Examples of the the word, reunion , in a Sentence Context

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  1. That an original line-up reunion had been in the works since the band's brief, reunion ,at Ozzy Osbourne's 1992 Costa Mesa show, and that the band released subsequent
  2. Hole guitarist Eric Grandson stated in Spin magazine that contractually no, reunion ,can take place without his involvement; therefore Nobody's Daughter would
  3. Citizens, exile was a feeling more difficult to pin down. They simply desired a, reunion ,with something that could hardly be named but which seemed to them to be the
  4. They have frequently been taken as a non-negotiable bottom-line for any form of, reunion , Theological diversity Anglicanism in general has always sought a balance
  5. An offer of approximately US$1,000,000,000 (one billion US dollars) to do a, reunion ,tour consisting of 100 concerts. For the 2004 semi-final of the Eurovision Song
  6. Raid. Four of the surviving members of the Raid were in attendance for the, reunion ,; Cole, Griffin,White and Thatcher, although White departed before the flyover.
  7. And Green Acres. Cady reprised the role of Sam Trucker for the 1990 Green Acres, reunion ,movie Return to Green Acres; Helen Thompson: Helen (played by Danielle Mari)
  8. Quadrilateral of 1888. Its intent was to provide the basis for discussions of, reunion ,with the Roman Catholic and Orthodox Churches, but it had the ancillary effect
  9. Past with Desiree, he sneaks out to see her; the two share a happy but strained, reunion , as they" Remember ". They reflect on their new lives, and Fredrik tries to
  10. The war (and continued to 1877) in an effort to solve the issues caused by, reunion , specifically the legal status of the 11 breakaway states, the Confederate
  11. And Forbidden (1993–1996) Drummer Vinny App ice left the band following the, reunion ,show to join Ronnie James Dio's solo band, later appearing on Dio's Strange
  12. Bandmates invited Jello Bianca to" bury the hatchet" in the form of a band, reunion , Jello Bianca felt it was unprofessional because no one contacted him directly.
  13. Playboys from the 1930s to the 1960s. Merle Haggard was invited to play at this, reunion , The session, scheduled for two days, took place in December 1973,with the
  14. Festival) is a Japanese traditional Buddhist custom, evolved into a family, reunion ,holiday. Many Japanese manufacturers and firms give their employees three to
  15. Black Sabbath line-up. Vocalist Tony Martin claimed that an original line-up, reunion ,had been in the works since the band's brief reunion at Ozzy Osbourne's 1992
  16. Occasionally and appear at tribute concerts. In 1973, he participated in a final, reunion ,session with members of some the Texas Playboys from the 1930s to the 1960s.
  17. Behavior. In 1875,he threatened several men with a pistol at a soldier's, reunion ,in Caldwell, Ohio. In 1878,he moved to Concordia, Kansas. Madness In 1887
  18. Magazine stated" a source close to Love says there have been discussions for, reunion ,concert, but nothing is set. " There was also no confirmation of a location for
  19. Which Barnes quit the band it was decided that Cold Chisel would split up. The, reunion ,saw the band perform at ANZ Stadium to the largest crowd of its career, with
  20. Was I thinking? '" According to Geezer Butler, there will be no Black Sabbath, reunion ,with Osbourne in 2011,as Osbourne will be touring with his solo band. On 17
  21. The terms of the settlement have not been disclosed. Talks of original line-up, reunion ,(2010 – present) In a January 2010 interview while promoting his biography I
  22. Stone reported that Wilson's manager, Jean Silvers, is " unfamiliar with, reunion ,plans ", although the magazine stated" a source close to Love says there have
  23. With all original members. Osbourne states" I'm not going to say I've written a, reunion ,out forever, but right now I don't think there is any chance. But who knows
  24. Am 25 years down the line considering the thing. " Besides a Big Audio Dynamite, reunion , Lets said he was also hopeful for more Legacy Editions of the group's albums
  25. Again with Beach Boys sessions veteran, Eddie Bayer's for an upcoming Beach Boys, reunion ,album. Bayer's commented on the new songs by Wilson by saying" Brian's new
  26. That although he is not ruling out a reunion , he is doubtful there will be a, reunion ,with all original members. Osbourne states" I'm not going to say I've written a
  27. As in the classic conception, but rather to examine an instant of sublimity,a, reunion ,with the spiritual self through the contemplation of nature. Image: Caspar
  28. Orthodox Church and the eastern rite of the Catholic Church. The political, reunion ,with the west, after the East-West schism, was put asunder by the Fourth
  29. Throughout the 1980s and 1990s,Big Audio Dynamite disbanded in 1997,but had a, reunion ,tour in 2011. History T. R. A. C. (1984) After being ousted from The Clash in
  30. Which challenged Christadelphian belief in, and finally Cyril Cooper (till, reunion ,in 1957). * In 1898,the Unamended Fellowship was separated from as a result
  31. Remainder continuing as a separate community. In 1957–1958,there was further, reunion ,with the Suffolk Street Fellowship, which had already incorporated many of the
  32. Exaggerated the truth. Commit was merely speculating and no actual plans of a, reunion ,were made. Musical style Although Black Sabbath have gone through many line-ups
  33. As in the classic conception, but rather to examine an instant of sublimity,a, reunion ,with the spiritual self through the contemplation of nature. Friedrich was
  34. Were dropped by London Records. Also in 1987,Bonsai Beat and Somerville did a, reunion ,concert for" International AIDS Day ", supported by New Order, at the Brixton
  35. Was involved in a notorious incident while playing a club date billed as a ", reunion ," with Parker, Powell,and Roach. Powell, who suffered from alcoholism and
  36. Billboard. Com that he and Mick Jones broached the idea of a Big Audio Dynamite, reunion ,in 2011. He explained," I could lie to you and say 'Not in a million years,'
  37. Called Carbon/Silicon. In early 2007,a BAD II live DVD was released. 2011, reunion , In April 2010,Don Lets revealed to Billboard. Com that he and Mick Jones
  38. According to textual scholars, this is really the Jahwist's account of the, reunion ,after Joseph identifies himself, and the account of the threat to enslave
  39. Davis as temporary president until elections could be held in 1862. Talk of, reunion ,and compromise went nowhere, because the Confederates insisted on independence
  40. Album that got the band out of the label deal, rid of the singer, and into the, reunion , However, I wasn’t privy to that information at the time ". I. R. S. Records
  41. Most reclusive member of the group and possibly also the major obstacle to any, reunion , raised the possibility of reuniting for a one-off engagement. She admitted
  42. His biography I Am Ozzy, Osbourne stated that although he is not ruling out a, reunion , he is doubtful there will be a reunion with all original members. Osbourne
  43. Popular. In the fall of 1973,Wills and Haggard began planning a Texas Playboys, reunion ,album, featuring most of the original Texas Playboys: McAuliffe, Stricklin
  44. Set of 2 CDs, a vinyl double album and a 5 CD box set. Possible 50th anniversary, reunion ,In June 2010,the Las Vegas Sun reported that Brian Wilson would join The Beach
  45. That the Birmingham journalist who he had spoken with about the possible, reunion ,exaggerated the truth. Commit was merely speculating and no actual plans of a
  46. Unbelievable. " Wilson on the other hand was asked if he was happy about the, reunion ,to which he replied not particularly and said he didn't really like working
  47. In 2011 to celebrate the 50th anniversary of the formation of the band. The, reunion ,would feature all the surviving sixties-era Beach Boys — Sardine himself
  48. Century, with the rise of the Oxford Movement, there arose greater concern for, reunion ,of the churches of" Catholic confession. " This desire to work towards full
  49. Formula of Reunion: In Brief (A summation of the, reunion ,between Cyril and John of Antioch)
  50. And went over to Labor. In 1922 Labor became the official opposition. A, reunion ,of the two warring factions took place in 1923 when the new Conservative Prime

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