Examples of the the word, catastrophe , in a Sentence Context

The word ( catastrophe ), is the 7859 most frequently used in English word vocabulary

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  1. Types of cause: long-term pressure on the ecosystem (" press" ) and a sudden, catastrophe ,(" pulse" ) towards the end of the period of pressure. Their statistical
  2. Bottleneck resulting from cataclysmic natural events such as the Toby, catastrophe , Distinctive genetic characteristics have arisen, however,primarily as the
  3. Years ago (which would indicate that they were probably wiped out by the Toby, catastrophe ,; however, Homo erectus soloists and Homo floresiensis survived it). Often the
  4. Of 220 bishops' seats indicates that the Lombard migration was a crippling, catastrophe ,for the Church. Yet according to Walter Poll the regions directly occupied by
  5. Mechanics, when the old theory could not provide an answer to the ultraviolet, catastrophe , the Gibbs paradox, or how electron orbits could exist without the particles
  6. Scripted to a specific historical situation, in response to an historical, catastrophe , addressing the survivors of this catastrophe in a distinctive religious
  7. Were" treating Galactic like a force of nature; an inevitable, planetary, catastrophe , that there is no reasoning with, no bargaining with and no escaping. " The
  8. Terrible, or black, death ) had occurred in Scandinavia when he described the, catastrophe ,in 1832 and harsher winters with reduced harvests. In Northern Europe, new
  9. The Justice League is largely uninvolved as Batman and Gotham City face, catastrophe ,in the decade's closing crossover arc. In 1998's" ". Meanwhile,Batman's
  10. 2,000 - 20,000 individuals, resulting in a population bottleneck (see Toby, catastrophe ,theory). More recently several geneticists, including Lynn Jorge and Henry
  11. Calling it a" devious way to flood Britain with immigrants" and comparing the, catastrophe ,to flooding in Cambria at the beginning of 2005,which claimed three lives. The
  12. Website. Recent controversies During the 2011 Fukushima I Nuclear Power Plant, catastrophe ,it became public that the six reactors in the plant had been designed by
  13. To prove the existence of a world previous to ours, destroyed by some kind of, catastrophe , Biological explanations Early naturalists well understood the similarities and
  14. 1.5 million Christians and almost half a million Muslims being uprooted. This, catastrophe ,marked the end of the Legal Idea, and left Greece financially exhausted
  15. Finnish Civil War was never signed. Aftermath Bitter legacy The Civil War was a, catastrophe ,for the Finnish nation. Almost 37,000 people perished,5,900 of whom (16
  16. Island of Crete, further leading some to believe that this may have been the, catastrophe ,that inspired the story. A. G. Papadopoulos argued that Plato's dating of
  17. The issue but was skeptical of the claims that specific actions would prevent, catastrophe , then in 2008 that her doubts had been“ crystallized” by Nigel Lawson's book
  18. Deliberate or accidental, humans have been known to make mistakes resulting in, catastrophe , and losses within the Bermuda Triangle are no exception. For example, the
  19. Schemes and managing agricultural productivity. * Part of the hazard module in, catastrophe ,modeling. * Designing dams for water supply or hydroelectric power generation.
  20. Of the Gothic novel, leading to a series of absurd events culminating in, catastrophe , After her downfall, her affectations and excessive imaginations become
  21. Of Gettysburg looked as if some universal moving day had been interrupted by, catastrophe , " But there was only one documented civilian death during the battle: Minnie
  22. Channel, and northwest France. British policymakers insisted that would be a, catastrophe ,for British security. Western Front In the west, Germany sought a quick victory
  23. Into its alternate history. The others usually begin with the world rushing to, catastrophe , until people realize a better way of living: whether by mysterious gases from
  24. And archaeologists still debate it. This has led some to associate this, catastrophe ,with prehistoric flood myths. History The Black Sea was a busy waterway on the
  25. One experience with a female sovereign, Matilda in the 12th century, had been a, catastrophe , He eventually decided that it was necessary to divorce Catherine and find a
  26. The province, probably in person. Costumes' revolt One more consequence of the, catastrophe ,at the battle of Odessa was that Allies lost control over the two provinces
  27. To you. ' ..." Aftermath The result was a decisive Plantagenet victory, and a, catastrophe ,for the Valois. France was asked to pay a ransom equivalent to twice the
  28. The mass imprisonment led to high mortality rates in the camps, and the, catastrophe ,was compounded by a mentality of punishment, anger and indifference on the part
  29. To its size—as is the case in unlimited population growth (see Malthusian, catastrophe ,), continuously compounded interest, or radioactive decay—then the variable can
  30. Nuclear war, biological warfare or accidental contamination, nanotechnological, catastrophe , ill-advised physics experiments, a badly programmed super-intelligence, or a
  31. Controversy North gained some notoriety for his prediction of a possible Y2K, catastrophe , in print and online, before 2000. Like economists Don Calvary, Joel Spouse
  32. Giovanni Boccaccio in The Decameron (1353). Naming Medieval people called the, catastrophe ,of the 14th century either the" Great Pestilence" ' or the" Great Plague ".
  33. Long-term social, economic and ecological consequences of the Chernobyl, catastrophe , among others. CRDP works in the four most Chernobyl-affected areas in Ukraine:
  34. Yaodongs, artificial caves in less cliffs, many of which collapsed during the, catastrophe ,with great loss of life. The 1976 Tangshan earthquake, with death toll
  35. As chromosomal instability and translocation, the cell may undergo mitotic, catastrophe ,and die, or it may unexpectedly evade apoptosis leading to the progression of
  36. Physics experiments, a badly programmed super-intelligence, or a Malthusian, catastrophe ,after the deterioration of a planet's exosphere. This general theme is
  37. Churches. Prelude to the Comedian period,1025–1081 In the late 11th century, catastrophe ,struck with the unexpected and calamitous defeat of the imperial armies at the
  38. Observations, the photoelectric effect, and the nonexistence of the ultraviolet, catastrophe , proved troublesome. Through the work of leading theoretical physicists, a new
  39. Emanuel. The bill states that" the Great Lakes are on the brink of an ecologic, catastrophe ," and that" if the pattern of deterioration is not reversed immediately, the
  40. Left the country. People died in the fields from starvation and disease. The, catastrophe ,was particularly bad in County Mayo, where nearly ninety per cent of the
  41. The phenomenon of small events causing similar events leading to eventual, catastrophe ,is called the domino effect. The phenomenon also has some theoretical relevance
  42. Africa, near the coastal border of Namibia and Angola. According to the Toby, catastrophe ,theory to which some anthropologists and archeologists subscribe, the
  43. Aid at sufficient levels, the humanitarian crisis might become a humanitarian, catastrophe ,". Regions, departments,and sub-prefectures Chad has been divided since
  44. In response to an historical catastrophe , addressing the survivors of this, catastrophe ,in a distinctive religious context.
  45. Low frequency),but problems are found at high frequencies (see ultraviolet, catastrophe ,). Discrete structure The electromagnetic field may be thought of in a more
  46. The risk that the film ultimately cannot be released as a result of a total, catastrophe ,such as total loss of film negatives (or digital media),death of the
  47. A moral point of view and as something which was likely to lead to political, catastrophe , During the years of World War I,Rasputin's increasing drunkenness, sexual
  48. The Phanerozoic suggested that neither long-term pressure alone nor a, catastrophe ,alone was sufficient to cause a significant increase in the extinction rate.
  49. Special path" ( or" exceptionalism" ) as the root of Nazism and the German, catastrophe ,in the 20th century. According to the historiography by Hockey (1988),the
  50. Effect extended the insights that appeared in the solution of the ultraviolet, catastrophe ,presented by Max Planck in 1900. In his work, Planck showed that hot objects

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