Examples of the the word, terrace , in a Sentence Context

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  1. Gate. 37-39. Herod's Palace: 37. Upper terrace . 38. middle terrace . 39. lower, terrace , A. strata cache found in case mate. B. Herod's throne room. C. colorful
  2. By Saudi. Image: Goelbirdnests06390137. JPG|Bird nests built by Saudi in the, terrace ,walls. The walls imitate the trees planted on them. Image: GuellTerraceSeperate
  3. A game of" croquet" in full swing. The croquet lawn existed on the northern, terrace , between Clinton Castle and the Lug ton Water. The 13th Earl developed a
  4. Sets The regular exterior buildings shown in Coronation Street include a row of, terrace ,houses, several townhouses, and communal areas including a newsagent (The
  5. A rectangular base and is about 30 meters high. Near the top is a rectangular, terrace ,with an iron fence. On each side of the fence is an iron console construction
  6. Below. The temple site was on a low spur of the hill, below the town. An early, terrace ,wall supports a precinct in which are a stop and some remains of temples; these
  7. Living area and salon before continuing externally from the first floor roof, terrace ,up to the second floor solarium. Throughout his career Cor busier was interested
  8. Impressive ruins, with palaces and temples bordering a large plaza upon a, terrace ,above the Usumacinta River. Lachlan is known for the large quantity of
  9. Of Trajan stopping to provide justice for a poor widow is present in the first, terrace ,of Purgatory as a lesson to those who are purged for being proud. He also
  10. Was recorded. Only one small specimen was found growing on a coastal river, terrace ,that had experienced substantial development and expansion of vegetation over
  11. Hard enough. Gallery of Images Images: Barcelona park!. JPG | View from the main, terrace ,of the park. Image: Goelenterance06390139. JPG|Entrance to the Park. Image:
  12. Sweeten them, or He'll envenom. Conversely, in the Purgatory, after leaving the, terrace ,of the proud, Dante has learned from the example set by Umberto and suppresses
  13. Of the peaks rise to a height of over. So, the population resorts to the, terrace ,system of cultivation, with remarkable success. A number of the heads of the
  14. Chains. Derivation from the Spanish Andes (in the sense of cultivation, terrace ,) has also been proposed, yet considered very unlikely. Geography The Andes can
  15. Storerooms. 35. bathhouse. 36. water gate. 37-39. Herod's Palace: 37. Upper, terrace , 38. middle terrace . 39. lower terrace . A. strata cache found in case mate. B.
  16. On the incline behind ropes. It is often compared to the infamous left field ", terrace ," at Cincinnati's Crowley Field, but,in truth, the 15-degree all-grass
  17. Section of the park, closest to the Palace, is the two-level garden with a, terrace ,facing the pond. The park around the Królikarnia Palace is situated on the old
  18. Steps leading from the lower part of campus (South Field) to its upper, terrace , With a design inspired by the City Beautiful movement, the steps of Low
  19. Terraces and the lowest one the flood plain terrace . The contemporary flooded, terrace ,still has visible valleys and ground depressions with water systems coming from
  20. Above the roof and a steel bridge connecting Millennium Park to a sculpture, terrace ,that leads into a restaurant on the wing’s third floor. Select projects Current
  21. More widespread Great Frigate birds nest in semi-deciduous trees on the shore, terrace ,with the greatest concentrations being in the North West and South Point areas.
  22. Opening in 1932 and 1936 respectively, and a roof was added to the North Bank, terrace , which was bombed during the Second World War and not restored until 1954. This
  23. That was located in Crowley Field, former home of the Cincinnati Reds. The, terrace ,at Crowley Field was sloped at 15 degrees in left field, while Tal's Hill is
  24. JPG|Doric columns support the roof of the lower court which forms the central, terrace , with serpentine seating round its edge. Image: Goelbench06390140. JPG|The
  25. The landscape were designed by Wright to echo the lake as well. Of the lowest, terrace ,was completed. Taliesin West,Wright's winter home and studio complex in
  26. Is represented in the central fountain, the Basin de Latone, in the garden, terrace ,of Versailles. Niobe, a queen of Thebes and wife of Amnion, boasted of
  27. JPG|Ventilation towers Image: LaPedreraParabola. JPG|Catenary arches under the, terrace ,of Casa Milà Image: CaMilá25062006 (005). JPG|Detail of an original balcony
  28. The horizontal feeling of the house. The wide strip window to the first floor, terrace ,has two baby pilotis to support and stiffen the wall above. Although these
  29. Runs from northwest to southeast through the city. Downtown is located on a low, terrace ,to the west of the river, with residential neighborhoods climbing hills to the
  30. File: George Rickey Ri10. GIF|George Rickey, Four Squares in Revert,1969, terrace , of the New National Gallery, Berlin,Germany File: Alexander Calder Crinkly
  31. Failed to persuade the UK authorities of the case for retaining a standing, terrace , decided to add 3,500 temporary seats to the Mayflower enclosure. This is
  32. Grove. Adelaide's inhabitants occupy 341,227 houses,54,826 semi-detached, row, terrace , or town houses and 49,327 flats, units or apartments. High socioeconomic areas
  33. Axes of the specimen (FCC, BCC,HCP) etc. Where the edges of an atomic, terrace ,causes deflection, a low density line is formed and is termed a" zone line ".
  34. Primarily historical record of their original appearance in 1575,with a steep, terrace ,along the south side of the gardens and steps leading down to eight square knots
  35. In Jordan to find Philby" hopelessly drunk and incoherent with grief on the, terrace ,of the flat," mourning the death of a little pet fox which had fallen from the
  36. In Congas. The soapstone sculptures of Old Testament prophets around the, terrace ,are considered amongst his finest work. The architecture, sculpture and
  37. Completion, by a worker who had been laid off. The fence around the observatory, terrace ,was put up in 1947 after five people tried to jump during a three-week span. On
  38. Bridge FC and London FC. Starting with an open bowl-like design and one covered, terrace , Stamford Bridge had an original capacity of around 100,000. During the late
  39. Episode occurs near the end of part IV, when Narrow and Room sit on the, terrace ,of a house, from which they can see far into the horizon. As he gazes seaward
  40. 36. water gate. 37-39. Herod's Palace: 37. Upper terrace . 38. middle, terrace , 39. lower terrace . A. strata cache found in case mate. B. Herod's throne room
  41. With a number of dunes parted by peat swamps or small ponds cover the highest, terrace , These are mainly forested areas (pine forest). Climate Warsaw's climate is
  42. Highest one contains former flooded terrace s and the lowest one the flood plain, terrace , The contemporary flooded terrace still has visible valleys and ground
  43. Known as Lakes Field. This base is in an area called Lakes, a broad, flat sea, terrace ,that had been a farm. Lakes Field is a plateau rising out of the sea on the
  44. Planted on them. Image: GuellTerraceSeperate. JPG|An uninterrupted view of the, terrace ,walls. Image: Goelwalways06390156. JPG|Roadway in the Park - resembles the pine
  45. Of other buildings designed by Saudi. The focal point of the park is the main, terrace , surrounded by a long bench in the form of a sea serpent. To design the
  46. Palace of Charles V; some buildings are at odd positioning to each other. The, terrace ,or plateau where the Alhambra sits measures about in length by at its greatest
  47. Red-footed Booby that nests in colonies, in trees, on many parts of the shore, terrace , The widespread Brown Booby nests on the ground near the edge of the sea cliff
  48. Each alley is usually surmounted by a stylistic stone arch. The whole resembles, terrace ,houses or townhouses commonly seen in Anglo-American countries, but
  49. Church of St Dunstan's in the East to the St Paul's, and in having no quay or, terrace ,along the river. These plans were not implemented, and the rebuilt city
  50. It on the roof. A ramp rising from ground level to the third floor roof, terrace ,allows for an architectural promenade through the structure. The white tubular

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