Examples of the the word, wi , in a Sentence Context

The word ( wi ), is the 7851 most frequently used in English word vocabulary

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  1. I ≤ 79 f = b xor c xor d k = 0xCA62C1D6 temp = (a left rotate 5) + f + e + k +, wi , e = d = c = b left rotate 30 b = a = temp Add
  2. Including small vowels and soon kana for compound syllables, plus the archaic ゐ, wi , and ゑ we and the rare ゔ VU; the archaic 뀁 ye is included in plane 1 at U+1B001
  3. 5. ㅘ (Wei); 6. ㅙ (was); 7. ㅚ (OE); 8. ㅝ (we); 9. ㅞ (we); 10. ㅟ (, wi , ); 11. ㅢ (Yi). There are also 41 obsolete diphthongs: ᅷ, ᅸ,ᅹ, ᅺ,ᅻ, ᅼ,ᅽ, ᅾ
  4. Where the hat denotes the components in the new basis. While the components, wi , of a convector or (row vector),w transform wi th the matrix R itself, : \hat_i
  5. To by proving that it contains a nonzero scalar multiple of ω. Fix a basis, wi , of W and a complementary basis WI′ of W′ so that: wi th′ +we′ WI = AIJ, and: (
  6. Or life: But then, why should so fair a child grow:: Where no father did bide, wi ,' his wi fe;: Then WI' blushes of sunrise morn, :: She replied" that it midden
  7. Wi = ( wi -3 xor wi -8 xor wi -14 xor wi -16) left rotate 1 can be replaced wi th:, wi , = ( wi -6 xor wi -16 xor wi -28 xor wi -32) left rotate 2 This transformation keeps
  8. Is supposed to have remarked in Scots that" it came WI a lass, it wi ll gang, wi , a lass" – referring to the House of Stewart which began wi th Walter Stewart's
  9. The Rhymer. *Thomas is a major character in Alexander Reid's play The Lass, wi , the Buckle You. *"Erceldoune ", a novella by Holy Blood, Holy Grail co-author
  10. Leaving" as in A'm away, an instruction to stop being a nuisance as in away, wi , ye,or" drunk" or" demented" as in he's away WI it. Ginger is a term for
  11. As i\ll J, if the total weight of some combination of items in J is less than, wi , and their total value is greater than vi. Formally, \squad \sum_ w_j\, x_j \
  12. FI (A) \ ∪ FI (w' ) for every nonterminal A wi th ε in FI (A) ## add FI (, wi , ) to FI (Ai) for every rule Ai → WI # do steps 2 and 3 until all FI sets stay
  13. じゅんいちろう Jun'Cairo pronounced There are a few hiraganas which are rarely used. ゐ, wi , and ゑ we are obsolete outside Okinawan dialects. ゔ VU is a modern addition
  14. Harps an' hymns monensin' ringing ', : Tired o' the flocking' angels hearse, wi ,' singing ', : To some clood-edge I'd launder Fürth an ', feth, : Look owe ran '
  15. Before he died, he is reported to have said," it came WI a lass,it'll gang, wi , a lass" (" It began wi th a girl, and it wi ll end wi th a girl" ). This was a
  16. A-spread in a sheet.: There a quick-trippèn maid come along,-:: Aye, a girl, wi ,' her light-steppèn meet.::: :-: An' she cried" I do prey, is the road:: Out
  17. Max Locktyukhin has also shown that for the rounds 32–79 the computation of:, wi , = ( wi -3 xor wi -8 xor wi -14 xor wi -16) left rotate 1 can be replaced wi th: WI =
  18. Should so fair a child grow:: Where no father did bide WI' his wi fe;: Then, wi ,' blushes of sunrise morn, :: She replied" that it midden be known, : " Oh!
  19. A wi th ε in FI (A) ## add FI (WI) to FI (Ai) for every rule Ai →, wi , # do steps 2 and 3 until all FI sets stay the same. Unfortunately, the
  20. FI (Ai) wi th the empty set # add FI (WI) to FI (Ai) for every rule Ai →, wi , where FI is defined as follows: ##* FI (A w' ) = FI (A) for every
  21. Extend the sixteen 32-bit words into eighty 32-bit words: for i from 16 to 79,WI, = ( wi -3 xor wi -8 xor wi -14 xor wi -16) left rotate 1
  22. Vowels: * ㅚ OE = ㅗ o + ㅣ i (formerly pronounced, see Korean phonology) * ㅟ, wi , = ㅜ u + ㅣ i (formerly pronounced, see Korean phonology); Ionized vowels:
  23. Sittin' up there been, : Wearied nae door new a' my dark was been, : Leaved, wi ,' the harps an' hymns monensin' ringing ', : Tired o' the flocking' angels
  24. Of degree 2n − 1 or less by a suitable choice of the points xi and weights, wi , for i = 1,..., n. The domain of integration for such a rule is conventionally
  25. Mary, Queen of Scots. James is supposed to have remarked in Scots that" it came, wi , a lass, it wi ll gang WI a lass" – referring to the House of Stewart which
  26. answer'd WI' checks up so red:: As a pi'NY late a-come out, : " No, I liv'd, wi ,' my uncle that died:: Back in April, an ' now I'm a-come: Here to Ham, to my
  27. Keeps all operands 64-bit aligned and, by removing the dependency of, wi , on wi -3,allows efficient SIMS implementation wi th a vector length of 4 such as
  28. A in the expansion of α wi th maximal homogeneous degree in the elements, wi , :: a = a_w_\dots w_ (no summation implied),then: w_\dots w_\alpha\omega =
  29. Service ***Grippe G: Technical Arbeitsmittel - technical equipment ***Grippe, wi , : Defamer Meldedienst Airshaft - economic intelligence service ***Grippe i:
  30. Ω. Fix a basis WI of W and a complementary basis WI′ of W′ so that: wi th′ +we′, wi , = AIJ, and: (WI)2 0,(WI′)2 0. Note that any element of I must have the form
  31. Widespread. # In modern times, ウィ (WI) is used as the representation of a ", wi ," sound instead. In modern usage, the kana is obsolete but commonly pronounced
  32. If we pick the n nodes xi to be the zeros of PN, then there exist n weights, wi , which make the Gauss-quadrature computed integral exact for all polynomials h (
  33. In bits) is the weighted sum, across all symbols AI wi th non-zero probability, wi , of the information content of each symbol:: H (A) \sum_ w_i h (a_i) \sum_
  34. 512-bit chunks for each chunk break chunk into sixteen 32-bit big-endian words, wi , 0 ≤ i ≤ 15 Extend the sixteen 32-bit words into
  35. Given a grammar wi th the rules A1 → w1,..., An → in, we can compute the FI (, wi , ) and FI (Ai) for every rule as follows: # initialize every FI (WI) and FI
  36. Less exacting) requirement can now be satisfied by choosing the weights, wi , equal to the integrals (using same weight function \omega) of the Lagrange
  37. Cast aside-:: What! So lovely, an ' not to be own'd;: Oh! A God-gift a-treated, wi ,' scorn:: Oh! A child that a squire should own;: An' to end her AWA to be
  38. The FI (WI) and FI (Ai) for every rule as follows: # initialize every FI (, wi , ) and FI (Ai) wi th the empty set # add FI (WI) to FI (Ai) for every rule
  39. Baltic Sea:: Fire a time OC long entire is an. To u men a cult. Oc a Hausa., wi , Oc. staffer a. OC a HAI in GU. blot u air synonym OC drum sinus OC file i.
  40. N kinds of items,1 through n. Each kind of item I has a value vi and a weight, wi , We usually assume that all values and weights are nonnegative. To simplify the
  41. The speaker normally draws and cleans a knife, and at the line An' cut you up, wi ,' ready slight, plunges it into the haggis and cuts it open from end to end.
  42. Is equivalent to solving a smaller knapsack decision problem where2 V vi, W =, wi , and the items are restricted to J. Threshold dominance The wi th item is
  43. An' a-bred,":: I spoke up," at a place here about; ": And she answer'd, wi ,' checks up so red:: As a pi'NY late a-come out, : " No, I liv'd WI' my uncle
  44. Abbey in Edinburgh. Before he died, he is reported to have said," it came, wi , a lass,it'll gang WI a lass" (" It began wi th a girl, and it wi ll end wi th a
  45. Weighted calculation When the values xi are weighted wi th unequal weights, wi , the power sums s0,s1,s2 are each computed as:: \ s_j=\sum_IN. \, And the
  46. W_i\mod. Hence: c' \equiv \sum_in \alpha_i w_i\mod. The sum of all values, wi , is smaller than q and hence \sum_in \alpha_i w_I is also in the interval 0,q-1
  47. Early as 1873 (Meiji 6),but never became wi despread. # In modern times, ウィ (, wi , ) is used as the representation of a" WI" sound instead. In modern usage, the
  48. Shiva in the song Coded Language. *Viz Cartel in his song Licensed to Kill: Mi, wi , do DI time like Mandela, fi murder DI whole a them like Stephen Biko Paintings
  49. Initialize every FI (WI) and FI (Ai) wi th the empty set # add FI (, wi , ) to FI (Ai) for every rule Ai → WI, where FI is defined as follows: ##* FI (
  50. Problem. To simplify things, assume all weights are strictly positive (, wi , > 0). We wi sh to maximize total value subject to the constraint that total

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