Examples of the the word, tort , in a Sentence Context

The word ( tort ), is the 7857 most frequently used in English word vocabulary

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  1. Of all compensatory damages, whether the underlying claim is based on contract, tort , or both. Damages are likely to be limited to those reasonably foreseeable by
  2. Economics and society, evidence about people's emotions is often raised in, tort ,law claims for compensation and in criminal law prosecutions against alleged
  3. The common law, or to legislatively overrule the common law. An example is the, tort ,of wrongful death, which allows certain persons, usually a spouse, child or
  4. Is posed when deliberating whether a claimant is entitled to compensation for a, tort , is the" reasonable person ". The test is self-explanatory: would a reasonable
  5. His actual words were recorded on the parchment as follows:" Died said quit a, tort ,ET a peace. IL VA Benton arriver Mahler à crux quit nous ONT condemned à Mort
  6. To place the claimant in the position that would have been taken had the, tort ,not taken place. Damages in tort are quantified under two headings: general
  7. The tort committed in lieu of the injury or harm to the plaintiff. Damages in, tort ,are awarded generally to place the claimant in the position in which he would
  8. Law. In cases where an engineer's work fails he or she may be subject to the, tort ,of negligence and, in extreme cases, the charge of criminal negligence. An
  9. Because damages in tort put her in the position she would have been in had the, tort ,not taken place, and are calculated as her money back (£750) less the value
  10. And different from that applied in private-law proceedings, such as contract or, tort ,claims. France In France, most claims against the national or local governments
  11. The sense of a frivolous or harassing litigant) to be a crime as part of their, tort ,reform efforts. For example, in the U. S. states of California, Pennsylvania
  12. Since they are without sense and reason and can no more commit a, tort ,or a felony than a brute animal, since they are not far removed from brutes, as
  13. That any corporation could enjoy limited legal liability on both contract and, tort ,claims simply by registering as a" limited" company with the appropriate
  14. To buy),however in tort damages are £700. This is because damages in, tort ,put her in the position she would have been in had the tort not taken place
  15. Special damages basically include the compensatory and punitive damages for the, tort ,committed in lieu of the injury or harm to the plaintiff. Damages in tort are
  16. Part and inherent risk of the sport of baseball. It is not the function of, tort ,law to police such conduct. " Popular culture * In the 1989 film Major League
  17. Abuse. Otherwise, they would face the threat of civil action for damages in, tort ,proximately flowing from the failure to report the suspected injuries.
  18. Defined a new category of depict (the Scots law the nearest equivalent of, tort ,), ( which is really not based on negligence but on what is now known as the "
  19. Personal injury (following the tort of negligence by the defendant),or the, tort ,of defamation. Speculative damages are damages that have
  20. Assert that all one has to do is ask if one is aggressing against another (see, tort ,and contract law) in order to decide if an act is right or wrong. However
  21. A tort is rooted in common law, all traditionally recognized damages for that, tort ,may be sued for,whether there is mention of those damages in the
  22. Child or estate, to sue for damages on behalf of the deceased. There is no such, tort ,in English common law; thus, any jurisdiction that lacks a wrongful death
  23. Or else her damages would be £50. ) If the transaction were a" bad bargain ", tort ,gives a better result for the claimant. If in the above example Mary had
  24. Nonetheless found to be penal. Breach of tort duty - (ex depicts) Damages in, tort ,are generally awarded to place the claimant in the position that would have
  25. Law. In cases where an engineer's work fails he or she may be subject to the, tort ,of negligence and, in extreme cases, the charge of criminal negligence. An
  26. To place the claimant in the position in which he would have been had the, tort ,not taken place. Damages for breach of contract are generally awarded to place
  27. 843-44,853 (2d Cir. 1997) (noting continued vitality of INS" hot news ", tort ,under New York state law, but leaving open whether it survives
  28. Of Falwell's privacy (the Virginia courts had not recognized this privacy, tort , which is recognized in other states). Falwell versus Hustler <! -- Image with
  29. Far beyond the facts of the particular case. Common law The common law of, tort ,is an important tool for the resolution of environmental disputes that fall
  30. Consultative services. Emotional distress has been recognized as an actionable, tort , Generally, emotional distress damages had to be parasitic. That is, the
  31. A signatory to a contract by accident (usually through the commission of a, tort ,). Labor arbitration has also been used as a means of resolving
  32. A reasonably prudent person would exercise in like circumstances. The area of, tort ,law known as negligence involves harm caused by carelessness, not intentional
  33. Today, the main systematic divisions of the law into property, contract,and, tort ,(and to some extent unjust enrichment) can be found in the civil law as well
  34. For class treatment. Class treatment may not improve the efficiency of a mass, tort ,because the claims frequently involve individualized issues of law and fact
  35. Have suffered personal harm. Examples would be personal injury (following the, tort ,of negligence by the defendant),or the tort of defamation. Speculative
  36. He loses on the entire tort claim. For example,let's assume that a particular, tort ,has five elements. Each element must be proven. If the plaintiff proves only
  37. A plaintiff fails to prove any one element of his claim, he loses on the entire, tort ,claim. For example,let's assume that a particular tort has five elements.
  38. Would still be £450 (giving him the item he contracted to buy),however in, tort ,damages are £700. This is because damages in tort put her in the position she
  39. Also induced Mary to enter into the contract through a misrepresentation (a, tort ,). If Mary sues in tort , she is entitled to damages that put herself back to
  40. The watch was fake, and is entitled to her £100 back. Thus, her damages in, tort ,are £100. (However, she would have to return the watch, or else her damages
  41. Second order" constitutional law provision (cf. judicial activism). Where a, tort ,is rooted in common law, all traditionally recognized damages for that tort may
  42. Where there is dissent on a point of law in a provincial court of appeal. In, tort , equity, or other civil matters either party to a previous case may file an
  43. As liquidated, but which the court nonetheless found to be penal. Breach of, tort ,duty - (ex depicts) Damages in tort are generally awarded to place the
  44. Damages. In cases where it is possible to frame a claim in either contract or, tort , it is necessary to be aware of what gives the best outcome. If the transaction
  45. Enter into the contract through a misrepresentation (a tort ). If Mary sues in, tort , she is entitled to damages that put herself back to the same financial
  46. To be held responsible has (in the injured person's opinion) committed the, tort ,of negligence. If they did that, the law requires the injured person to show
  47. Those areas of law characterized by having a more conceptual basis. Contract, tort ,and land law are typical black letter law subjects, whereas administrative law
  48. Are available in American civil cases in most cases seeking money damages on a, tort ,law or contract law theory, but are rarely available when non-monetary damages
  49. Position that would have been taken had the tort not taken place. Damages in, tort ,are quantified under two headings: general damages and special damages. In
  50. AD) on the Twelve Tables treated fur tum (in modern parlance:" theft" ) as a, tort , Similarly, assault and violent robbery involved trespass as to the pater's

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