Examples of the the word, autonomous , in a Sentence Context

The word ( autonomous ), is the 7856 most frequently used in English word vocabulary

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  1. The Treaty of Cars. The previously independent Magician SSR would also become, autonomous ,ASSR within Azerbaijan Soviet Socialist Republic by the treaty of Cars. On the
  2. Of Aruba to determine Aruba's separate status or" Status Apart" as a full, autonomous ,state under the crown. He proclaimed:" Aruba shall never accept a federation
  3. In the 6th century, but they were rebuilt and enlarged when Band became an, autonomous ,commune in the 12th century and, again,in the late 14th century. The city was
  4. Was one of the great languages of the Near East and Asia Minor. Although an, autonomous ,branch within the Indo-European family of languages, it had some affinities to
  5. Eight daily newspapers there. Efforts to create a newspaper for the entire, autonomous ,region have not succeeded (the most recent as of 2009 was the Dario de
  6. Occupied a disused military base and declared the Freetown Christiana,an, autonomous ,haven in central Copenhagen. Since the revival of anarchism in the mid 20th
  7. About art works, but has also to give a definition of what art is. Art is an, autonomous ,entity for philosophy, because art deals with the senses (i.e. the etymology
  8. Of the autonomous communities of Extremaduran and Castile-La Manchu; west of the, autonomous ,community of Murcia and the Mediterranean Sea; east of Portugal and the
  9. The present Aberdeen shire council area, with the other two districts becoming, autonomous ,council areas. Demographics The council area has a population of 236,260
  10. Names a person acceptable to the ruling party or coalition of parties in the, autonomous ,region. In theory, were the candidate to fail to gain the needed majority, the
  11. Robust survival rate for towns, whereas the occupation of territory by, autonomous ,military bands interested mainly in raiding and looting had a more severe
  12. All have been in the first division at one time or another. The Andalusia, autonomous ,football team is not in any league, and plays only friendly matches. In recent
  13. Size of the satellite interceptors and great computational power enabling more, autonomous ,targeting. Rather than rely exclusively on ground-based control, the many smalls
  14. The trend toward rejuvenation of the population is among the strongest of any, autonomous ,community of Spain, or of any comparable region in Europe. Comparison of the
  15. Community, and the ordinary representative of the Spanish state in the, autonomous ,community. The president is formally named to the position by the Monarch of
  16. Was revealed by his physical features. Sculptural fragments to Rodin were, autonomous ,works, and he considered them the essence of his artistic statement. His
  17. Is unitary throughout the kingdom and whose powers are not transferred to the, autonomous ,communities. The Andalusian territory is divided into 88 legal/judicial
  18. Was formed in accord with a referendum of February 28, 1980 and became an, autonomous ,community under the 1981 Statute of Autonomy known as the Statute de Carmona.
  19. Of its poorest a century later. Government and politics Andalusia one of the 17, autonomous , communities of Spain. The Andalusian Autonomous Government (Spanish: Junta de
  20. Of Majorca. He followed this with the conquest of Minor ca - until then,an, autonomous ,Muslim state (Mantra) under the Kingdom of Majorca - on 17 January 1287,the
  21. Counties – today's Croatian part of Banana and Međimurje county) *Serbia (, autonomous ,province of Vojvodina and parts of the present-day Belgrade north of the Save
  22. National standard variety of the German language spoken in Austria and in the, autonomous ,Province of South Tyrol (Italy). The standardized form of Austrian German for
  23. Region followed Article 151 of the Constitution, making Andalusia the only, autonomous ,community to take that particular course. That article was set out for regions
  24. For its ecological design and approach to a self-sustaining ecology as an, autonomous ,building and example of sustainable architecture. Earthly In the arts, Steiner
  25. Above all wind energy. The Andalusian Energy Agency established in 2005 by the, autonomous ,government, is a new governmental organ charged with the development of energy
  26. Andalusia (, ;,or) is the most populous and the second largest in area of the, autonomous ,communities of Spain. The Andalusian autonomous community is officially
  27. Solzhenitsyn argued over Russian culture, that the West erred in" denying its, autonomous ,character and therefore never understood it" that political prisoners
  28. Constitution),for Aruba's" status apart" as the status of an, autonomous ,state within the Kingdom of the Netherlands. By 1954,the Charter of the
  29. Was founded by Count John II and his wife, Agnes. Although Babelsberg was an, autonomous ,city, it remained dependent on the powerful Dukes of Bavaria. The last Lord of
  30. Second largest in area of the autonomous communities of Spain. The Andalusian, autonomous ,community is officially recognized as a nationality of Spain. The territory is
  31. Of Spain's scientific production behind only Madrid and Catalonia among the, autonomous ,communities, even though regional investment in research and development (RD
  32. Demanded that the nationalities of the empire have the" freest opportunity to, autonomous ,development ". In response, Karl I agreed to reconvene the imperial parliament
  33. Within the Azerbaijani Defense Ministry. The defense industry has emerged as an, autonomous ,entity with a growing defense production capability. The ministry is
  34. Regions and nationalities of Spain. The process to establish Andalusia as an, autonomous ,region followed Article 151 of the Constitution, making Andalusia the only
  35. The construction boom has raised many environmental concerns and both the local, autonomous ,government and city council are under scrutiny by the European Union. The
  36. And southern states). Before the" Status Apart" ( a separate completely, autonomous ,country/state within the Kingdom),oil processing was the dominant industry in
  37. Protestant Church, representing the earliest Lutherans in America, has, autonomous , and congregationally-oriented ministries and believes it consecrates deacons
  38. Three years before his death, he published a will leaving his kingdom to three, autonomous ,religious orders based in Palestine and politically largely independent on the
  39. Sector. The Council of Innovation, Science and Business is the organ of the, autonomous ,government responsible for universities, research,technological development
  40. Resembling the county and parish councils in England, and placed the, autonomous ,administration of the peasant communes under the supervision of landed
  41. Within the government, the President is the supreme representative of the, autonomous ,community, and the ordinary representative of the Spanish state in the
  42. Andalusia is in the south of the Iberian Peninsula, immediately south of the, autonomous ,communities of Extremaduran and Castile-La Manchu; west of the autonomous
  43. Andalusia, whether they are protected at the level of the local community,the, autonomous ,community of Andalusia, the Spanish state, or by international conventions.
  44. After Galicia, and Andalusia's 38 fishing ports are the most of any Spanish, autonomous ,community. Commercial fishing produces only 0.5 percent of the product of the
  45. Areas of Andalusia have heavy visitor traffic for much of the year. Among the, autonomous ,communities, Andalusia is second only to Catalonia in tourism, with nearly 30
  46. Specifically, the belief of the Crown that national churches should be, autonomous ,– rather than theological disagreement. The effort was to create a national
  47. Or other similar names. Comarcas and mancomunidades Within the various, autonomous ,communities of Spain, comarcas are comparable to shires (or, in some countries
  48. Counties) in the English-speaking world. Unlike in some of Spain's other, autonomous ,communities, under the original 1981 Statute of Autonomy, the comarcas of
  49. Their identity. Demographics Andalusia ranks first by population among the 17, autonomous , communities of Spain. The estimated population at the beginning of 2009 was
  50. Number of men needed and enabled decentralization of technical fire control to, autonomous ,sub-battery fire units such as platoons, troops or sections, although some

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