Examples of the the word, neighbourhood , in a Sentence Context

The word ( neighbourhood ), is the 7869 most frequently used in English word vocabulary

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  1. Per square kilometer. The city's the highest density is found at and around the, neighbourhood , of la Sagrada Família where four of the city's most densely populated
  2. Got married. We were both reluctant. " As a family, they moved to the Fairmount, neighbourhood , of Philadelphia, where they were able to purchase a large 12-room house for a
  3. The Atoms, however,recovered their senses when the hostile force reached the, neighbourhood , of Labor. They concentrated their defense at Simalugarh and Sahara. In
  4. Connected at a point x if every neighborhood of x contains a connected open, neighbourhood , It is locally connected if it has a base of connected sets. It can be shown
  5. Of Baghdad to the central government through their representatives from the, neighbourhood , through the district, and up to the city council. The same process was used to
  6. By a few football fans from the small borough of Chief, a Verona, neighbourhood , Initially the club was not officially affiliated to the Italian Football
  7. A topological space is said to be locally connected at a point x if every, neighbourhood , of x contains a connected open neighborhood. It is locally connected if it has
  8. Planning applications and works with the police, district council officers, and,neighborhood, watch groups on matters of crime, security,and traffic. The parish council's
  9. The Man with the Broken Nose, to the Paris Salon. The subject was an elderly, neighbourhood , street porter. The unconventional bronze piece was not a traditional bust, but
  10. College. He spent much time at the college, which is in the Eagle Rock, neighbourhood , of Los Angeles. The college appears as" Tarzan College" in his satirical
  11. About him; so much so that on the death of the abbot of a monastery in the, neighbourhood , ( identified by some with Vicar),the community came to him and begged him
  12. Bus Terminal () is an important part of the bus network which covers every, neighbourhood , in the city. The Ankara Central Station is a major rail hub in Turkey. The
  13. Word and bring friends, relatives and neighbors to subsequent meetings. Each, neighbourhood , process ultimately ended with a final meeting where candidates for the new
  14. In 1891 by Francis Edwin Ewell, is located in Clark Park in the Spruce Hill, neighbourhood , of Philadelphia, Pennsylvania in the United States. The couch on which he died
  15. Asked their neighbors to vote for them. Once all 88 (later increased to 89),neighborhood, councils were in place, each neighborhood council elected representatives from
  16. From the inner city, is a peninsula with many fashionable homes, and a similar, neighbourhood , exists on the southern lake shore. Originally the city planners envisioned
  17. Fell into disrepair after the Second World War, and a large section of the, neighbourhood , was demolished during the construction of the subway. This led to riots, and as
  18. About things. And the first things I thought about were lawns – lawns and the, neighbourhood , " Other music for the film was also produced, this time composed by Angelo
  19. Number of neighborhood representatives on a district council is based upon the, neighbourhood , 's population. The next step was to have each of the nine district councils
  20. Combined with permeable concrete streets, storm drains can be omitted from the, neighbourhood , This can save more than $800 per house (1970s) by eliminating storm drains.
  21. An area in the City of Kamloops, British Columbia * Aberdeen, Abbotsford,a, neighbourhood , in the City of Abbotsford, British Columbia * Aberdeen, Nova Scotia, part of
  22. District is the so called“ Schloss berg ”, the lowest point is located near the, neighbourhood , of Prittlbach, at the border to the next community of Hebertshausen. The
  23. New functions for these. The process initially focused on the election of, neighbourhood , councils in the official neighborhoods, elected by neighborhood caucuses. The
  24. Of the ample sunshine in Greece. * Siri and Nazi - The reviving Siri (), neighbourhood , – a. k. a. Athens's" meat packing district" – is dotted with renovated
  25. From the mountainous region adjoining the Central African trough in the, neighbourhood , of the equator. From there, streams pour eastward into Lake Victoria, the
  26. Father was a clerk in the Navy Pay-office, and was temporarily on duty in the, neighbourhood , Very soon after the birth of Charles Dickens, however,the family moved for a
  27. Joost van den Model, and http://www.deplantageamsterdam.nl/ the Plant age, neighbourhood , with the zoo, are also located outside the Grachtengordel. Several parts of
  28. Muscat grapes; and its Kavaklıdere wine, which is produced in the Kavaklıdere, neighbourhood , within the Canada district of the city. Ankara is also famous for its pears.
  29. Helsinki, but later (1954–56) had a purpose-built office built in the same, neighbourhood ,- the latter building nowadays houses the Altar Alto Academy. Amino and Altar
  30. Via the metric d in the comparison d (x, y)<\var epsilon, but by an open, neighbourhood , N of 0 via subtraction in the comparison x-y \in N. A common generalization of
  31. Sequences in G that (x_k) and (y_k) are equivalent if their for every open, neighbourhood , U of the identity in G exists some number N such that whenever m, n>N it
  32. Is home to approximately seven million people. At the lowest level,the, neighbourhood , councils,each council represents an average of 75,000 people. The nine
  33. The incorporated large-scale demolitions began in Amsterdam's formerly Jewish, neighbourhood , Smaller streets, such as the Jodenbreestraat, were widened and saw almost all
  34. Stadium was torn down, and the land was sold to the city council. A residential, neighbourhood , now occupies the area. The only thing left of the old stadium are the letters
  35. Its German-style brewing history and the German culture of its Over-the-Rhine, neighbourhood , The Over-the-Rhine Brewery District has the largest collection of
  36. Election of neighborhood councils in the official neighborhoods, elected by, neighbourhood , caucuses. The CPA convened a series of meetings in each neighborhood to
  37. Blockade, but contented themselves with destroying all the supplies in the, neighbourhood , Early in 894 (or 895),want of food obliged the Danes to retire once more to
  38. Other coastal people perhaps confederated up to the basin of the Scale (in the, neighbourhood , of the ancient canton of Engrain) on the Instruct valleys below the
  39. Proposed; one such breakdown is: # Geographic communities: range from the local, neighbourhood , suburb, village,town or city, region,nation or even the planet as a whole.
  40. By neighborhood caucuses. The CPA convened a series of meetings in each, neighbourhood , to explain local government, to describe the caucus election process and to
  41. All 88 (later increased to 89) neighborhood councils were in place, each,neighborhood, council elected representatives from among their members to serve on one of the
  42. Y_n x_me (x_m y_no)^ \in UP which by continuity of the inverse is another open, neighbourhood , of the identity. It is transitive since x_n z_LA x_n y_me y_m z_LA \in U' U
  43. By the Great Plague of London. The Great Fire of London (1666) hit Defoe's, neighbourhood , hard,leaving only his and two other homes standing in the area. In 1667,when
  44. And opera. This huge modern complex, opened in 1986,lies in the former Jewish, neighbourhood , at Waterlooplein next to the river Hostel. The St opera is the home base of DE
  45. Been important in the prehistoric time, though,as was to be expected from its, neighbourhood , to Mycenae itself, there were traces of occupation in the later Aegean periods.
  46. Members to serve on one of the city's nine district councils. The number of, neighbourhood , representatives on a district council is based upon the neighbourhood 's
  47. As a result, Londoners speak with a mixture of accents, depending on ethnicity, neighbourhood , class, age,upbringing, and sundry other factors, and Multicultural London
  48. Process ultimately ended with a final meeting where candidates for the new, neighbourhood , councils identified themselves and asked their neighbors to vote for them.
  49. X_k) in a topological group G is a Cauchy sequence if for every open, neighbourhood , U of the identity in G there exists some number N such that whenever m, n>N it
  50. Consistent decisions based on information that is available in their local, neighbourhood , Many distributed algorithms are known with the running time much smaller than

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