Examples of the the word, arsenal , in a Sentence Context

The word ( arsenal ), is the 7852 most frequently used in English word vocabulary

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  1. Les Daniels credits Gardner Fox with creating the concept of Batman's, arsenal ,with the introduction of the utility belt in Detective Comics #29 (July 1939)
  2. 2001 the Joint Direct Attack Munition or ADAM was added to the Tomcat's, arsenal , On 7 October 2001,F-14s would lead some of the first strikes into Afghanistan
  3. Island Arsenal, which is the largest government-owned weapons manufacturing, arsenal ,in the United States. ONE, Inc,a large manufacturer of elevators, is located
  4. Force in Afghanistan as part of ISAF. Bulgaria had a significant missile, arsenal , including 67 SCUD-B,50 FROG-7 and 24 SS-23 ballistic missiles. In 2002
  5. Troublesome city that independence was out of the question. Included in the, arsenal ,of ABD al-Rahman's army were thirty-six siege engines. Zaragoza's famous
  6. Overhand right: The overhand right is a punch not found in every boxer's, arsenal , Unlike the right cross, which has a trajectory parallel to the ground, the
  7. Of the face. The jab is recognized as the most important punch in a boxer's, arsenal ,because it provides a fair amount of its own cover, and it leaves the least
  8. BGM-109 Tomahawk missile model has become a significant part of the US naval, arsenal , It gives ships and submarines an extremely accurate, long-range,conventional
  9. Been discovered in Europe, where they seem to have formed part of the Stone Age, arsenal ,of weapons. One boomerang that was discovered in Jasmina Obłazowa in the
  10. In 1992 during the regiment's withdrawal from Stepanakert) and the 49th, arsenal , was completed in 1992. Thus, by the end of 1992,Azerbaijan received arms and
  11. Syria, in control of Lebanon at that time, allowed Hezbollah to maintain their, arsenal , and control the Shiite areas in Southern Lebanon along the border with Israel.
  12. Aircraft carrier as the main future capital ship, with developments such as the, arsenal ,ship, which have been promoted as an alternative, seen as too limited in terms
  13. English. At this time, the Burgundians had the strongest and largest gunpowder, arsenal ,among the European powers, and yet the French, under Joan of Arc's leadership
  14. Mark III (or Mark 3) atomic bomb. Approximately 100 units were added to the, arsenal ,before retirement by 1950. Interior of bomb The original blueprints of the
  15. In Zagreb. Although the state inherited much of Austro-Hungary's military, arsenal , including the entire fleet, the Kingdom of Italy moved rapidly to annex the
  16. States,except one battery of artillery guarding West Point's, arsenal , However, because of continuing conflict with Native Americans, it was soon
  17. And shows the areas explored to that point. Doom is notable for the weapons, arsenal ,available to the marine, which became prototypical for first-person shooters.
  18. Control of areas close to shore. It is argued however that such missiles and, arsenal ,ships pose no serious threat as they would be eliminated due to increasing
  19. Electronic effects and processing, unorthodox chord structures, and a copious, arsenal ,of equipment used over the years. Despite his esteem, however,Life son is often
  20. Conquest, the Araucanians quickly added horses and European weaponry to their, arsenal ,of clubs and bows and arrows. They became adept at raiding Spanish settlements
  21. Admiral, adobe,alchemy, alcohol,algebra, algorithm,alkaline, almanac,amber, arsenal , assassin, banana,candy, carat,cipher, coffee,cotton, hazard,jar, jasmine
  22. Goal of weapons self-sufficiency. Their intention was never to develop a large, arsenal ,but to have the technical capability to produce the arms needed for Brazil's
  23. This conversion was principally carried out at the Army's Springfield Armory, arsenal ,repair shops. All models of Gatling guns were declared obsolete by the U. S.
  24. S assets and denies alleged CIA members visas into the US. External aid and, arsenal ,The US government suspects the Continuity IRA of having received funds and arms
  25. By militaries in the second half of the 19th century. Notables in the U. S., arsenal ,during the 20th century included the Browning M2 .50-caliber heavy machine gun
  26. Everybody wants to put their own spin on it. " Equipment Batman uses a large, arsenal ,of specialized gadgets in his war against crime, the designs of which usually
  27. Of children to drill as cadets, and a year later, he was given a miniature, arsenal , Fritz was beaten for being thrown off a bolting horse and wearing gloves in
  28. And attacked Córdoba itself. Thereafter, he constructed a fleet and naval, arsenal ,at Seville to repel future raids. He responded to William of Septimania's
  29. And neither the Dutch book argument, nor any other in the personalist, arsenal ,of proofs of the probability axioms, entails the dynamic assumption. Not one
  30. The October 1962 Cuban missile crisis. The United States had a much larger, arsenal ,of long-range nuclear weapons than the Soviet Union, as well as medium-range
  31. Day ASEAN due to its unique mastery of bronze-smithing and use of a central, arsenal ,) fed by many cottage industries within the immediate region.
  32. Capabilities. Opponents argue that Cubes are increasingly vulnerable to, arsenal ,ships and cruise missiles, especially those with supersonic flight and the
  33. The City in the Pyramid. The group locate the City, which is in fact a floating, arsenal ,powered by advanced technology and inhabited by a people originally from Forum
  34. Its citadel) and attacked Córdoba. Thereafter, he constructed a fleet and naval, arsenal ,at Seville to repel future raids. He responded to William of Septimania's
  35. Methods and production The modern day graffiti artist can be found with an, arsenal ,of various materials that allow for a successful production of a piece. This
  36. Have argued that he was merely explaining the usefulness of America's atomic, arsenal ,in deterring the USSR from continuing its domination of Eastern Europe. - what
  37. List of excuses" meant to justify the continued existence of Hezbullah's, arsenal , 2011 attack in Istanbul In July 2011,Italian newspaper Create Della Era
  38. Energy equivalent to 6,000,000 megatons of TNT (600 times the world's nuclear, arsenal ,). Two impacts 12 hours apart on July 19 created impact marks of similar size
  39. S. Ships. Current estimates, the Israeli government believed Hezbollah had an, arsenal ,of more than 15,000 long-range rockets stationed on its border with Lebanon.
  40. David Karapetyan confirmed that the Armenian army now has S-300s in its missile, arsenal , He declined to specify their number and dates of delivery. Surface to Surface
  41. Battery, magazine,and barracks. From 1808 until 1814 it was a federal, arsenal , At the end of the War of 1812,Fort Gibson was built and remained a military
  42. Arms and material from the Balkans. They also suspect that the Continuity IRA, arsenal ,contains some weapons that were taken from Provisional IRA arms dumps
  43. In 1910 is the oldest club in Ankara and associated with Ankara's military, arsenal ,manufacturing company ME. They were the Turkish Cup winners in 1972 and 1981.
  44. Warfare program in 1969 and 1970,the vast majority of its biological, arsenal ,was composed of these plant diseases. Biological weapons also target fisheries
  45. And Roman artillery design is first evident in inventories of the Athenian, arsenal ,from between 338 and 326 BC. Torsion weapons, which rely on the energy
  46. Two conventional armies to fight, the loser would have redress in its nuclear, arsenal , Thus, no two nuclear powers have yet fought a conventional war directly, with
  47. In the Navy's RIM-161 Standard Missile 3. AMRAAM will continue to serve in the, arsenal ,of the USAF, the U. S. Navy, and the U. S. Marine Corps until at least 2020
  48. To effectively target almost the entire continental United States. The planned, arsenal ,was forty launchers. The Cuban populace readily noticed the arrival and
  49. Facility of the Aberdeen Proving Ground. Due to their home's nearness to the, arsenal , which stored mustard gas, gas masks were kept in the home. This had a profound
  50. Auschwitz also maintained a motor pool as well as an, arsenal ,from which all the SS personnel would draw weapons and ammunition, although

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