Examples of the the word, retiree , in a Sentence Context

The word ( retiree ), is the 7871 most frequently used in English word vocabulary

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  1. 2003 following the dissolution of the Soviet Union in 1991. In 2003,Voronezh, retiree ,Valentin Valid built a monument to her without any support from the government
  2. Reduced) benefits are payable is 62. Full retirement benefits depend on a, retiree ,'s year of birth. Those born before 1938 have a normal retirement age of 65.
  3. The population of Florida's rural counties grew 25 %. The state's rural, retiree ,population grew 28 %. The overall population increased by 24 %, while the
  4. Station plays a large amount of specialty programs including those for the, retiree , ethnic and aboriginal communities throughout the day and a range of musical
  5. Is entitled depends upon that earnings record and upon the age at which the, retiree ,chooses to begin receiving benefits. For the entire history of Social Security
  6. Impact is much greater for the future retiree (in 2045) than for the current, retiree ,(2005). The male earning $95,000 per year and retiring in 2045 is estimated
  7. Senior Educators Ltd. The acquisition offers companies a new way to address, retiree ,medical insurance commitments. On July 12, 2010,Aon announced that it has
  8. Living quarters of plantation workers. ). Papal Camp consisted of employee and, retiree ,housing for workers at the Gay & Robinson sugar plantation in the ANPAA of
  9. State Park is one of the few major attractions of the area, which has a large, retiree ,population and a very low level of activity compared to major tourist regions
  10. Supplements earned during a year were also eligible for retirement. Thus, a 2010, retiree , a 47-year-old with a former salary of $75,540,was receiving an $86,580
  11. The town has seen a decrease in the average household size. In addition, more, retiree , and single parent households can be found. Limited employment opportunities is
  12. In the 1950s. Scottsdale quickly became a popular city for new family and, retiree ,transplants. Today, the long Scottsdale Greenbelt connects four city parks -
  13. Were shot in Leonardslee Gardens, West Sussex, the home of an Indian army, retiree ,which had appropriate trees and plants for the Indian setting. The film makes
  14. The taxpayer lived with the spouse at any time) generally saw part of the, retiree ,benefits subject to Federal income tax. In 1984,the portion of the benefits
  15. Terms. A recipient of a retirement pension is known as a pensioner or, retiree , Types of pensions Employment-based pensions (retirement plans) A retirement
  16. Station plays a large amount of specialty programs including those for the, retiree , ethnic and aboriginal communities throughout the day and a range of musical
  17. Originally from Pampa, is a St. Louis-based Christian televangelist–author and, retiree ,from the United States Air Force who hosts Christian Commentary, which airs
  18. Large retiree population. Its demographics are comparable to some top, retiree ,destinations in Florida, producing a pronounced deviation in favor of the 65
  19. Help the industry recover and achieve renewed prosperity for the region. With, retiree ,health care costs a significant issue, General Motors, Ford,and Chrysler
  20. Resigned by the team on July 21, 2008,making her a free agent or another WNBA, retiree ,who started their career with the dubious Portland Fire. *Sophia Witherspoon:
  21. Of Minnesota increased 12 %. The working-age population increased 14 % and the, retiree ,population increased 9 %. North Dakota In the 1990s,the rural population of
  22. Financing from his rich uncle Bill, a wise but senile eighty-two-year-old, retiree ,who lives in a dilapidated trailer despite having nearly $300,000 in his bank
  23. Arizona In the 1990s,Arizona's rural population grew by 29 % while the rural, retiree ,population grew by 43 %. Colorado During the 1990s,Colorado's rural
  24. At times accidentally damaging his property. As a result, the gruff old, retiree ,displays a less-than-cordial attitude towards the young boy, though Dennis
  25. If the Postal Service could not readjust its payment toward the pre-funding of, retiree ,health benefits, as mandated by the Postal Accountability & Enhancement Act of
  26. Grandfather, walked his dog every morning, and portrayed himself as a harmless, retiree , Lansky's associates usually met him in malls and other crowded locations.
  27. It made the filing as it grappled with an $80 million unfunded pension and, retiree ,health benefit liability that is over five times its annual budget of $17
  28. Plan of retirement savings, investments and expenditures will outlast the, retiree , Retirement calculators vary in the extent to which they take taxes, social
  29. Of 345,164. Age distribution Victoria is known for its disproportionately large, retiree ,population. Some 6.4 percent of the population of Victoria and its surrounding
  30. Which varies according to country. Synonyms include pensioner in UK English and, retiree ,and senior in US English. Some dictionaries describe widespread usage of "
  31. Government, charity,educational, pre-college,school, student,home use and, retiree ,use and depend on geographical region. Student licenses cost $140. A general "
  32. Meaning (win out, lose out, face up to, etc.) ". Noun endings such as -EE (, retiree ,),-very (bakery),-star (gangster) and -can (beautician) are also
  33. Located on the west side of Cedar Creek Lake, it is a popular second home and, retiree ,destination. Geography Tool is located at (32.280459,-96.172678). According
  34. Get smaller – even negative. However, the impact is much greater for the future, retiree ,(in 2045) than for the current retiree (2005). The male earning $95,000 per
  35. World War II and peaked in the 1950s and 1960s. However, difficulties paying, retiree ,benefits, environmental struggles, and the signing of the North American Free
  36. Population grew 28 %. The overall population increased by 24 %, while the, retiree ,population increased 19 %. It's projected to surpass New York as the 3rd most
  37. Have enough to survive possible bear markets such as the one that sent the 1973, retiree , back to work after 20 years. The history of the US stock market shows that one
  38. The United States Permanent Resident Card). * pensioner visa (also known as, retiree ,visa or retirement visa),issued by a limited number of countries (Australia
  39. Secured the drivers' title for his team-mate and first leg super special stage, retiree ,on a patch of oil, Tommi Making, as well as confirming the constructors '
  40. Rates and Social Security tax rates, the number of workers supporting each, retiree , the rate of productivity growth among the remaining workers and the mechanics
  41. Population grew by 23 %. The statewide population grew 31 %, the statewide, retiree ,population grew by 27 %, and the statewide working-age population grew by 31 %.
  42. 37 percent — there will be less than three potential income earners for every, retiree ,in the population. The trust fund would then be exhausted by 2036 without
  43. That" retired personnel are a part of the land or naval forces. " The military, retiree , then, is not simply a civilian. The court held that the admiral was" a part
  44. Offering $100 a month per year of service would provide $3,000 per month to a, retiree ,with 30 years of service. While this type of plan is popular among unionized
  45. For life are sometimes regarded as insurance against the possibility that a, retiree ,will outlive his or her financial resources. In that sense, they are the
  46. By 20 %. Meanwhile, the rural working-age population grew 22 % and the rural, retiree ,population grew 16 %. Overall there was 21 % growth, with 23 % for statewide
  47. The 1990s,Colorado's rural working-age population grew by 40 % and the rural, retiree ,population grew by 23 %. The statewide population grew 31 %, the statewide
  48. The House of Representatives. In 1988,Lott ran for Senate to replace another, retiree , Senator John Tennis and won. After Republicans took the majority in the
  49. Were 90.50 males. Henderson County is characterized by its exceptionally large, retiree ,population. Its demographics are comparable to some top retiree
  50. Currency and market fluctuations, and provide recurrent cash flows to pay for, retiree ,benefits in the short-medium term: from that perspective, infrastructure is an

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