiard cloth, Iwan Simon is, was formed in 1453. Bar or tavern, tables , which get a lot of play, use " slower ", more durable cloth. The cloth used in
  13. Logarithms. He devised new calculation methods for certain forms of, tables , He developed his theory of telephone traffic over several years. His
  14. Used for complex or technical algorithms. Pseudocode, flowcharts and control, tables ,are structured ways to express algorithms that avoid many of the ambiguities
  15. English billiard tables are long on the longest side. Pool halls tend to have, tables ,and cater to the serious pool player. Pubs will typically use tables which are
  16. In early conceptions of chemical elements and the first rudimentary periodic, tables , They learned how to extract metals from ores, and how to compose many types of
  17. Wool or wool/nylon blend called baize). Cloth has been used to cover billiards, tables ,since the 15th century. In fact, the predecessor company of the most famous
  18. Planet Venus. This interest is attested to by the Dresden codex which contains, tables ,with information about the Venus's appearances in the sky. These cycles would
  19. Sides of airplanes (" logo jets" ), in-flight advertisements on setback tray, tables ,or overhead storage bins, taxicab doors, roof mounts and passenger screens
  20. Then into a sequence of table lookups. This requires four 256-entry 32-bit, tables , which utilizes a total of four kilobytes (4096 bytes) of memory—one kilobyte
  21. Natural languages, pseudocode,flowcharts, programming languages or control, tables ,(processed by interpreters). Natural language expressions of algorithms tend
  22. Baseball guide, the batting average, and most of the common statistics and, tables ,used to describe baseball. " The statistical record is so central to the game
  23. Used to construct a numbering by fiat. Dmitri Mendeleev claimed he arranged his, tables ,in order of atomic weight (" Atomgewicht" ) However, in deference to the
  24. Could support no more than 40,000 objects). Called NTDS. IT, it has two main, tables ,: the data table and the link table. In Windows Server 2003 a third main table
  25. Remain the standard size for carom billiard games. The slates on modern carom, tables ,are usually heated to stave off moisture and provide a consistent playing
  26. Player. Pubs will typically use tables which are often coin-operated. Formerly, tables ,were common, but such tables are now considered antique collectors items; a few
  27. Academy which were all rated in the top 50 Scottish secondary schools league, tables ,published by The Times in 2005. Harley Academy was taken down from the list
  28. T, and is the canonical TAI. This timescale is expressed in the form of, tables ,of differences UTC-UTC (k) (equivalent to TAI-TAI (k) ) for each
  29. Needles, and brushes),and material forms (including scrolls, erasable, tables , codices, broadsides and printed forms and books). Under the heading of "
  30. Of games within cue sports: *Carom billiards, referring to games played on, tables ,without, including among others balk line and straight rail, cushion caroms
  31. Space, with many homeowners purchasing a table as a compromise. High quality, tables ,are mostly 4.5 by. (interior dimensions),with a bed made of three pieces of
  32. Long and wide, accommodating six longitudinal and three transverse rows of, tables , It was adorned with the portraits of the chief benefactors of the abbey, and
  33. Tables There are many sizes and styles of pool and billiard tables . Generally, tables ,are rectangles twice as long as they are wide. Most pool tables are known as 7-
  34. k) ) for each participating institution k. (The same circular also gives, tables ,of TAI-TA (k),for the various unsynchronized atomic time scales. ) Errors in
  35. Satirical remarks and complaints concerning the inordinate extravagance of the, tables ,of the abbots. When the abbot condescended to dine in the refectory, his
  36. Respectively. Arrays are often used to implement tables , especially lookup, tables ,; the word table is sometimes used as a synonym of array. Arrays are among the
  37. To do so. He was also an expert in the history and calculation of the numerical, tables ,of mathematical functions, particularly logarithms. He devised new calculation
  38. GBP (on base percentage). For the 2004 through 2008 seasons, the following, tables ,show top ranges in various statistics, in alphabetical order. For each
  39. The late 19th century, can be found in pool halls from time to time. Ten-foot, tables ,remain the standard size for carom billiard games. The slates on modern carom
  40. South Carolina). Commonly-touched items, such as bed rails, over-the-bed tray, tables , chair arms,nurse's call buttons, IV poles, etc. were retrofitted with
  41. To have tables and cater to the serious pool player. Pubs will typically use, tables ,which are often coin-operated. Formerly, tables were common, but such tables
  42. With reed mats, while wooden stools, beds raised from the floor and individual, tables ,comprised the furniture. The ancient Egyptians placed a great value on hygiene
  43. The fraction two-fifths into the sum of one-third + one-fifteenth. Standard, tables ,of values facilitated this. Some common fractions, however,were written with a
  44. Tables which are often coin-operated. Formerly, tables were common, but such, tables ,are now considered antique collectors items; a few, usually from the late 19th
  45. It includes walking trails,children's playgrounds, ponds and brooks, picnic, tables , and an auditorium for concerts. Just a few kilometers from Alicante, on the
  46. On each side (four corner pockets, and two side pockets). Cloth All types of, tables ,are covered with billiard cloth (often called" felt ", but actually a woven
  47. Called vectors or matrices, respectively. Arrays are often used to implement, tables , especially lookup tables ; the word table is sometimes used as a synonym of
  48. Highly flammable. Tables There are many sizes and styles of pool and billiard, tables , Generally, tables are rectangles twice as long as they are wide. Most pool
  49. Jars down to tiny unguent pots; culinary and other implements; thrones, seats, tables , etc., these all in stone or plastered terracotta. (b) Sacred furniture, such
  50. Lists, indents and character formats, and more sophisticated features including, tables , styles, page headers and footers, footnotes,templates, multiple views, page

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