Examples of the the word, polite , in a Sentence Context

The word ( polite ), is the 7862 most frequently used in English word vocabulary

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  1. Result only in an embarrassing downfall. Accordingly, the administration made, polite ,protests at length via the usual channels, but without fervor. The Wall
  2. The trend towards film restraint already visible in what were called “, polite ,” comedies from other film companies. In France, Pathé retained its dominant
  3. She finds Rhett's attitude has noticeably changed. He is sober, kinder, polite , and seemingly disinterested. Though she misses the old Rhett at times, Scarlett
  4. Of desk; one is that it is a shortened form of であります de arias, which is a, polite ,form of である de ARU. In general, both forms are used in only writing and more
  5. Then eight months to complete, and Dreams premiered at Cannes in May 1990 to a, polite ,but muted reception, similar to the reaction the picture would generate
  6. In British and Australian use, as it and" butt" are commonly used as a, polite ,or childish euphemism for ruder words such as ass (commonly used in Atlantic
  7. Music, the terms still were considered indelicate and inappropriate for use in, polite ,company. According to one source, New Orleans-born drummer Earl Palmer" was
  8. Probably originally a Cree loanword). Older Canadians may see" bum" as more, polite ,than" butt ", which before the 1980s was often considered rude. Similarly the
  9. Baseball metaphors for sex" are perhaps the most famous and widely-used set of, polite ,euphemisms for sex and relationship behavior in the U. S. The metaphors
  10. Into English as" to have sex" ( and which is considered as crude in, polite ,society as its English counterpart). (When broadcast on television,Lili's
  11. Hijab or the hookah. Whereas this darkest of creeds is no longer tolerated in, polite ,society in the West, in the Arab world, Jew hatred remains culturally endemic.
  12. For" to eat" used between intimates or in reference to animals is. Used in, polite ,reference to commoners,it's. When used of those of higher social status, it
  13. Of history and politics, on a more extensive scale, which would not exclude, polite ,literature. " Rhetoric and style In attempting to navigate the cultural
  14. Ease her self-doubt, but it would be some time before they were accepted into, polite ,society. Acceptance was finally confirmed in 1877,when they were introduced to
  15. The very beginning. In everyday Aramaic, Mari was a very respectful form of, polite ,address, which means more than just" Teacher" and was somewhat similar to
  16. Of (someplace) ". In Georgian, the surname is not normally used as the, polite ,form of address; instead, the given name is used together with a title. For
  17. In 1881. In the ambiance of chit-chat and frivolity among members of Victorian, polite ,society a youthful Shaw describes his views on the arts, romantic love and the
  18. Becoming more popular in France, Germany,the Netherlands and Hungary as the, polite ,term of choice. Ironically, Toilet is itself a euphemism. * The word sex, which
  19. Humorous. People will often strain to hold in the passing of gas when in, polite ,company, or position themselves to conceal the noise and scent. In other
  20. song's topic. The disadvantage is that it takes concentration and effort be, polite ,and respectful in a chaos circle: It's easy to accidentally interrupt another
  21. Forms of sex, sexual orientations, etc. that have all become too pejorative for, polite ,conversation, including such notables as" getting your pole varnished" and "
  22. Between the and desk appears simple. For instance desk is more formal and, polite ,than the. Thus, many sentences such as the ones below are almost identical in
  23. Polite convention that everyone thinks. " The Turing test simply extends this ", polite ,convention" to machines. He doesn't intend to solve the problem of other
  24. Homophile groups for being assimilationist. Any demonstrations were orderly and, polite , By 1969,there were dozens of homophily organizations and publications in the
  25. Spoken to. The different registers, which include those used for common speech, polite ,speech, speaking to or about royals and speaking to or about monks, employ
  26. Heterosexuals are engaging in anal sex, a behavior once rarely mentioned in, polite ,circles. And the experimentation, they worry, may be linked to the current
  27. Be his only appearance on Nashville's Grand Ole Pry on October 2; after a, polite ,audience response, Opry manager Jim Denny told Phillips that his singer was "
  28. Marbles, then recently transported to England, and ignorantly depreciated by, polite ,connoisseurs. Among Canova's English pupils were sculptors Sir Richard
  29. Its only function is to make a sentence predicated with a stative verb more, polite , However, da always functions as a predicate, so it cannot be combined with a
  30. That" instead of arguing continually over this point it is usual to have the, polite ,convention that everyone thinks. " The Turing test simply extends this" polite
  31. And Canada. Many in the United States believe that the typical Canadian is more, polite ,than his or her American counterpart. Canada and the United States are often
  32. Dance scion," I thank (you) nicely ". See next for a more common form of the, polite ,request. ) *I would like ____, please: Started ____ (this example
  33. His developing identity. His father, Hesse stated," always seemed like a very, polite , very foreign, lonely,little-understood guest. " His father's tales from
  34. Lotus Europa) should be named a Lotus-Ford, an attitude that can be viewed as, polite ,refusal. The Lola proposal was chosen, since Lola had used a Ford V8 engine in
  35. As in A Girl's Folly (1917). Sidney Drew was the leader in developing “, polite ,comedy ”, while slapstick was refined by Fatty Ar buckle and Charles Chaplin
  36. Despite the significance to ideas of transformism, this was not really, polite ,enough for the new popular science writing, and was a matter for medical
  37. Lincoln's presentation, the applause was delayed, scattered,and" barely, polite , " In contrast, Pennsylvania Governor Curtis maintained," He pronounced that
  38. Like“ a meek and innocuous little old man, gentle and benevolent, friendly and, polite , If you wanted someone to entrust your child to, he would be the one you would
  39. And twiddle your pistol around and be impressed. " Although Brooks remained, polite , he did observe that Yates was obviously unfamiliar with modern country music.
  40. The abbreviation BS, or the word bull, often replaces the word bullshit in, polite ,society. (The term bullshit itself generally means lies or nonsense, and not
  41. The faithful at the Last Judgement. The dead body entices many euphemisms, some, polite , and some profane, as well as euphemisms such as worm food, dead meat, or
  42. Acceptable, and there are still many expressions that are out of place in, polite ,conversation. One influence on the current tolerance of such language may be
  43. The politics of consensus in the chamber, debates tend to be calmer and more, polite ,then, say,the Westminster system. Voting is conducted primarily by a show of
  44. A lot of money. ) ". *Datives ethics: The datives ethics, or the 'ethic or, polite ,dative,' is when the dative is used to signify that the person or thing spoken
  45. Dealer, who will relay the bet to the stick man. When chips must be tossed it is, polite ,to gain the dealer or stickman's attention and toss as few chips as necessary
  46. She appeared early in the strip as a new student in Calvin's class. She is, polite ,and studious, with a mild imagination consisting of stereotypical young-girl
  47. And an honorific suffix -ます -mass, is also used in some situations and is very, polite , Note that de ARU and de Mozart are considered to be compounds of a particle で
  48. Elgar was catching the attention of prominent critics, but their reviews were, polite ,rather than enthusiastic. Although he was in demand as a festival composer, he
  49. Of the Ottoman Empire but acted de facto independent rulers who maintained a, polite ,fiction of Ottoman suzerainty. However, from about 1875,the rulers had only DE
  50. Slapstick (usually referred to as“ burlesque farce” ), or alternatively “, polite ,comedy ”, which later came to be referred to as“ domestic comedy” or “

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