Examples of the the word, pathology , in a Sentence Context

The word ( pathology ), is the 7861 most frequently used in English word vocabulary

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  1. Dilutions followed ideological lines. Those favoring low dilutions stressed, pathology ,and a strong link to conventional medicine, while those favoring high dilutions
  2. Medical researcher, and Nobel laureate for his work in the physiology, pathology ,and surgery of the thyroid. Kosher was born in Bern, Switzerland. He studied in
  3. Came into psychiatric usage despite their basis in behavior rather than, pathology ,or etiology. In the 1920s surrealist opposition to psychiatry was expressed in
  4. And fluorescent in situ hybridization (FISH) fall within the territory of, pathology , *Radiology is concerned with imaging of the human body,e.g. by x-rays, x-ray
  5. Is also widely used in laboratory studies of plant physiology and plant, pathology , Serotonin techniques have been given special attention from NASA since a mist
  6. Galen contributed a substantial amount to the Hippocratic understanding of, pathology , Under Hippocrates’ bodily humors theory, differences in human moods come as a
  7. At Glasgow Royal Infirmary which houses histo pathology , microbiology and, pathology ,departments was named in his honor to recognize his work at the hospital. A
  8. And are considered hemoglobinopathies. Other variants cause no detectable, pathology , and are thus considered non-pathological variants. In the embryo: In the fetus
  9. Particular pattern of symptoms in a category reflected a particular underlying, pathology ,(an approach described as" neo-Kraepelinian” ). The psychodynamic or
  10. In the morning after suspected severe hypoglycemia had some underlying coronary, pathology ,that led to an induced fatal heart attack. Recently, several of these
  11. History and conditions. Social problems. Social reform * Subclass HE - Social, pathology , Social and public welfare. Criminology Class J - Political Science * Subclass
  12. However, anti-MuSK positive patients do not have evidence of thymus, pathology , In pregnancy In the long term, pregnancy does not affect myasthenia graves.
  13. By scientists from Berlin. Rudolf Virchow was the founder of cellular, pathology , while Robert Koch developed vaccines for anthrax, cholera,and tuberculosis.
  14. A good response to medication can also be considered a sign of autoimmune, pathology , Physical examination Muscle navigability can be tested for many muscles. A
  15. Most important scientific work is Zoonotic (1794–1796),contains a system of, pathology , and a chapter on 'Generation '. In the latter, he anticipated some of the
  16. Whipple's main research was concerned with anemia and with the physiology and, pathology ,of the liver. He won the Nobel Prize for his discovery that liver fed to anemic
  17. What distinguishes each disease symptomatically (as opposed to the underlying, pathology ,) is not any particular (pathognomonic) symptom or symptoms, but a specific
  18. Preparation on one chip. An emerging application area for biochips is clinical, pathology , especially the immediate point-of-care diagnosis of diseases. In addition
  19. The utility of this methodology, especially in an aging patient subject to, pathology ,of the collagen underpinning. Cosmetic surgery Collagen has been widely used in
  20. The microscopic study of diseased tissue, is an important tool in anatomical, pathology , since accurate diagnosis of cancer and other diseases usually requires
  21. To work with Theodor Keys and became head of the laboratory of anatomical, pathology ,at the psychiatric State Hospital Hamburg-Friedrichsberg. Following the death
  22. Motif. This fold is called a beta-roll in the STOP classification. Β sheets in, pathology ,Some proteins that are disordered or helical as monomers, such as amyloid β (
  23. North America),generally exclude practitioners of gynecology and obstetrics, pathology , psychiatry, and especially surgery and its subspecialties. Because their
  24. Held sway until the advent of germ theory, physiology,and organ basis of, pathology ,in the 19th century. In medieval Persia, Avicenna (980-1037) provided a
  25. Medicine such as general surgery, internal medicine, orthopaedic surgery, pathology ,etc. It has become an Internship center for students who had passed MBBS from
  26. Alternative to D&C for many surgical indications from diagnosis of uterine, pathology ,to removal of fibroid and even retained products of conception. It is less
  27. Levels). Uses Despite its name, a PUB is not typically used to investigate, pathology ,of the kidneys, ureters,or bladder, since these structures are difficult to
  28. Gyrus, anterior cingulate cortex, and superior temporal gyrus. The degree of, pathology ,in these areas has been directly related to the degree of cognitive change
  29. Leading researchers to posit that the conditions share the same etiology and, pathology , ICI or ICI may mean: * ICI programming language, a computer programming
  30. Involves diseases of other systems, where immune reactions play a part in the, pathology ,and clinical features. The diseases caused by disorders of the immune system
  31. Motor neurons that project from the motor cortex of the brain. On macroscopic, pathology , there is a degeneration of the ventral horns of the spinal cord, as well as
  32. Alzheimer, and they knew each other. Much of Alzheimer's later work on brain, pathology ,made use of Nissl's method of silver staining of the histological sections.
  33. Can help distinguish depression from dementia. A CT scan can exclude brain, pathology ,in those with psychotic, rapid-onset or otherwise unusual symptoms. No
  34. Other publications written in genetics, biochemistry,cell-physiology, pathology ,and clinical sciences could also incorporate data about migration or especially
  35. Tissue tends to develop edema, which makes a T2-weighted sequence sensitive for, pathology , and generally able to distinguish pathologic tissue from normal tissue. With
  36. Time do not fit easily into either of these categories, such as radiology, pathology , or anesthesia. Most of these have branched from one or other of the two camps
  37. And human physiology, Traditional Chinese Medicine attributes disease and, pathology ,to perturbations in the metaphysical force known as QI (a word variously
  38. He received the M. D. degree in 1905. After graduation. Whipple worked in the, pathology ,department at Hopkins until he went to Panama, during the time of the
  39. Step of phagocytosis. The significance of chemotaxis in biology and clinical, pathology ,was widely accepted in the 1930s. The most fundamental definitions belonging to
  40. That define syndromes should be described without any prior assumption of brain, pathology ,(although such links would be made later than scientific knowledge progressed).
  41. Kraepelin postulated that there is a specific brain or other biological, pathology ,underlying each of the major psychiatric disorders. As a colleague of Alois
  42. The specific services. Subspecialties include Transfusion medicine, Cellular, pathology , Clinical chemistry, Hematology,Clinical microbiology and Clinical immunology.
  43. Is an abnormal connection between veins and arteries, usually congenital. This, pathology ,is widely known because of its occurrence in the central nervous system, but
  44. Argue it almost entirely represents greater specification of the forms of, pathology , thereby allowing better grouping of more similar patients. The consensus
  45. Motion hundreds of times per day, repetitive stress injuries are a possible, pathology ,of occupational safety. Industrial noise also proved dangerous. When it was not
  46. Of training in pediatrics and obstetrics, and the knowledge of physiology and, pathology ,was interwoven in the teaching of all the clinical disciplines. The normal
  47. For the management of information generated from a digital slide. Digital, pathology ,is enabled in part by virtual microscopy, which is the practice of converting
  48. Morphologic, physiologic changes produced by them. As a diagnostic specialty, pathology ,can be considered the basis of modern scientific medical knowledge and plays a
  49. Environment, and the cosmos, on the contents of the body, on human vitality and, pathology , on the symptoms of illness, and on how to make diagnostic and therapeutic
  50. Tangles. A speech given on 3 November 1906 would be the first time the, pathology ,and the clinical symptoms of presence dementia would be presented together.

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